Sun, Feb

The Magic of Mushrooms

WELLNESS--The word mushroom is derived from the French word for fungi and molds. Mushrooms are one of the oldest growths on earth and have been around for centuries dating back to the times of Egyptian pharaohs as documented in ancient hieroglyphics. They were considered a mystical and healing food available only to royalty. 

Today mushrooms have become a part of our everyday diet and many of us enjoy them in salads, on burgers, or in an omelet. We eat them because we love their unique, woodsy flavor but what we are learning is that mushrooms contain some of the most potent immune-supporting agents in the world including long-chain polysaccharides such as alpha and beta-glucan molecules. They also comprise of fungal proteins, lectins, and peptides, which have been shown to support the immune system too. 

Numerous stories are popping up online of people using mushrooms along with chemotherapy to treat their cancer and other ailments. Of course it’s too early to make claims that mushrooms cure cancer, however more and more studies are showing promising results. 

I personally take 2 teaspoons of a special mushroom powder blend daily which contains 9 species. Luckily there is no history of cancer in my family but as a health advocate, I like to take proactive steps to give my body the boost it needs, especially in these times where we are bombarded by toxins, chemicals, EMF signals, and other environmental hazards. 

Here are just a handful of the over 100 species of mushrooms available which have been heavily researched to provide immune-support and other health benefits. 

Turkey Tail - Turkey Tail mushrooms are a highly regarded source of beta-glucans that support and strengthen immune function and provide an array of antioxidants. 

Reishi - Red reishi in particular is the number one herbal adaptogen in Chinese medicine. It provides superior relief for emotional and physical stress, balances immune function, calms the central nervous system, and supports cardiovascular function. 

Lion’s Mane - This species stimulates synthesis of nerve growth factor supporting the health and function of nerves. It also supports proper digestive function. 

Cordycep - Cordycep mushrooms are known to reduce symptoms of respiratory disorders, coughs, colds, inflammation, and liver damage. They increase overall energy levels and reduce stress in the body.

King Trumpet - King Trumpet contains a unique fungal master antioxidant called L-ergothioneine and supports cardiovascular function along with proper digestive health. 

Shiitake - Supports vitality and body balance and supports oral health. It also contains L-ergothioneine and assists the body in proper detoxification. 

Antrodia - Antrodia supports the bodies detoxification process, strengthens kidney and liver function, and supports endurance and stamina. 

Royal Sun Agaricus - This unique species is highly regarded for it’s support of the immune system, blood sugar balancing, and weight management. 

Maitake - Maitake supports the immune system, cardiovascular function, and blood sugar regulation. 

Chaga - This fungus is very high in the potent antioxidant SOD or superoxide dismutase. Chaga provides energy, cardiovascular health support, intestinal and liver detoxification, and helps to promote healthy blood sugar levels. 

You can incorporate more mushrooms into your daily diet or you may decide like me, to take a high-potency powder or supplement. Make sure to look for mushrooms that are organically grown and GMO free. Mushrooms tend to absorb much from their environmental surroundings making it vital to choose a pure and natural product. 

If you’d like more information about the superfood mushroom powder that I take, please reach out and I’ll be happy to share more details.

(Jay Bradley is a Youthful Aging, Wellness & Lifestyle Expert Living in Los Angeles.  http://www.jaybradleylifestyle.com, He is the Best-Selling Author of LIVE LOOK FEEL, The 12-Week Guide to Live Longer, Look Younger & Feel Better!)


Fork in the Road?

We’ve all had big decisions to make. Whether it is changing jobs, leaving a relationship, choosing a doctor, or moving to a new city, the one part of life that will always remain constant is change. 

I have certainly experienced my fair share of major decisions including moving away from home at 17 years old to leaving my 7-year relationship to selling all of my belongings at age 37 and moving to a new country. I see my clients and friends struggling with similar choices every day. 

The main reason that we feel stress at times of transition is because we fear the unknown. What if I make the wrong choice? What if this path leads me to a terrible place? What if I leave and I end up alone forever? What if this treatment doesn’t work and my illness gets worse? Why can’t I just be happy with what I have? Why can’t I make a decision? If you can you relate you’re certainly not alone. 

The first thing that we need to understand is that fear, stress, and anxiety come only when we live in the past or the future. In the present moment all is well. Even if we’re struggling with an illness or going through a divorce, in the present moment everything is okay. It is our fear of dying or being alone or going broke at some future time that causes us turmoil. Or it is our memory of a similar experience that led us to a painful experience in the past. How then do we let go of fear while also getting clarity on which path to take when were faced with a fork in the road? 

  • Get Quiet - I often speak of meditation because it allows our minds to get still. When we get quiet and go inward, we begin to get internal guidance rather than external validation. This means that our spirit, intuition or that part that is all knowing speaks to us rather than being affected by the outside world.
  • Baby Steps - While there is a time to remain still, there also comes a time when some action is better than none. If you’ve been feeling paralyzed or stagnant for an extended period, take a step. There is no wrong or right choice, just take the next logical step towards some type of change and you will be guided along the path. Often the big steps cannot come until you’ve taken the smaller ones first.
  • Follow the Energy - If we can learn to follow the excitement and energy, we cannot be led astray. When faced with a fork in the road, simply picture yourself in both scenarios. Take a moment to feel what it will be like when you take the path on the left and then take some time to experience the one on the right. Which path brings you the most enthusiasm, excitement, and joy? Which decision feels most aligned with the biggest and best vision for your life? Which one forces you to become all that you can be and which one keeps you playing small? Does one push you outside of your comfort zone and the other keep you complacent?
  • Trust Yourself - It is so easy to make ourselves wrong and to use past mistakes as a way of avoiding moving forward. When we can re-build trust within us and become our own best support systems, we begin to trust that WE know what’s best. We begin to let go of the need for others to tell us what to do and while we may still ask for advice, the ultimate decision will be made by us because deep down, we know the truth.
  • Embrace Fear - We try very hard to get rid of fear. We have learned to push it away and to avoid facing it at all. When we understand that fear itself is an illusion of sorts and when we actually learn to embrace it, it no longer holds power over us. What if we began to love those dark parts of our self and faced it head on? I have seen people do this over and over again and eventually the very thing that causes fear begins to lose its power. What we resist persists. What we embrace begins to diminish.
  • Take a Leap - Eventually we will look forward to taking the leap. Making big decisions will become easier and easier over time. When we learn that there is no wrong or right and when we can listen to that quiet voice inside of us, we realize that as we leap, the net will ALWAYS be there to catch us. 

Making big decisions and constant change is inevitable but as we learn to navigate using our inner compass, we become much better at handling these transitions and trusting that they are leading us towards the grandest version of our life. Each of us has been brought here with unique gifts and talents to offer the world and when faced with a fork in the road, it simply means that we are being guided towards that ultimate place of inner power, fulfillment, and mission.   

(Jay Bradley is a Youthful Aging, Wellness & Lifestyle Coach Living in Los Angeles.  http://www.jaybradleylifestyle.com  He is the Best-Selling Author of LIVE LOOK FEEL, The 12-Week Guide to Live Longer, Look Younger & Feel Better!)

7 Steps to Youthful Aging … and, Enjoying It More

WELLNESS-Let’s face it aging is a privilege. Many people don’t have the opportunity to get old because of premature death so the fact that we are experiencing this process is a blessing in itself. 

