In Trump’s America, Covid-19 Is Unusually Virulent
ONE MAN’S OPINION-Here in the United States, there are three main components that make up the current pandemic: a virulent virus, mental illness, and political cowardice.
ONE MAN’S OPINION-Here in the United States, there are three main components that make up the current pandemic: a virulent virus, mental illness, and political cowardice.
THE TRUTH ABOUT LACERS-We didn’t know if it would happen in 2020.
OTHER WORDS-The second highest office-holder of the great state of Texas, Republican Lieutenant General Dan Patrick, recently proclaimed on Fox News that lots of senior citizens would be willing — or should be, anyway — to sacrifice their lives to coronavirus in order to save the economy for their grandchildren.
PLANNING WATCH-Last week I wrote about the dubious exemption of construction projects from the State of California’s and City of LA’s shelter-in-place orders.
GUEST WORDS--What if the vaccine that’s eventually developed is so large in scope it includes the words of UN Secretary-General António Guterres and Pope Francis?
ELECTION VOICES-Herb Wesson knew his 13-year reign as Councilmember for District 10 and City Council President (eight years) was coming to an end but he was not ready to give up the reins of power yet.
AFFORDABLE HOUSING POLITICS-For years, activists and experts have been saying, repeatedly, that housing is not only a human right, but also a serious public health issue.
EASTSIDER-As we shall see later, I think that the Coronavirus just may do what citizens have not been able to do -- kill off the odious Casitas Lofts Project which seeks to destroy the old Bow Tie Yard over by the LA River, and give special “access” to the river for the wealthy who buy.
CALBUZZ--Thoughtful people who have witnessed President Trump’s ignorant, incompetent, idiotic news conferences on the Coronavirus find themselves ready to slit their wrists when they see that the president’s approval rating has gone up to 49% in the latest Gallup Poll.
ALPERN AT LARGE--One good thing about this terrible COVID-19 pandemic is that we're all evolving and (hopefully!) getting smarter and more aware of what good science and business practices should be for our nation (and always were), while becoming less tolerant of sensationalism.
@TheGussReport – Last year, I reported in this column that the LAPD was ordered by a Los Angeles judge to pay me roughly $2,000 (about $100 of which was for my expenses) due to its ongoing abuses of my 1st Amendment and Civil Rights for continually threatening me as I reported on corruption and failure in Los Angeles government.
COUNTER PUNCH-The United States has become the new center of the global coronavirus pandemic, with over 80,000 cases, more than China or Italy.
GELFAND’S WORLD--At some point, we will look back and try to rate the performance of our city’s institutions, including not only the government but the private and the volunteer sectors.
DEEGAN ON LA-Forget developers coveting your building as a potential tear-down, or your landlord using the Ellis Act to close it or convert it to condos.
VOICES-Suicide is not illegal in the U.S, but when one of our law enforcement officers takes his (or her) own life yet no one saw the probable emotional isolation that caused a “caretaker” to separate from his family, his mission and from himself -- it symbolizes a crime of failure on the part of society.
25TH AMENDMENT-Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.
VOICES--Good news from politics may seem hard to come by against a backdrop of pandemic and polarization.
ALPERN AT LARGE--With issues from overdensification to homeless to transportation, we're no longer in the position to debate whether we can tolerate too much densification, inadequate health resources, a lackluster effort to reduce homelessness, and an unreasoned approach to border, economic and security policies.
PUBLIC HEATH-I would like to start this article by thanking Governor Gavin Newsom for his statements in a press conference on Saturday, March 21, 2020.
MY TURN-Whether it be lions culling the weaker members from a zebra herd or a virus or other micro-organism attacking humans, the gene pool of all living species only retains its viability through continual subjugation to what appears to be hostile attacks of nature.
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