Sun, Feb

Summer Glam: 3 Big Fat Secrets for Losing a Big Fat Belly


WELLNESS--As a health and wellness coach, the number one question that everybody asks is not “How do I live longer?” or “What can I do for more energy?” It is almost always “How do I lose this tummy?” In a world where we are bombarded by advertising promoting perfect looking four, six and eight packs, its no wonder we have become mildly obsessed. 


While having tight and toned abs is partly genetic, the great news is that there are a number of things that you can do today to firm, slim, and define your mid section for good! 

  • Supplement with Green Tea - Green tea has been well researched to boost the immune system and fight cancer-causing cells in our body, but it also works very well to assist in the burning of excess weight and body fat. The Epigallocatechin gallate component in green tea acts as a thermogenic meaning that it stimulates the fat-burning process. You’d need to drink at least seven cups of Green tea per day to get the effects of two to three capsules of a green tea supplement. I suggest taking them in the morning to avoid caffeine stimulation later in the day or choose a decaffeinated version.  
  • Interval Cardio - The good news is that the long cardiovascular sessions are over! New, improved interval cardio is taking its place. Interval training involves sprinting or pushing the body into an anaerobic state in short bursts of exertion for 20-30 seconds with rest periods in between. When doing interval cardio, there is less oxygen available to the muscles and the body will more quickly fatigue. A 20-minute session of interval cardiovascular exercise, just three days per week, stimulates the fat stores in our body and works to burn excess weight. 

On either the elliptical machine or recumbent bike, do a three-minute warm-up. Increase resistance and sprint for 30 seconds then reduce resistance again and perform a 90-second cool down. Do this eight times followed by a two-minute cool down at the end. A total of 19.5 minutes just three days per week!

  • Eat more Fat - This seems completely contrary to logic but the latest research is showing that by consuming more healthy unsaturated fats such as coconut, avocado, olive oil, fish, nuts, and seeds, not only do we feel satiated longer, but our system also gets busy stimulating the fat-burning process within our body. Studies have found that those who ate foods higher in healthy fats such as a Mediterranean diet had a lower Body Mass Index. This means less body fat and a leaner frame than those who ate a low-fat diet. They also lost excess weight more easily.  

We all want to look and feel our best and getting there just takes some consistent effort. By following these simple steps, and committing for a minimum of 6 weeks, you are well on your way to a slimmer, tighter, and more toned belly, just in time for summer! 

Always consult with your physician before starting any exercise, diet, or supplement routine.


(Jay Bradley is an anti-aging, wellness, and lifestyle expert living in Los Angeles. His new book LIVE LOOK FEEL is a 12-week guide that motivates the reader to take charge of their own life and helps them to “LIVE Longer, LOOK Younger, and FEEL Better!” Check Jay out at jaybradleylifestyle.com.) 


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