But in a world where our looks, appearance, and body image have become so important, where do we draw the line between accepting what is as we get older and when to make improvements to look and feel better? 

The fact that many of us are living longer means that we will need to take even better care of our bodies and minds in order to enjoy our lives as we move into our 70’s, 80’s and beyond. 

What worked for our grandparents may not be enough for us. With environmental problems, stress, and a lower quality of food, shifts need to take place. We can’t rely on the old paradigm because times have changed. 

Here are 7 ways that you can make changes today in order to not only age more youthfully but to enjoy the time that you have that much more. 

Organics - We must start buying organic produce, dairy products, meats and more if we want to increase our odds of living longer. We are already bombarded by toxic chemicals and harsh air pollutants so by eating cleaner, we give our body a break from having to detox those extra pesticides that are in our conventional foods. 

Meditation - The busier that our lives get, the more we need to go inward. Meditation of some type is the key to quieting our inner voice of negativity, fear, and self-judgment, and a way to reduce stress and increase our memory and brain activity, as we get older. 

Love What Is - Part of aging well is learning to love and accept our self fully and completely. Sometimes this is easier said than done. When we can learn to be gentler, we begin to quiet that inner critic and we learn to become our own best support system. Reading uplifting personal growth books, spending time in nature, tapping into inspiring projects, and creating a spiritual morning practice will help you to evolve and grow emotionally and spiritually. Learning to love what is in the present moment instead of living in the past or future will allow more joy and spontaneity into your life as well. 

Exercise - It has been said over and over again but now more than ever, exercise is not optional. These days we spend less time being active and more time on our computers and IPhones. Make the daily commitment to move your body and even better, make it your social time as well. The most recent studies show that we can actually spend less time working out with better results. Consult a wellness coach, trainer, or fitness expert to learn more ways that this can be done and how you can build lean muscle and strengthen your heart for increased longevity. 

Supplements - We aren’t receiving enough vitamins and minerals in food alone. This is partly because we’re too busy to eat a well-rounded diet but also because our food often contains less nourishment. Supplementing with a whole food multivitamin with minerals is like an insurance policy for your health. A potent probiotic is also essential. You’ll likely require other vitamin and herbal supplements so it’s best to have a personal consult with a wellness expert to find out which direction to go. 

Sleep - Plenty of research shows that those who sleep well at night and who take short naps during the day tend to live longer and look younger. If you struggle with getting a deep slumber there are plenty of ways to remedy that including making changes to your bedroom setting along with herbal supplements or melatonin to increase the depth and quality of your sleep. 

Superfoods - As mentioned, eating a healthy diet may no longer be enough. Even with the best of intentions, many of us are still lacking essential nutrients. Superfoods are known as super immune boosters! They are those foods, which really pack a punch when it comes to boosting your health and fighting off disease. While many of them can be eaten, I suggest looking for easily digestible superfood powders or supplements that are organic, raw and not overly processed. Some of these include greens powders like chlorella, mushroom extracts, herbs such as ashwaganda and maca, moringa, green tea, coconut, blueberries and many more! 

Social Connection - In this hectic time of social media, ironically we have lost the ability to be social. Many of us, myself included, feel lonelier than ever. We rely on texting and instant messenger over talking. I predict a time in the very near future when we will go back to basics; a time when we re-learn the art of communication and when many of us will begin to yearn for a deeper, more personal connection. Decide that you are going to make a more conscious effort to surround yourself with supportive and loving individuals and consider distancing yourself from those people that drain you. 

It is the daily, consistent steps we take which will make the biggest difference in the way we age. Aging isn’t an option. How we age is.


(Jay Bradley is a Youthful Aging, Wellness & Lifestyle Expert living in Los Angeles. http://jaybradleylifestyle.com. He is the Best-Selling Author of LIVE LOOK FEEL, The 12-Week Guide to Live Longer, Look Younger & Feel Better!)


Depressed or DEEP REST!

WELLNESS-I recently read a quote that was written by self-help and spiritual teacher Jeff Foster. It said, “The word depressed is spoken phonetically as deep rest. We can view depression not as a mental illness, but on a deeper level, as a profound (and very misunderstood) state of deep rest, entered into when we are completely exhausted by the weight of our own identity.” 

This resonated deeply and motivated me to write this article. Having dealt with depression in my own life, Jeff’s gentle words made sense like nothing that I had read before. 

If you’ve been depressed, perhaps you have felt as if there is something wrong with you or that you are faulty in some way. Depression is very misunderstood and often makes the person who is suffering feel guilty or ashamed for having these heavy emotions. This is especially the case when we seemingly have wonderful lives surrounded by loving people. With so much richness, how can I feel lonely or depressed we contemplate? Often depressed people tell themselves to “snap out of it” or perpetuate their self-loathing even further because they “should” feel better than they do. 

The idea that depression is in fact a deep rest may help you. If you’re struggling, these very words may lighten your load and support you in being more loving towards yourself. What if this down time was simply there to help you go deeper into that place where all of your answers lie? The space where you are more capable of doing the inner emotional and spiritual work. What if this has shown up once again in order for you to retreat and rest? 

Resting and retreating may seem impossible at the moment especially when bills need to be paid but it is possible for you to go inward and also get your work completed. It may just be that you require more down time than most. Depressive people are often more highly sensitive to the energy of others around them and in order to get re-centered and feeling good, they require a significant time-out. 

If you are suffering from severe, clinical depression you’ll need to visit your physician immediately to get help. Medication doesn’t make you a failure. Sometimes, it assists you to get a better perspective on what’s going on and it reminds you of what it’s like to feel good. Once you’re at a better-feeling place, it may eventually be possible to wean off medication. With proper doctor supervision you’ll be able to make that decision together. 

Many of us have big shoes to fill. Sometimes we can feel overwhelmed by the vastness of our role and the incredible visions that we have for our life. On the contrary, sometimes we can also feel very small. Both sides of the spectrum can cause us to get sad, self-critical, and downright depressed. Old programming from childhood along with day-to-day pressures can also trigger a downward spiral. 

I learned first hand that we CAN move through it by opening up and becoming vulnerable, sharing our deepest thoughts with those who love us, and seeking professional help when necessary. The key during all of this is to remain loving and patient of your self. To remove all judgment that you “should” be somewhere else, and to ask the big question “what can I learn from this?” 

If you struggle with a mood disorder, if you’re feeling down, or if you’ve been diagnosed with depression, take it in. Know that you’re not alone. And reconsider the words from Jeff Foster that perhaps you’re simply entering into a phase of deep rest. Allow it. Don’t push it away. Move through it and you may be amazing at what lays ahead for you on the other side. 


(Jay Bradley is a Youthful Aging, Wellness & Lifestyle Expert living in Los Angeles. http://jaybradleylifestyle.com. He is the Best-Selling Author of LIVE LOOK FEEL, The 12-Week Guide to Live Longer, Look Younger & Feel Better!)


How Sweet It Is

WELLNESS--By now most of us know that sugar is a culprit. It can be blamed for inflammation within our bodies, low energy, and in excess, it can also play a part in the formation of cancer and other disease. 

Many of us are torn because of the decadent choices of our favorite deserts. The idea of living without them is unbearable. Thankfully most of us don’t need to say goodbye to sugar completely but instead make a conscious choice to simply consume less. 

