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Donald Trump is Making Americans Accomplices in Mass Murder


ONE MAN’S OPINION--While the public may claim ignorance of Trump’s perfidy in January and February 2020 as the Pandemic approached and the resulting tens of thousands of dead, Trump is now making all Americans accomplices in his next phase of mass murders. 

There is no basis to gainsay that Donald Trump is irredeemably mentally ill. To deny Trump’s lethal mental illness is as absurd as calling Covid-19 a “hoax,” “fake news” or a conspiracy to harm his presidency. The Dems have been in the forefront of squelching any talk of Trump’s mental illness because such an admission leads to the 25th Amendment.  Similarly, the Dem establishment opposed any description of Trump’s behavior as criminal as that would lead to impeachment.  Nancy Pelosi staked the entire future of the Dem Party on two things: (1) racist Identity Politics, and (2) Trump’s malfeasance. 

Removing Trump from office was an anathema to Pelosi as Mike Pence would take over and while Pence was a reactionary, faith based, anti-Gay bigot, he was no lunatic who would tweet insane tirades after watching Fox News.  For Pelosi, the worse Trump behaved, the better is was for her. In 2018, she regained her Speakership of the House, while allowing the GOP to gain slightly in the Senate. She stalled legitimate impeachment efforts by pretending the Mueller Investigation into Russia would provide impeachment grounds. 

Why anyone thought Mueller would find that Trump had colluded with Russia may be one of the great mysteries of American politics of 2018-2019.  The meeting with Russian adoption lawyer at Trump Towers proved that Trump was NOT colluding with Putin.  If he had been working in cooperation with Putin, Trump’s sons would not have met with this low-level Putin associate.  Of course, the Mueller Report almost destroyed the House impeachment inquiry, but after the courageous witnesses like Maria Yovanovitch and Alexander Vindman, the national mood changed. Even Fox News was backing away from Trump.  GOP leaders were signaling the additional evidence which they needed to abandon Trump. All Pelosi had to do allow the evidence gathering to continue and soon the snow balling rolling downhill effect would result in Trump’s being Nixonized, probably before December 31, 2019. Instead, Pelosi saved Trump by halting all evidence gathering. 

The Result of Leaving a Madman in the White House 

Unknown to the public, a pandemic was headed our way. Pelosi knew, Chuck Schumer knew, all the Dem leaders know, but Donald Trump did not know.  The reason Trump was unaware of the Covid-19 Pandemic when he had all the same facts and probably more data than anyone else in Washington officialdom is that he is serious mentally ill and cannot process facts.  All world’s leaders know that Trump is a mental defect. As a narcissistic Histrionic, Trump is mentally incapable of rationally processing data.  Trump’s thought processes are limited to the all-consuming passion to be the center of attention, to be impulsive, to be dramatic, to be excessively flamboyant and receive constant cheers.  That’s why Trump held campaign rallies on January 3, 9, 14, 28, 30, February 10, 19, 20, 21, 28, and March 2, 2020 while garnering cheers by denying the approaching mass disaster. As a result of Trump’s actions, the Covid-19 virus has already taken about 40,000 American lives. 

When someone shoots a gun into a crowded bus and kills someone, that wanton and reckless conduct satisfies the malice aforethought element of first-degree murder. The law does not care whether the shooter knows the victim’s identity. The reckless and wanton disregard for human life is sufficient for him to be a murderer. When someone poisons the food at restaurant and twenty people die, that is mass murder.  When a nurse injects patient with a deadly disease that is murder. When a political leader takes action 100% guaranteed to spread a lethally infectious disease among the population, that is mass murder.  Anyone who aides and abets the mass murderer is likewise criminally liable.

None of these facts are unknown to the American public.  Within the last two months, the public has learned the facts how to slow down the spread of the virus and how to save lives.  There can be no excuse for ignorance of the need for more testing, social distancing, and Safer at Home.  Societies who do it earliest and strictest have the lowest illness and death rates and their economies suffer the least.  That is why Los Angeles is doing better than New York City. 

Democrat States and Cities Are Doing Better 

Here’s the statistic which would drive Trump mad, if he were not already insane. Trump’s approval rating is 39% (NPR Poll). 

Los Angeles Mayor Garcetti’s approval rating is 86%; California Gov Gavin Newsom’s approval rating is 80%.  Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s (D) approval rating is 60 percent; New York Gov. Cuomo’s rating is 66%; Washington Gov. Jay Inslee (D) has 60% approval.  

A Histrionic like Trump requires that he be the constant center of attention receiving the highest cheers and praise.  Democratic mayors and governors having ratings double his ratings requires impulsively dramatic action.  Hence. Trump’s literal call to arms.  

Trump urges violent resurrection by the right wing to “Liberate” three states, more states to be named later. He invokes “the 2nd amendment rights.” After a brief flurry of media objections, most of the four networks’ Sunday morning talking heads pretend Trump did not call for violence. Whether any significant number of right wingers will attempt to assassinate their governors is not that likely, but what we know is that Social Distancing will stop in many red states and thousands of people will die.  Knowingly exposing hundreds of thousands of people to a proven the virus is mass murder.  It is no different than dumping poison into the drinking water. 

No One Will Do Anything 

Why should this outrage be any different from any prior Trump’s villainies? Why should any Dem act any differently than Neville Chamberlain? Why should Congress do its duty to remove a mentally ill President who has become a mass murderer and who is undertaking a second more deadly spike in the viral pandemic?  Americans are choosing to become accomplices in the new wave of mass murders. 

Deep inside one’s mind, one never truly forgets his own cowardly treachery.


(Richard Lee Abrams is a Los Angeles attorney and a CityWatch contributor. He can be reached at: [email protected]. Abrams’ views are his own and do not necessarily reflect the views of CityWatch.)
