Sun, Feb

Secrets from the Past … Life-Changing Health and Beauty for Today


WELLNESS--The world is an amazing place. Each country holds ancient truths about health, vitality, beauty, and longevity. Herbs, plants, and other natural sources have been used for thousands of years to assist people in looking and feeling better. 

I have become more and more fascinated by these secrets that are now readily available to the western world. We now have the privilege of experiencing these products here in North America, which are often packaged into convenient teas, supplements, and powders. 

Many of us are keenly aware that changes must be made and in particular we are waking up to the fact that pharmaceuticals, although necessary at times, are not getting to the cause of our illness. While our mental and emotional health plays an integral part in our total wellness, nature may hold many cures as well. 

Here is a list of many of these superfoods and their country of origin. Of course there a so many more and this is only a partial list. Perhaps it’s time for you to look into trying them for yourself and making some a part of your daily health care routine.

- Ashwaganda root is known as an adaptogen herb which may stimulate the thyroid gland, lower the stress hormone cortisol, and increase energy and sex drive in men and women.

Turmeric - Turmeric is best known for it’s anti-inflammatory powers. It is well researched for use to help alleviate arthritis symptoms, possibly lower the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, and is a powerful antioxidant giving the cells an important boost. 

Moringa - Moringa is a powerful leaf with each serving said to have 4 times more calcium than milk, the vitamin C of 7 oranges, potassium of 3 bananas, 3 times the iron of spinach, vitamin A 4 times that of carrots, and double the protein of milk! It is known to boost energy, libido, mental focus, and numerous other health benefits. 


Chaga - Chaga is a mushroom-like fungus that grows in cold climates like Canada and Siberia. It contains the highest levels of a powerful antioxidant called Superoxide Dismutase (SOD). Often enjoyed as a tea, this powerful healer may have amazing cancer-fighting properties. 

Green Tea
- By now many of us know the powerful immune support that green tea offers but it also contains amazing thermogenic compounds that assist the body in burning fat and it helps our skin to look more radiant from the inside out.

Enoki Mushroom - Mushrooms are some of the most potent healers in all of nature and recent studies show that they may protect our body from radiation. Enoki is known for its unique shape and is often enjoyed in salads. It is packed full of vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals. 


Goji Berries - Goji berries are considered both a fruit and an herb and are very rich sources of vitamins A and C. They help to support eye health and the overall immune system. 


Oregano - Oregano Oil is now being touted as nature’s most powerful antibiotic. It has incredible antimicrobial and antifungal effects and works to naturally boost the immune system and ward off infection. 3 drops under the tongue regularly followed by water or juice is recommended. 


Olive Oil - Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fats which may help to lower the risk of heart disease. Olive oil contains important vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants and is a great source of monounsaturated fat. It is a wonderful aid to reduce overall inflammation and assist healthy digestion. 


Rooibis - Rooibis tea is a delicious, dark, caffeine free beverage made from the Rooibos bush. It is one of the most powerful antioxidants in nature and works to naturally boost the overall immune system, may reduce asthma symptoms and headaches along with a number of other health benefits. 

- The healthy fats in coconut known as Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT) are well documented to assist the body in reducing inflammation, burn fat, and help maintain healthy cholesterol. Coconut oil also works wonderfully as an antiaging skin treatment. 


Soursop - Soursop leaves contain high concentrations of alkaloids and acetogenins which is a family of compounds with natural antibiotic and antifungal effects. Many people have made claims that Soursop has helped them to regain their health during cancer treatments. 

These amazing and life-changing miracles of nature are taking center stage as remedies for a myriad of health challenges. You may be surprised at just how powerful they are! 

It’s up to each one of us to do our own research and experiment to find what is right for us. Of course it is always advised that you do so along with the assistance of your family doctor or health professional especially if you have any pre-existing health conditions or you are on medication.

(Jay Bradley is an anti-aging & wellness coach living in Los Angeles. He is the author of LIVE LOOK FEEL, The 12-Week Guide to Live Longer, Look Younger & Feel Better! Jay can be reached at: jaybradleylifestyle.com


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