As a wellness coach I reinforce the 80-20 rule. 80 percent of the time I promote making healthy choices that are going to lift you up and increase your odds of living longer and feeling better and 20 percent of the time, indulge. Unless someone is extremely obese or suffering from a serious illness, some sugar is okay. But if you’re looking to make better choices, and positively affect your long-term health, here is a list of some natural and healthy sugar options that won’t wreak havoc on your blood sugar, cause excess inflammation, or lower your immunity. 

These options are definitely worth trying. The next time you’re at your local health food or grocery store, ask for one of these alternatives and start making simple substitutions for you and your family. 

Stevia - The Stevia leaf is a plant that is 200 times sweeter than sugar. It has become very popular in health foods because it doesn’t spike blood sugar or cause inflammation the way that regular sugar does. Stevia does have a unique after taste, which some people don’t like, and in large amounts it may cause a headache. Stevia is available in powder and liquid forms. 

Xylitol - Xylitol looks and tastes just like white sugar. It can be used in baking and anywhere that regular sugar is used. Xylitol comes mainly from birch trees and other fruits and vegetables. In large amounts it may cause digestive issues including gas and bloating but overall it is well tolerated. In moderate amounts it makes for a wonderful alternative to sugar. 

Erythritol - Erythritol is similar to xylitol and comes mainly from hard wood and other plant sources. It looks and tastes just like white sugar and in small amounts is another great alternative. 

Monk Fruit - There is a lot of buzz lately about monk fruit sweetener. It is 300-400 times sweeter than sugar cane with no calories or glycemic spike! It comes from a fruit that was originally grown in Asia and may even have powerful anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory effects. 

Coconut Sugar - I have used coconut sugar in my home for years. It looks and tastes exactly like brown sugar with a slight molasses-like richness. It has a lower glycemic index than sugar and it also contains vitamins and minerals. Again, use in moderation and consider alternating with more healthy options such as xylitol and monk fruit. 

Agave - Agave nectar is everywhere. It comes from the agave plant that is also used to make tequila. It can be found in sodas, deserts, and other health food items. While it is certainly healthier than white sugar because it has fewer effects on your overall blood sugar levels, it is said to lose much of its nutritional benefits during the heating process. 

Raw Honey - Consume foods that are as close to nature as possible. Raw honey fits in this category. It has powerful anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It is high in polyphenols and antioxidants and has been researched to boost the immune system and help to offset allergies. It is best not to heat raw honey and therefore the old tea and honey regimen may not be best. Again, consume in moderation. 

As I teach my clients, always listen to your body. If you’re using sugar alternatives, pay close attention to how you feel afterwards. Notice any changes or shifts in mood, energy, and overall body functions. Also, be mindful of when you are sweetening your coffee, desert, or other foods simply out of habit. Often we are so accustomed to sweetness that we don’t even realize we could use less and still be quite satisfied and content. 

Also, make sure to look for organic and 100 percent pure sweeteners. With more demand for these sugar alternatives comes an array of new products that are not always pure and natural. Read labels and be a smart consumer.


(Jay Bradley is an Anti-Aging, Wellness & Lifestyle Expert Living in Los Angeles http://jaybradleylifestyle.com.  He is the Author of LIVE LOOK FEEL, The 12-Week Guide to Live Longer, Look Younger & Feel Better!) 

What in the World are Telomeres … and Why Should I Care?

WELLNESS--Telomeres are the caps on our chromosome strands, which hold all of our DNA information. These caps are similar to the plastic ends on shoelaces, which prevent the lace from fraying. Similarly, telomeres keep our DNA strands strong and healthy and they also prevent them from fusing together. With each cell renewal however, our telomeres begin to shorten. As we age, these caps become shorter and shorter and eventually disappear. This process causes the cells to die. Research is suggesting that shorter telomeres equal a shorter life. 

The exciting news is that science is beginning to find ways to lengthen our telomeres and slow the process of our cells decline. And in turn, this research may help us to live longer and healthier lives. 

Here is a short list of some health and lifestyle practices that have been shown to slow the shortening of our telomeres and potentially lengthen them too: 

Supplement Multivitamins - Find a high-quality multivitamin with minerals that is formulated using whole foods whenever possible. Taking a multivitamin is like an insurance policy for your health and can fill in the blanks when it comes to the nutrients you may not be getting from your foods. 

Eat Plenty of Antioxidant Rich Produce - Antioxidants have been shown to not only boost immunity and reduce the risk of disease, but Vitamins A, B12, C, D3, and E may also lengthen telomeres. Ensure that your multivitamin has high levels of these vitamins and eat a diet rich in antioxidants. 

Selenium & Glutathione - Receiving higher levels of selenium and glutathione daily with a supplement and in your foods such as Brazil nuts, oysters, broccoli, cabbage, garlic, spinach, and beets has also shown positive results in the study of longevity. 

Supplement TA-65 - This patented product is derived from the plant astragalus and has been touted to increase telomerase, the active protein enzyme that strengthens our telomeres. Further studies are still required but so far the research is promising. 

Sleep - Make sure to get 8 to 8.5 hours of sleep each night and take a nap if necessary. Plenty of rest may slow the shortening of our telomeres. 

Meditation - Stress can speed up the process of this telomere shortening. By de-stressing and finding spiritual practices that lower the stress hormone cortisol we also slow the aging process. 

Yoga - Yoga has been proven to reduce overall stress in the body and in turn, decelerate the process of our telomeres shortening. 

HIIT and Regular Exercise - Doing High Intensity Interval Training, which is cardiovascular exercise that involves shorter, 30-second sprints with rest periods in between, we can work to lengthen telomeres by sending highly oxygenated blood into our cells. Any exercise is better than none at all and will benefit your health regardless. 

Much research is still being done into activating telomerase and lengthening telomeres but the future looks very bright when it comes to extending lives and decreasing possible illness. In the meantime, choosing to increase your antioxidant levels, decrease stress, and exercise more are definitely beneficial in the long-term. 

These simple and consistent lifestyle steps can only prove to strengthen your system and potentially help you to live longer. By choosing even a few of the tips above, you are improving your odds of having a long, healthy, and happy life. 

By the way, if your family or friends try to guilt you for taking naps each day, simply tell them “I’m not napping, I am lengthening my telomeres!”


(Jay Bradley is a Youthful Aging, Wellness & Lifestyle Expert living in Los Angeles. http://www.jaybradleylifestyle.com. He is the best-selling author of LIVE LOOK FEEL, The 12-Week Guide to Live Longer, Look Younger & Feel Better!) 


How to Listen to Your Body 

WELLNESS--We are all bombarded by ways in which we can stay young and healthy. Every day there are new products, studies, celebrity endorsements, and methods for us to get fit, remain youthful, and to live longer. For certain people, it can be exhausting. The reason many of us feel overwhelmed is because we have been taught to listen to the experts and follow the crowd instead of going inward and allowing our own voice to lead the way. All of this information overload can lead to confusion or even worse, paralysis. 

While there are certainly times when we need professional advice along with research studies in order to compile a concrete case, the best guidance is simply, “listen to your body.” 

It is also important to figure out why you’re making changes in the first place. Is it because somebody else needs you to change or does it come from a genuine desire to improve, expand, and grow? Is it because society says that you should be thinner, younger, and different than you are now or do you genuinely want it for yourself? These are important questions to contemplate. 

