Sun, Mar

The Real Reason Nancy Pelosi Does Not Want to ‘Nixonize’ Trump


ONE MAN’S OPINION-Impeachment and the 25h Amendment share the same informal procedure.

When a sufficient number of Washington officials realize that the President poses an unacceptable threat to the nation, the leaders of both parties, along with ranking military officials, visit the President and show him that enough members of Congress have committed in writing to remove him from office if he fails to see the need for instant retirement. The meeting must be especially well-structured when there is a President who is mentally ill and who suffers from the grandiose delusion that the military will support him. 

The Need to Freeze out the Political Extremes 

When Nixon was removed, the nation was not as polarized as it is today. Group Rights was not so entrenched and both parties believed in the Constitution. Today, neither political party has any use for the Constitution; their avaricious lust for power is all consuming. The Dems under Nancy Pelosi’s leadership have been far more in favor of keeping Trump in power than the GOP moderates, who are in hiding. 

Group Rights, the most pernicious idea to infect the American body politic, has enabled a mentally ill tyrant to occupy the throne. 

In Spring 2020, the nation is witnessing a bizarre phenomenon: GOP voters opt for death of loved ones in order to remain politically pure. Many red state Governors refuse to institute social distancing, knowing that they were condemning many of their own voters to death. 

At the other end of the political spectrum, we have racist left-wing group rights fanatics who argue that all white people, except for themselves, are villains according to the doctrine of White Entitlement. The theory goes that anyone who has light skin is a beneficiary of slavery and therefore liable for paying reparations. 

The main result of the Dem’s “Whites are Evil” approach will be to spur the racist right wing’s “White is Right” folks who will surge during the November 2020 elections, although they may not turn out in sufficient numbers to re-elect Trump. The result will be urban guerrilla civil warfare where today’s social distancing will be called the Good Old Days, a time when one could protect oneself by face coverings, social distancing, and hand washing. None of these measures will protect us from a bullet in the back of the head because one’s skin color happens to be the wrong hue. People need to wake up. They need to realize that if the right-wing faithful will allow their loved ones to die in order to kowtow to a madman, they will have no compunction about using their second amendment rights. 

The Problem with the 25th Amendment 

Invocation of the 25th Amendment requires politicos like Nancy Pelosi to have enough personal integrity to cooperate with morally compromised GOP leaders. Members of the GOP are more likely to assent to using the 25th Amendment because they recognize that Trump’s mental illness is likely to harm them in the November 2020 elections. For the same reason, Pelosi will not allow Democrats to cooperate. Both the GOP and the Dems lack the votes to do it alone, but cooperation for the national welfare is an anathema to Nancy Pelosi. 

Covid-19 May Save the Republic 

The pandemic has brought governors and mayors to the forefront of political life. States on the West Coast are united as are states along the northeast coast. These leaders recognize that their purpose is not to further the career of Nancy Pelosi, but to cooperate to improve the quality of life of all Americans. Governor Newsom and Governor Cuomo do not pit the red parts of their states against the blue, in the fashion that Pelosi, AOC, Kamala Harris and other Washington Group Rights advocates have divided the nation into warring factions in the delusion that they can conquer the central government. 

As the Washington elite Dems now see it, cooperating with (former) moderate members of the GOP to Nixonize Trump by using the 25th Amendment, would harm the Dem’s election prospects in November 2020. If Trump were to be gone, the election would not be a referendum on Donald Trump. Rather, the political center would laud the courage of the GOP for turning against Trump and saving the nation from a mentally ill tyrant. The only way Pelosi Dems can prevent the moderate GOP from becoming heroes is to make certain the mentally deranged Trump remains President. 

Of course, the best outcome for the nation would be for moderates in both parties to agree to freeze out their own extremes. The Freedom Caucus as well as the left-wing group rights “socialists” would scream and holler, throwing temper tantrums befitting Donald Trump. Policy that comes from the center, however, would bring about universal health care based on Obamacare and not on quasi-socialism; it would restructure the economy so that trickle-up economics could supplant the bogus trickle-down nonsense. The idea of reform from the center is itself bizarre, but unless we end the horrid Group Rights warring of the two extremes, we will prove Abraham Lincoln correct – a house divided cannot stand.


(Richard Lee Abrams is a Los Angeles attorney and a CityWatch contributor. He can be reached at: [email protected]. Abrams views are his own and do not necessarily reflect the views of CityWatch.) Photo Illustration: Emil Lendof/The Daily Beast.  Edited for CityWatch by Linda Abrams.

