Sat, Mar

SKID ROW ALERT: It's Time to Shut Down the Union Rescue Mission – Completely!


SKID ROW-I’m writing on behalf of the Skid Row Neighborhood Council-Formation Committee (SRNC-FC), "Skid Row Public Space Task Force," ISSUES AND SOLUTIONS, and "We, the People of Skid Row," who know that the first casualty of COVID-19 in URM contracted the disease weeks ago. 

Due to failed leadership, it appears that the deadly disease has already broken any feeble containment efforts thus far. 

But instead of a full and complete evacuation, URM's top brass are acting just like the Poverty Pimps they are, as they announce plans to hold on to half of our fellow Skid Row residents, a decision that jeopardizes URM staff as well. 

Union Rescue Mission is the ONLY facility that houses homeless women with children and homeless families in Skid Row, so there should have been an immediate relocation of these folks as soon as the first case of COVID-19 was confirmed within URM. 

Apparently, all the recent "photo-ops" with Dr. Ben Carson, Director of HUD, didn't amount to any long-term solutions, or direct-connect options in the case of an emergency -- like a PANDEMIC. 

We in Skid Row have lost all faith in URM's CEO Rev. Andy Bales. Now is the time to completely evacuate URM. Once it is completely empty, we must reduce the gigantic diseased-filled building to rubble and start over elsewhere with all new leadership. 

This is the same building and entity that also confirmed flesh-eating bacteria a couple years ago, in addition to tuberculosis, hepatitis A and many other diseases which seemingly use URM as a host to prey on those who enter. 

All URM staff should be quickly hired in their very same capacities to provide services at the newly converted Rec Centers across the City of Los Angeles. 

But alas, making a 50% reduction in the number of residents at URM will not benefit said Poverty Pimps who get paid according to the number of homeless individuals and families who are there. It’s obvious why the URM brass doesn't want them to leave. 






This correspondence will be shared widely. 

On behalf of the Skid Row community, we DEMAND swift and immediate action on this matter. 

Visit our Skid Row Neighborhood Council-Formation Committee website.

   #SkidRowStillHere      #SkidRowStillHere

Twitter: @GoSkidRowGo
Instagram: @SkidRowGeneralJeff

Skid Row community activist-

LA County-Appointed Official-
Consumer Representative on the inaugural LA County Health Agency Integration Advisory Board-
Selected by Mental Health Commission
Chair- LA County Health Agency IAB Subcommittee on Homelessness

Former Co-Chair- Skid Row Community Advisory Board for the
Department of Mental Health

Chair- "Skid Row Public Space Task Force"

Chair- Skid Row Neighborhood Council- Formation Committee

Former LA City-Elected Official (3 Two-Year Terms)
Resident Director- Central City East/Skid Row
Board of Directors
Downtown Los Angeles Neighborhood Council
Former VP, Outreach and Communications- DLANC

Former State-Appointed Official
California State Department of Public Health- Office of Health Equity-inaugural Advisory Committee Member

Co-Chair-"Skid Row Interagency Disaster Plan" Task Force


(General Jeff -- Jeff Page -- is a homelessness activist and leader in Downtown Los Angeles. Jeff’s views are his own.) Edited for CityWatch by Linda Abrams.