As a wellness coach this can be one of the most difficult messages to convey. My role is to share the latest information about health and wellness and to help others find a way to live, that best suits their lifestyle. But unless my clients connect with their true inner motivation to make those changes, chances are, they’ll eventually go back to their old ways. And, unless what I am offering truly resonates with them, they probably won’t stick with it anyway. 

If you’re reading this and looking for answers then I am sorry to disappoint. If however, you’re ready to trust your own voice of wisdom along with some guidance, then you’ve come to the right place! 

Let’s take a look at some important areas of health and wellness and ways in which we can trust our own authentic voice: 

FOOD--There is NOT one diet that works for everybody. Just because a book says, “eat for your blood type”, or “avoid gluten”, or “skip carbs”, it doesn’t mean it will necessarily work for you. For example, being vegan certainly has lots of health benefits and makes ethical sense, but what about all of those other studies that say we need animal protein and fats? There is plenty of conflicting evidence out there. So what do we do? 

The key is to listen to your body. How do you feel after meals? Do certain foods increase your energy while others deplete you? What foods are you craving? Are those cravings coming from an imbalance in your system or do they come from your emotional need to feel better? Your job is to figure out which cravings are beneficial and come from a physical issue such as low blood sugar and which are simply showing up because you seek comfort, which by way, isn’t always bad. 

Tip: Experiment. Keep a food journal for 7 days and track how you’re feeling throughout the day. Really tune in to what your body is asking you for. Only you’ll know for sure. 

EXERCISE--While I am a huge advocate of high intensity cardio training using sprints and weight training, it is fair to say that it may not be for everybody. Some body types benefit more from gentle yoga or Pilates, and others from swimming or cross fit classes. In other words, don’t let anybody else tell you what you need. 

Tip: Once again, experiment and try a variety of exercises. Of course if you want to burn fat and build muscle there are certain ways to do that. But perhaps that isn’t your true goal. Just because advertisers are showing lean, toned, and trim bodies, doesn’t mean everybody needs to be that way. Be the best version of you and don’t compare. Being perfectly toned and fit doesn’t necessarily mean that we are healthy unless all aspects of our health are taken into account. 

SUPPLEMENTS--I am a big promoter of taking vitamins, minerals, and supplements. My belief is that we cannot get everything we need from our food due to the fact that we aren’t eating a varied enough diet and because of the depletion in our soils. That being said, not everybody needs all of the supplements that I recommend. Again, it’s about listening to your intuition first and foremost. 

Tip: Feel free to sample various vitamin supplements and do your research. Nobody can tell you what you require, only you’ll know for sure. Get regular check-ups and blood work, but understand that we often cannot feel the benefits that our vitamins offer us. Sometimes we do need to trust that they are benefiting us on a cellular level. 

COSMETIC SURGERY--I am all for a little nip and tuck, Botox, filler, and a laser procedure, if it makes you look and feel better. There are no definitive long-term studies that show Botox or Hyaluronic facial fillers have a negative affect on our health. 

The problem arises when you are looking from the outside in rather than the inside out. I often see people looking for a “quick fix” to their physical body when the real change needs to take place in their emotional well-being. 

Tip: Hire a therapist or coach and work through those deep emotional issues that require your awareness. If you’re feeling more balanced and you’re in a good headspace, by all means look into procedures that will help you to feel better about yourself. When it comes to finding a good plastic surgeon or dermatologist, make sure to see photos of their previous work and find one who takes the “less is more approach.” The key is always to look like a new and refreshed version of you. 

Finding a balance in life can be challenging at times. Always listen to your higher self and receive only that which truly resonates. Your body is communicating with you. Are you listening?


(Jay Bradley is an anti-aging, wellness, and lifestyle expert living in Los Angeles.  http://jaybradleylifestyle.com. He is the author of LIVE LOOK FEEL, The 12-Week Guide to Live Longer, Look Younger, and Feel Better!)


The Art of Doing Nothing!

WELLNESS--This article was prompted by a particularly slow month. August didn’t hold a lot of work commitments for me, and what normally would have stressed me out caused a complete shift in perspective. Let me explain. 

I grew up in a family where my dad was a go-getter. He started a very successful business that developed into employing over 100 people and created a small empire. I watched him carefully and learned that hard work equals great success. 

Because of this, I always had drive and motivation but I chose a very different path then my father. I became a model and actor from a young age and developed my creativity over my business side. Nobody had prepared me for how this was supposed to look or feel. How do I merge success, business, and creativity? Much trial and error led me to finding some success along the way and eventually guided me to where I am today. 

I have learned to combine my writing, speaking, coaching, and business skills into my current career as a health, wellness and lifestyle advisor and author. But deep down there was still, until this month anyway, an uncertainty as to how to deal with the down times. 

My normal reaction when things got slow was to “get busy and make something happen” but this month I decided to rest, relax, and to simply be. I still worked out at the gym and kept regular commitments but I meditated more and took quiet time to sleep and contemplate. And while income was down, the most amazing things began to happen. People, opportunities, and synchronicities showed up that I would have never expected. In my stillness, I learned to “allow” rather than to “create.” 

As a go-getter myself, this was NOT easy. My normal instincts are to stay active, plan, goal set, and to DO! But if you’re like me you’ll agree that this constant action mode can get exhausting! And, in all honesty, it hasn’t led to the ultimate success that I would have liked. So I decided to try something different. When we change the way we look at things, the things around us change and I have been ready for that change for quite some time. 

To my surprise, one miracle after the other began to show up into my life this month from me doing virtually nothing. 

Am I suggesting that you just sit, sleep, and meditate your way through life? Of course not. But there may be times when that is the absolute best approach possible. In between chapters is a great time to relax. In fact, learning to surrender and only act when you are inspired to do so, IS, I am learning, the only way to be. It offers us the ability to be more focused on the now and to be present in the joy that surrounds us rather than being busy just for the sake of it. 

So the next time you find yourself down, bored, or you simply have a lull in your work schedule, acknowledge that perhaps it’s happening to provide you an amazing opportunity. Maybe it will deliver new things into your life that are even better than you could have ever imagined! And perhaps it’s teaching you a new way to live that taps into the Universal truth that you will ALWAYS be provided for. Learning the amazing art of doing nothing may actually be the answer you’ve been waiting for.  


(Jay Bradley is an Anti-aging, wellness & lifestyle expert living in Los Angeles. http://jaybradleylifestyle.com. He is the best-selling author of LIVE LOOK FEEL, The 12-Week Guide to Live Longer, Look Younger & Feel Better!) 

Meditation - The Road to Zen

WELLNESS--Meditation. We’ve all heard of it. Many of us have tried it. But few are able to stick with it. 

By now, most of us know that meditating regularly has positive effects on our physical and mental state of being. 

In fact, just 10-20 minutes per day of meditation has been scientifically proven to have numerous benefits, which I’ll list a bit later. 

First let’s look at some of the reasons why we don’t meditate. Perhaps you’ll relate to some of these myths and maybe even re-think your daily practice. 

