Who’s Ready to Die for Trump’s Ego?
OTHER WORDS-My granddaughter’s school has planned a trip to Thailand.
OTHER WORDS-My granddaughter’s school has planned a trip to Thailand.
PERSPECTIVE--Like the rest of the country, scholar and activist Dorian Warren woke up today to a new political reality: Joe Biden is suddenly the front-runner in the race to take on Donald Trump in November.
@TheGussReport – At LA City Hall, nobody wore their arrogance more defiantly than then-LA City Councilmember Mitch Englander who, after serving as chief-of-staff to his predecessor Greig Smith, represented the northwestern-most portion of the City of LA in the San Fernando Valley’s District 12 from 2011 thru 2018.
GELFAND’S WORLD--For the Democratic Party, winning this time is as simple as not losing -- again.
DEEGAN ON LA-While several challengers did not upset incumbent candidates in the March 3 primary election -- resulting in a continuation of the same politicos for most of the council district seats up for election --
ALPERN AT LARGE--Again, we lost an hour of sleep last Saturday night. So, while we're miserable in the morning, we're thrilled in the evenings with more light, productivity, and better spirits. Great...now let's KEEP things this way!
S.O.S. FOR LAAS-I am a former volunteer at the South LA / Chesterfield Square Animal Shelter. I am writing to you today because I am deeply concerned about what I have witnessed over the past three years at the shelter.
@THE GUSS REPORT-In Granada Hills at around 5:30 a.m. one day last week, he would have been held at gunpoint by the LAPD, forcefully handcuffed while lying face down with a cop’s knee pressing on his spine, thrown in the back of a patrol car, booked with a mug shot and held in custody until the bail hearing, which most likely would include an Assault with a Deadly Weapon charge, ADW.
CLIMATE WATCH-Global warming is not waiting around for the signatories to the Paris Climate Accord 2015 to go to net zero emissions 2030/50.
AT LENGTH-To some who don’t know 20th century history, the Green New Deal that Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders is pitching might sound like a radical departure. It’s not.
PUBLIC HEALTH-Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Situation Summary: I can’t begin to tell you how many news broadcasts I have watched or how many articles I have read related to the Coronavirus aka: COVID-19.
ONE MAN’S OPINION-A society that lives by fact-free emotional memes is a low information society. Since knowledge is power, ignorance can be fatal. For the Dems and the GOP, passion rules over reason.
@THE GUSS REPORT-The more Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder Dean C. Logan screws up our elections, the more taxpayer money he is paid. That’s government for you.
PLANNING WATCH-Last week I was a panelist at a Bernie Sanders campaign event entitled “A Path to Housing Justice,” uploaded to YouTube. As you can see from the above picture, a packed house closely followed the discussion of the housing crisis.
EASTSIDER-This saga goes all the way back to 2017, and abruptly ended when Superior Court Judge Mitchell Beckloff denied the Skid Row NC Formation Committee’s election appeal, asking that the Court certify a Skid Row Neighborhood Council in favor of the SRNCFC.
EMERGENCY PREP--Why is it that too many, not all, but many people wait until the disaster is here to “prepare”?
ALPERN AT LARGE--Both the credibility of California's Education Elites, and the Governor and accompanying Political Elites who enable them, just hit rock bottom.
SOUTH OF THE 10-2UrbanGirls previously wrote about “Inglewood Unified cracks down on low performing Charter Schools” which prompted a principal, from one of the schools in question, to reach out to us.
CAL BUZZ-After the contests in Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada, Calbuzz — still committed to the United Front Against Trump (UFAT) — began to wonder if the Democrats might have to settle for the benevolent plutocrat to take out the malignant autocrat.
ONE MAN’S OPINION-The rationale for Mayor Pete, Mother Klobuchar, and Tom (Slavery Reparations) Steyer to drop out of the race made sense, but that logic does not apply to Mayor Bloomberg.
WORLD WATCH--Sadly, we have become accustomed to Trump’s lies and misstatements about the presumed progress the US made under his watch.
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