Empty Grocery Shelves and Dumped, Wasted Vegetables: Two Sides of a Supply Chain Problem
PERSPECTIVE--Covid-19 and climate change are testing a food system that critics say has lost its resilience.
PERSPECTIVE--Covid-19 and climate change are testing a food system that critics say has lost its resilience.
LETTER TO DEPT OF PLANNING-On April 13th I received a Courtesy Notice email regarding an online hearing scheduled for Thursday, April 23, 2020, for the proposed real estate project at 1309 Pacific in LA’s San Pedro neighborhood (CPC-2019-4908-DB-SPR).
PUBLIC HEALTH-Our planet is out of balance. This year, on April 22, 2020, we celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day.
SKID ROW-I’m writing on behalf of the Skid Row Neighborhood Council-Formation Committee (SRNC-FC), "Skid Row Public Space Task Force," ISSUES AND SOLUTIONS, and "We, the People of Skid Row," who know that the first casualty of COVID-19 in URM contracted the disease weeks ago.
ALPERN AT LARGE--More is feared than known about the pandemic in which we now are still reeling from--both the health and lifestyle changes, the physical and the economic impacts to our society, is historical in nature.
AT LENGTH-There’s not a whole lot you can do with a man who doesn’t listen or learn from his mistakes and one who continues talking from a point of ignorance during a time of crisis against overwhelming evidence. Such is this president.
ONE MAN’S OPINION--While the public may claim ignorance of Trump’s perfidy in January and February 2020 as the Pandemic approached and the resulting tens of thousands of dead, Trump is now making all Americans accomplices in his next phase of mass murders.
PLANNING WATCH-Hats off to former Los Angeles County Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky and journalist Jill Stewart for schooling us about the WIMBYs (Wall Street in my Back Yard).
(PART OF AN ONGOING SERIES)-“I can’t fit this into my head”. . .“My head hurts”. . .“I just completely do not get it!”
POLITICS--The U.S. Postal Service plays a vital role in our nation’s health and stability at this time of crisis.
EASTSIDER-As far back as 2009, with the indictment of CalPERS’ Fred Buenrostro and Alfred Villalobos, Private Equity and the delegation of authority to staff without proper oversight, resulted in jail sentences as well as rocking the giant pension fund to its core.
GUEST COMMENTARY--In looking at the coronavirus stats, it becomes clearer every day that the higher the density in a city, the more cases of the virus.
ALPERN AT LARGE--Fortunately, being stubborn or fixated on the past isn't outlawed.
CLIMATE POLITICS-A new study in Nature (April 2020) casts a disturbing light on the prospects of abrupt ecosystem collapse.
ONE MAN’S OPINION-Impeachment and the 25h Amendment share the same informal procedure.
GELFAND’S WORLD--We have reached the point at which public evaluation of Donald Trump’s behavior vis a vis the Corona virus is now appropriate.
VOICES-Did we really need more proof that developers are calling the shots at City Hall? Of course not. But we got it anyway.
(PART OF AN ON-GOING SERIES) On July 6, 2017, I sent Mayor Eric Garcetti a memo that stated, in part, “While it is difficult to predict, I would not be surprised to see a 10-12% increase in the City’s contribution rate (to LACERS) between now and 2021.
VOICES-The leader of the World Health Organization should resign immediately.
ONE MAN’S OPINION-People are all atwitter about former LA City Councilmember Mitch Englander’s indictment -- oh dearie, dearie, what’s next?
PERSPECTIVE--The demolition of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art - LACMA - has started, and one of the first casualties to disappear from the cultural history of Los Angeles is the Bing Theater.
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