  • Meditation Doesn’t do Anything - most of us expect magical results when we meditate. We would like our problems and stresses to disappear immediately. While there can be rapid relaxation results, most benefits come from long-term and continual practice. 
  • You’ll Stop Thinking - The myth is that we will enter into a blissful state and stop all negative thoughts. In fact, it is very difficult if not impossible to “stop” our thoughts. Instead the goal should be to “catch” our thoughts and then to gently let them go while focusing back on our mantra or breath. Expecting to stop thoughts is a sure way to sabotage your meditation practice. 
  • We may Become Spacey and Ungrounded - Many people worry that they’ll lose all motivation and drive if they meditate regularly. In fact, the opposite is true. Successful business people from all walks of life, all over the world, meditate daily. They are convinced that much of their success is due to their daily practice. 

Now, as promised, here are just some of the numerous benefits: 

  • Studies have shown that those who meditate regularly have lower levels of stress, anxiety, and depression. 
  • Meditation opens you up to new realms of possibility. Your intuition begins to play a bigger role in your life. You will be more easily be able to listen to that quiet voice and make better decisions day to day. 
  • Meditation has been shown on MRI’s to increase certain grey areas of the brain that are related to the memory and attention span. 
  • Meditation has been shown to positively affect the “fight or flight” response, making us more calm, and relaxed. 
  • Taking regular time to meditate has also been shown to improve immune function creating a stronger resistance to infections. 
  • Creating a morning practice of meditation even just for a short period, increases levels of self-love and love for others. It literally helps the heart to bloom open, making you more in touch with emotions as well as helping you to forgive others more easily. 

The best way to begin your meditation practice is to start with small, achievable goals. Begin with 5 minutes per day. Simply find your favorite place in your home to sit quietly. Close your eyes and focus on your breath. When your thoughts wander, bring them back to your breath. Set a timer if you’d like and ensure no interruptions. Gradually up your practice by 1 minute per day until you reach 20 minutes. 

You can also download a free meditation app on your smartphone such as CALM or OMG. I can Meditate! Perhaps light a candle, play soft music, and do your best to create the same time frame every day for your practice. 

You can also look into Transcendental meditation or TM classes near you. In these classes, you’ll learn more about meditation and they’ll give you a personal mantra to focus on while you’re meditating. 

The most challenging part of meditating is beginning. Why not make THIS THE YEAR that you commit to this important and life-changing practice and see first-hand how it will benefit you and those around you.


(Jay Bradley is an anti-aging, wellness & lifestyle coach living in Los Angeles.  http://jaybradleylifestyle.com. He is the author of LIVE LOOK FEEL,  The 12-Week Guide to Live Longer, Look Younger & Feel Better!)


Spice-Up Your Life! It’s Fun and … Good For Your Health!

WELLNESS--Spices, herbs, and natural flavoring may not just enhance our taste buds. Recent studies are showing that spicing up your mealtime may in fact lower your risk of certain diseases and may also help to reduce inflammation in your body. 

Often nature has many of the answers that we’ve been searching for and herbs and spices are a great example of this. 

Here is a small list of my favorite spices and how they’ve been shown to enhance your overall health: 

Black Pepper - Black pepper is rich in piperine which has been shown to slow, reduce or even kill certain types of cancer cells relating to breast, prostate, colon, lung, liver, stomach, and cervix. Piperine has also exhibited anti-inflammatory effects and may help reduce the pain relating to Arthritis and gout. 

Turmeric - This bright orange spice has been used in Ayurvedic traditions for thousands of years. It has shown great promise in lowering the risk of Alzheimer’s, certain cancers, and even heart disease. The active ingredient curcumin is a powerful anti-inflammatory and is often recommended by doctors to help fight the symptoms or Arthritis and sports injuries. 

Oregano - Oregano has potent anti-microbial properties and is incredibly effective during cold and flu season. Using oil of oregano drops under the tongue along with fresh oregano in your cooking has been shown to boost immunity and ward off certain infections. 

Pink Himalayan Sea Salt - Salt has had a bad rap. For those with high blood pressure, it is wise to minimize sodium intake but tests have shown that pink Himalayan sea salt contains 80 + trace minerals and may help to alkalize the body. 

Basil - Fragrant basil is packed with Vitamin K which helps our bodies to better absorb Vitamin D3. Vitamin K also promotes proper blood clotting, and supports our bones. Basil may also offer DNA protection and has antibacterial properties to help fight off infections. 

Sage - According to the Journal of Psychopharmacology, sage has been shown to benefit people’s memory. Sage supplements have also been studied for their power to reduce anxiety symptoms. 

Garlic - Garlic contains the sulphur compound called allicin which has numerous health benefits. Garlic is known to reduce bad cholesterol, lower blood pressure, inhibit the common cold and flu, and may even fight cancerous cells. 

Rosemary - Rosemary also has anti-inflammatory effects and supports healthy eye health. Rosemary also positively affects the brain and may even lower the risk of certain cancers including breast and blood. 

Curry - Various colors of curry are often used in Thai and Indian cuisine. Curry has long been researched to reduce inflammation in the body, and to fight harmful free radicals from attacking our cells. Curry may also support proper liver health and detoxification. 

Ginger - Ginger tea has been used as a remedy for digestive issues, nausea, and motion sickness for thousands of years. It also has immune-boosting properties, and has been shown to reduce overall inflammation in the body. 

Cinnamon - Cinnamon has antifungal and antibacterial properties and has been researched for its benefits in lowering blood sugar in the body. It has anti-inflammatory effects and is considered a superfood because of its high antioxidant content. 

There are numerous studies worldwide that show the positive health benefits of herbs and spices. 

This week why not experiment with your cooking? The next time you’re at the supermarket look for fresh, organic herbs and try something new. Not only will your taste buds thank you but you’ll definitely be doing your health and your body some good! 

Alert! Always check with your doctor to ensure that specific herbs and spices won’t interact with your current medications or pre-existing health issues.


(Jay Bradley is an Anti-aging, Wellness & Lifestyle Coach living in Los Angeles.

http://JayBradleyLifestyle.com.  He is the Author of LIVE LOOK FEEL, The 12-Week Guide to Live Longer, Look Younger & Feel Better!)


6 Steps to Get You Unstuck!

Life isn’t always easy. Regardless of how many self-help books we’ve read, the number of empowering seminars and warrior camps we’ve attended, sometimes we still suffer. After all, if we were happy and overjoyed all the time, we certainly wouldn’t be able to appreciate the awesomeness of the joyous experiences when they show up. 

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Top 5 Summer Tips for Youthful Skin

WELLNESS-With summer well underway, it’s not too late to make positive changes to your daily routine in order to promote healthier and younger looking skin. The skin is our largest organ and everything that we put inside our body and topically, affects it for better or worse. 

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Loving What Is

WELLNESS--We all have places that we want to be and goals that have yet to be attained. We wouldn’t be human if we didn’t strive for more and want the best in life. I definitely feel that I have much more to accomplish in this lifetime and often feel disappointed that I’m not “there” yet. 

But unless we all learn to love where we are right here and right now, we will never find true satisfaction. Learning to be present in this moment without living out past or future events is the key to our lasting joy. Also knowing that getting “there” is really an illusion that we create based upon various factors including financial gain, fame, and the attainment of certain goals. 

While it’s vital to have dreams about our future, it is equally important to learn to love what is. Yes this means that we love the mediocre job we hold, our credit card bills, the unhappy relationship, or the fact that we aren’t where we’d like to be. 

When we live with resentment or fear, we miss out on life as it is in the present. Often we judge where we are or resist what is happening because we don’t want it to be this way. But by doing this we only perpetuate the experience. 

Learning to be fully aware and present and more importantly, to love every moment whether or not it seems good or bad, positive or negative, is vital. And it is also one of the most challenging thing that we will do. 

What we resist persists. When we want things to change, WE must change. Perhaps it is time to start looking more deeply at the reasons you may be feeling stuck and then work to more consciously embrace all that is. This is the true act of surrendering. Surrender is fully accepting and loving what is while holding a positive intention for better things to come. It really is a fine balancing act indeed. 

When we can get still, meditate, connect to a higher source, and find gratitude, we begin to refill this empty place within us that tells us we need more. We re-charge our spiritual batteries, and remember that this moment is all we have. Let’s begin making the best of it and consciously shift our thoughts day-by-day, moment-by-moment into a more positive and loving way. Let’s commit fully to loving what is.

(Jay Bradley is an anti-aging & wellness coach living in Los Angeles. He is the author of LIVE LOOK FEEL, The 12-Week Guide to Live Longer, Look Younger & Feel Better! Jay can be reached at: jaybradleylifestyle.com


Secrets from the Past … Life-Changing Health and Beauty for Today

WELLNESS--The world is an amazing place. Each country holds ancient truths about health, vitality, beauty, and longevity. Herbs, plants, and other natural sources have been used for thousands of years to assist people in looking and feeling better. 

I have become more and more fascinated by these secrets that are now readily available to the western world. We now have the privilege of experiencing these products here in North America, which are often packaged into convenient teas, supplements, and powders. 

Many of us are keenly aware that changes must be made and in particular we are waking up to the fact that pharmaceuticals, although necessary at times, are not getting to the cause of our illness. While our mental and emotional health plays an integral part in our total wellness, nature may hold many cures as well. 

Here is a list of many of these superfoods and their country of origin. Of course there a so many more and this is only a partial list. Perhaps it’s time for you to look into trying them for yourself and making some a part of your daily health care routine.

- Ashwaganda root is known as an adaptogen herb which may stimulate the thyroid gland, lower the stress hormone cortisol, and increase energy and sex drive in men and women.

Turmeric - Turmeric is best known for it’s anti-inflammatory powers. It is well researched for use to help alleviate arthritis symptoms, possibly lower the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, and is a powerful antioxidant giving the cells an important boost. 

Moringa - Moringa is a powerful leaf with each serving said to have 4 times more calcium than milk, the vitamin C of 7 oranges, potassium of 3 bananas, 3 times the iron of spinach, vitamin A 4 times that of carrots, and double the protein of milk! It is known to boost energy, libido, mental focus, and numerous other health benefits. 


Chaga - Chaga is a mushroom-like fungus that grows in cold climates like Canada and Siberia. It contains the highest levels of a powerful antioxidant called Superoxide Dismutase (SOD). Often enjoyed as a tea, this powerful healer may have amazing cancer-fighting properties. 

Green Tea
- By now many of us know the powerful immune support that green tea offers but it also contains amazing thermogenic compounds that assist the body in burning fat and it helps our skin to look more radiant from the inside out.

Enoki Mushroom - Mushrooms are some of the most potent healers in all of nature and recent studies show that they may protect our body from radiation. Enoki is known for its unique shape and is often enjoyed in salads. It is packed full of vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals. 


Goji Berries - Goji berries are considered both a fruit and an herb and are very rich sources of vitamins A and C. They help to support eye health and the overall immune system. 


Oregano - Oregano Oil is now being touted as nature’s most powerful antibiotic. It has incredible antimicrobial and antifungal effects and works to naturally boost the immune system and ward off infection. 3 drops under the tongue regularly followed by water or juice is recommended. 


Olive Oil - Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fats which may help to lower the risk of heart disease. Olive oil contains important vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants and is a great source of monounsaturated fat. It is a wonderful aid to reduce overall inflammation and assist healthy digestion. 


Rooibis - Rooibis tea is a delicious, dark, caffeine free beverage made from the Rooibos bush. It is one of the most powerful antioxidants in nature and works to naturally boost the overall immune system, may reduce asthma symptoms and headaches along with a number of other health benefits. 

- The healthy fats in coconut known as Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT) are well documented to assist the body in reducing inflammation, burn fat, and help maintain healthy cholesterol. Coconut oil also works wonderfully as an antiaging skin treatment. 


Soursop - Soursop leaves contain high concentrations of alkaloids and acetogenins which is a family of compounds with natural antibiotic and antifungal effects. Many people have made claims that Soursop has helped them to regain their health during cancer treatments. 

These amazing and life-changing miracles of nature are taking center stage as remedies for a myriad of health challenges. You may be surprised at just how powerful they are! 

It’s up to each one of us to do our own research and experiment to find what is right for us. Of course it is always advised that you do so along with the assistance of your family doctor or health professional especially if you have any pre-existing health conditions or you are on medication.

(Jay Bradley is an anti-aging & wellness coach living in Los Angeles. He is the author of LIVE LOOK FEEL, The 12-Week Guide to Live Longer, Look Younger & Feel Better! Jay can be reached at: jaybradleylifestyle.com


Live Like It’s Summer ALL Year Long!

WELLNESS--It’s that time of year again. Summer is approaching and magazines are featuring the latest articles on “bikini fat-blasting tips” and “how to get fit for summer.” While I am the first to admit that I have written many such articles for various publications, I thought it was time to embrace another even more important truth; that we should LIVE LIKE IT’S SUMMER ALL YEAR LONG! 

What does that mean exactly? For one, why not start celebrating your body today as you are even if you haven’t blasted all the fat. It’s sort of like using your fine china every day instead of just when company comes over. It’s time to stop postponing our happiness for some far off goal that may or may not be reached. 

We have all done this in some form or another. I know I have certainly postponed plans for when I have more money or when I meet that dream mate. Well, perhaps we all need to work on loving ourselves from the inside out and then the outside in regardless of whether or not we’re beach ready. 

As a wellness coach, I am the first to speak about getting fit, eating right, and becoming the best version of you that you can be. Along with that however, comes a lot of pressure. Sometimes, the very act of transforming our life while liberating on one hand can also be very daunting. Transforming means that we need to become something other than who we are right now. That takes us away from the present moment and often causes us to miss out. 

What if we all surrender just a little? What if we let ourselves off the hook? What about hitting the beach un-waxed, unfit, and unassuming? Maybe, just maybe, it’s time to live fully and completely regardless of where we are at in our fitness or body goals. 

Being body conscious can be two-fold. It can mean that we are conscious of putting our best selves out into the world and we become keenly aware of what we are putting into our body…that’s a good thing. But it can also have another meaning; that we are self-conscious of our bodies and feeling less than those who look better than we do. 

With summer approaching I suggest that yes, you up your fitness routine, yes focus on eating a healthier diet, yes moisturize, wax, and do whatever it is that you need to do to feel good. But once you have that underway, relax. Breathe. Meditate. Love yourself. Forgive yourself for not being perfect. Embrace your insecurities and those things you feel may be flaws while learning to stand in that quiet confidence knowing that you are always a work in progress. But for today, you will simply “be.” 

Now go put on that skimpy bikini, head to the closest pool or beach, and OWN it! 

(Jay Bradley is an anti-aging & wellness coach living in Los Angeles. He is the author of LIVE LOOK FEEL, The 12-Week Guide to Live Longer, Look Younger & Feel Better! Jay can be reached at: jaybradleylifestyle.com



Summer Glam: 3 Big Fat Secrets for Losing a Big Fat Belly

WELLNESS--As a health and wellness coach, the number one question that everybody asks is not “How do I live longer?” or “What can I do for more energy?” It is almost always “How do I lose this tummy?” In a world where we are bombarded by advertising promoting perfect looking four, six and eight packs, its no wonder we have become mildly obsessed. 

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I’m Sorry, What was Your Name Again?

WELLNESS--We all worry about memory loss at some point in our lives. Have you ever had a friend say “remember when we did that?” and you simply can’t recall the experience? It happens to me often and it can be downright alarming. Perhaps you begin forgetting important details throughout your day and the missing car keys become an all too familiar occurrence. Often our short-term memory can become foggy and we fear that fading recall is an unavoidable part of aging.

Too many times, however, we confuse the impact of our day-to-day stress with actual memory loss. Our lives have become bombarded with to-do lists and most of us are stretched thin. This pressure isn’t necessarily affecting our memory but rather it limits our focus. Without proper focus we simply cannot absorb all of the details. We experience what many people call selective memory.

The truth is that most of us have just reached our limit! We don’t have the energy to absorb new information and so we tend to shut down. We remember what we want to and let go of those things that don’t matter as much. But then, we get upset when we blank on certain details, believing that the decline has begun.

Memory loss isn’t inevitable. It doesn’t have to be tied in with aging. In fact, there are numerous elements within our control that not only help to preserve our memory but make it sharper as well.
Here are some key factors that support memory, focus, and concentration:

Getting a deep, restful sleep is the most important thing that you can do for your memory. Without it, we easily lose focus and our minds become fatigued. Sleep not only restores our bodies but our brains too. The hours before midnight are when we experience our deepest rest because that’s when the hormones including Melatonin, Estrogen, Testosterone, and Human Growth Hormone (HGH) get busy to support our system.

Always sleep in a dark, cool room without noise disturbances. Do your best to clear the bedroom of electronic devices or at least make sure to turn them off. Try to hit the sack well before midnight and get at least 8 hours of sleep.

Regular exercise is an important tool to slow the aging process and improve your memory. Cardiovascular training of any type improves the blood flow to our brains which assists our overall alertness. Numerous studies have shown that people who exercise regularly have less age-related disease and dementia.

I suggest to my clients that they do interval cardio training 3 times per week. This involves pushing your heart rate to its maximum capacity in short, 30-second bursts. This exercise has been shown to increase Human Growth Hormone (HGH) which is also known as the anti-aging hormone. HGH positively affects the memory and is vital to remaining youthful.

Many people suffer from mild dehydration and don’t even realize it. Without adequate fluid in our system, we can become mentally impaired. Short periods of water restriction have been shown to negatively affect our alertness and can weaken concentration.

Mild to moderate dehydration appears to exacerbate cognitive dysfunction in older people, and some experts believe it may be a risk factor for more serious dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

If you’re a healthy adult, make sure to drink 6-8 glasses of pure, clean water per day. Consume more in hot climates or if you exercise vigorously. I suggest carrying a stainless or non-BPA plastic bottle and make a point of filling it numerous times throughout your day. Don’t wait until you’re thirsty because that is a sure sign that you’re dehydrated.

There are numerous supplements on the market that really work to stimulate memory.

Ginko Biloba
Perhaps the most popular memory supplement is Ginko Biloba. It has been used for centuries to assist the brain with cognitive function. Ginko has been shown to increase blood flow to small vessels and people who take Ginko Biloba report an elevated mood, alertness, and mental ability. It has also been used to slow the advancement of dementia in the elderly. Take it as a supplement or brewed into a tea.

Ginseng is often recommended alongside Ginko Biloba. It has been shown to increase mental alertness and help to stimulate the memory. This powerful herb can also be made into a tea or taken as a supplement as well.

Gotu Kola
Gotu Kola is an herb traditionally used in Chinese medicine & Ayurveda. It contains certain chemicals that seem to decrease inflammation and blood pressure in the arteries. It is effective in reducing memory loss due to stress and anxiety by helping to relax the body and mind. Gotu Kola can be taken as a supplement or as tea.

Reishi Mushroom
The Reishi mushroom contains powerful constituents that strengthen memory and concentration.

Taoist monks in China were given Reishi mushrooms to calm the mind and improve the value of their meditation. Consider taking it in supplement or extract form.

Omega-3 fatty acids
Omega-3 oils come from cold water fish, plant and nut oils and have shown promise in slowing age-related disease including Alzheimer’s. Make sure to eat plenty of Omega rich foods such as walnuts, flaxseeds, egg yolk, salmon, and sardines and consider taking a daily Omega-3 supplement such as Krill oil.

Melatonin is known as the sleep hormone. As mentioned, the key to having a sharp memory is quality sleep. If you suffer from sleep issues, it is possible that your melatonin levels are off. Look into getting them checked and consider supplementing with this gentle yet effective hormone.

Essential Oils
Studies have shown that the smell of rosemary can improve memory performance in office workers and students. In ancient Greece, students would braid rosemary into their hair before taking an important exam. The scent of rosemary essential oil may be just what you need to get you through that sluggish afternoon at the office. Grapefruit, orange and lemon oil are my favorite! They help to stimulate awareness and mindfulness. I suggest that you choose your favorite scent or combine them and use a diffuser which fills the air with the invigorating scent.

Brain Puzzles
I often find my 93-year old granny doing crosswords. She is one sharp lady! Games such as Sudoku, crosswords and Scrabble challenge the brain to work harder. Our brain is like a muscle and it needs to be worked out just as our body does. Pushing your brain to new limits will increase your capacity to remember.

Try something new. Learning a new language is a great way to improve your memory. Push yourself outside of your comfort zone and do something interesting. Studying a musical instrument or taking a class that challenges you are both wonderful brain boosters.

Aside from sleep, the best way to still our minds is through meditation. Taking 10 minutes out of your day to sit quietly and focus on your breathing will make a difference in how you feel. Meditation works on de-cluttering our minds and centering us. The things that prevent us from remembering are often mind clutter, stress and mental overload.

I always recommend that people carve out quiet time each morning for reflection. This is the best way to start your day off on the right foot. Studies have shown that meditation will positively impact your memory and overall sense of wellbeing. Make it a priority…you deserve it!

Possibly the most overlooked aspect of a failing memory is hormones. When our hormones are not balanced or are depleted it can lead to age-related disease and dementia. Often without adequate estrogen for women and testosterone for men, our focus and alertness is negatively affected.

Find an anti-aging doctor or Endocrinologist in your area and have your levels checked. Our hormones send signals to every cell in our body and they are imperative to not only feeling better, but living life to the fullest!

To begin reclaiming our memory it is imperative that we pay attention! We need to begin making a conscious effort to remember details. When somebody is explaining something new, really listen. We must choose to remember things like figures, names, and details. We can all become distracted and sometimes all it takes is a little effort.

The next time you’re being exposed to new statistics or information, simply tell yourself “I will remember this”. And then get busy using your brain to retain the details.

When you meet somebody new at a party, repeat their name over and over in your head, as repetition is often the key to remembering. If you’re a visual person like me, picture their name written on a piece of paper or better yet, ask for their business card.

Life can be demanding at times and we must always be gentle with ourselves. If you find that important details slip from your mind, don’t beat yourself up or get anxious. Instead, simply fill your water bottle, take a walk, and get some quiet time to clear your mind of clutter. Look into incorporating some new memory supporting supplements and get a good night’s sleep. Tomorrow is a new day filled with infinite possibilities and potential!


(JAY BRADLEY is an Anti-aging, Wellness, and Lifestyle Expert living in Los Angeles California

www.JayBradleyLifestyle.com.  He is the Author of LIVE LOOK FEEL.  The 12-Week Guide to Live Longer, Look Younger, and Feel Better!)



TRUE Wellness is an INSIDE Job!

WELLNESS--As a certified wellness coach CWC I’ve worked with people all over the world to help them achieve a healthier and happier balance between their body, mind, and spirit. My goal is to dig in, find out where they’re off balance, and then session by session, work to assist my clients in regaining and rediscovering a new way of living that better fits their goals. 

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Your Second ‘Brain’ - How a Healthy Gut Can Change Your Life

WELLNESS-Did you realize that we actually have two brains? Our gut is often referred to as our second brain because everything that happens in our body begins and ends in our stomach. The majority of Americans are moving through life with an unhealthy digestive system thus making them more prone to myriad of possible diseases and health challenges. 

There are numerous reasons why our stomachs are off balance, with prescription drugs and antibiotics being number one. Stress also plays a huge factor in lowering digestive health, as does overconsumption of sugar and alcohol. 

Some signs that you may have an unhealthy gut are skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, rosacea or acne, anxiety and/or depression, lack of energy, bloating, gas, diarrhea or constipation, acid reflux and heartburn, and arthritis or inflammation of the joints. 

When I work with clients we look at what they’re doing to promote a healthy gut and then get down to some serious business of improving their system even more by using the following life-changing suggestions: 

Fermented Foods - Kimchi, kefir, sauerkraut, and kombucha tea are just some of the fermented foods which offer an incredible amount of gut-healthy bacteria. Make it a goal to consume some fermented products daily to optimize the healthy flora in your stomach. 

Probiotic - More important than a multivitamin is a probiotic. Choose a probiotic supplement with at least 30 billion live cultures and commit to taking it daily indefinitely. Within a short period of time you’ll begin to see the positive benefits of this live product going to work! If you’ve recently consumed a round of antibiotics, it can take up to 6 months to regain your healthy stomach flora. 

Sugar and Alcohol - Sugar, alcohol, and refined carbohydrates like processed foods can feed unhealthy gut yeast that attacks our systems. Often a short detox is required to get things under control and regain balance. Eliminating sugar, alcohol, and processed foods and sometimes even fruit and dairy products while consuming fermented foods and a probiotic supplement will re-boot your system and get you back to feeling great. 

Meditation - Stress actually affects our entire body including our immune system and digestive health. Taking time each day to meditate will benefit your overall health in ways that you can’t even imagine. Take a class in transcendental meditation or join a meditation group near you. Also create time each morning for quiet reflection to de-stress and reconnect with your spirit. 

When we begin to truly understand that our gut is like the operating system for our entire body, we start to make it a priority. If you aren’t feeling your best, work on regaining a healthy gut and you may just realize where the problems have been all along.


(Jay Bradley is an anti-aging, wellness & lifestyle expert living in Los Angeles

http://jaybradleylifestyle.com He is the author of LIVE LOOK FEEL: The 12-Week Guide to Live Longer, Look Younger & Feel Better!) Prepped for CityWatch by Linda Abrams.



WELLNESS--By now we all know that proper sleep is the cornerstone of good health. But knowing it and experiencing it are two different things. Why is it that so many people are having such a difficult time getting and staying asleep? This important aspect of living longer and remaining healthy is a luxury for many. 

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Wake Up Call: Cell Phones Could be Harmful to Your Health   

WELLNESS--We have all come to rely on technology and it certainly has made our lives easier. But recent studies about the potential dangers of regular cell phone use has created some controversy. 

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) is part of the World Health Organization (WHO) with its major goal to identify causes of cancer. The IARC has classified radio frequency or electro magnetic fields like those from cell phones as “possibly carcinogenic to humans.” 

Learning that something is “possibly carcinogenic” is certainly enough to make most people give it some serious thought. After all, cancer-causing toxins and chemicals bombard us daily from our environment and our foods so wouldn’t it be wise to reduce or eliminate those within our control? 

The message about these potential dangers shouldn’t cause fear or panic but rather give us the opportunity to make smarter day-to-day choices. It is nearly impossible to avoid regular cell phone use but here are some things that you can do today to begin reducing your exposure to these potentially harmful EMF frequencies: 

  • Text rather than talk - By texting rather than speaking directly into the phone, we avoid direct contact with our body in particular the head and brain. 
  • Use a plug-in headset - Always use a plug-in headset to avoid direct contact with your cell phone when speaking on the phone. Wireless headsets also emit EMF signals so it’s best to avoid them whenever possible. 
  • Airplane mode - When you must carry your phone in your pocket, put it on airplane mode to avoid emitting EMF signals. 
  • No child zone - Children may be at even more risk because their systems haven’t fully developed. Keep them away from regular cell phone use. 
  • Leave it behind - It’s rare that we have urgent circumstances so why not consider leaving your phone in the car when you’re out with friends or while shopping. 
  • Never carry it in your pocket - Avoid carrying your cell phone in your pocket or bra. Preventing direct body contact is best while keeping it at least one inch away from your body at all times. 
  • At night - Don’t keep your cell phone next to your bed. EMF’s may interrupt your sleep. 
  • Use protection - There are numerous cell phone cases and other tools that can reduce your phone’s radiation. Do your research to find ones that work. 

While the verdict is still out as to the cancer-causing risks of using your cell phone daily, it’s best to be cautious. By making conscious choices to follow the steps above, you are reducing possible exposure to EMF signals and taking one more step to improve your odds of living a long and healthy life.


(Jay Bradley is an anti-aging, wellness & lifestyle expert living in Los Angeles http://www.JayBradleyLifestyle.com. He is the author of “LIVE LOOK FEEL the 12-Week Guide to Live Longer, Look Younger & Feel Better!”)

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Life’s Lessons Make Us Stronger

WELLNESS--Have you ever noticed that even when you’re doing well, life seems to test you?

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Six Ways to Stay Cool … and Alive

WELLNESS--We have been having record breaking heat in Southern California and with the planet continuing to warm up, there’s a good chance we have not seen the end of it.

This past week Los Angeles and San Diego have felt more like Arizona with temperatures reaching 117 in some places. Heat records all over southern California were toppled and at one point in Los Angeles alone there were over 32,000 residents without power. 

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5 Secrets to Making Exercise Easy!

WELLNESS--For starters, the all or nothing attitude towards exercise is not the mindset we want to hold.

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What YOU Can Do to Reduce the 50,000 Deaths by Suicide

WELLNESS--Last week two high profile celebrities Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain took their own lives.

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Ketamine Has Taken the Psychiatric World by Storm. That’s Good … and Bad … News!

WELLNESS--There is a drug that has taken the psychiatric world by storm and it’s called Ketamine.

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