Sun, Feb



WELLNESS--By now we all know that proper sleep is the cornerstone of good health. But knowing it and experiencing it are two different things. Why is it that so many people are having such a difficult time getting and staying asleep? This important aspect of living longer and remaining healthy is a luxury for many. 

Do you wake up often during the night? Perhaps you have problems falling asleep? Do you awaken after 8 hours of sleep feeling unrested? There are so many variables and reasons why we don’t get a high-quality slumber but here are some tips that will definitely make a difference and get you on the road to sweet dreams and restful days ahead. 

MELATONIN - Melatonin is a well-known sleep enhancing hormone that is gentle on the body and offers a more relaxing and deep sleep. If you’re new to Melatonin, start with taking a 1-3 gram supplement an hour before bedtime. Alternatively, tart organic cherry juice also contains naturally occurring melatonin. Drink 1-2 oz. of tart cherry juice mixed with some water before your evening slumber. 

ROOM SETTING - Many people underestimate the importance of the bedroom environment and how it contributes or interrupts sleep. Keep your room at a cool temperature (between 62-68 degrees Farenheit) and ensure that there is no distracting light from the windows, clock radios, and computers. A white noise machine or fan can also gently block out disturbing sounds. 

CELL PHONE - Studies have shown that the EMF signals omitted from cell phones can interrupt your sleep. 

Make sure to keep your cell phone far away from your bed and ensure that it’s on silent mode. Wi-Fi can also interfere with your sleep so it’s best to keep your computer and Internet setup in a separate room. 

MEDITATION - Most of us know that meditation is good for us but we struggle with keeping it regular. A 20-minute daily meditation can shift our brain patterns and helps us to feel more relaxed and calm. This de-stressing practice will definitely improve your sleep patterns and help you to release negative emotions.   

EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique is an amazing self-healing tool that can be used by everyone. You can learn the basics by searching Youtube 

for EFT or tapping videos. Gently tapping on your acupuncture points while repeating affirmations can help you to release emotional heaviness and stress. With EFT, people have reported a deeper, more satisfying sleep. 

ESSENTIAL OILS - Lavender is the best-known essential oil to enhance relaxation and sleep. Use a pure lavender spray on your pillows, roll-on lavender oil to your temples before bed, or use 10-15 drops in your laundry detergent when washing your sheets. Other oils that assist sleep are vetiver, ylang ylang, chamomile, and sandalwood. 

Sleep disturbances encumber us from operating at our fullest during the day. If your sleep difficulties continue after trying some of these suggestions, make sure to dig deeper. Consider booking a sleep clinic so that you can have a professional analyze your sleep patterns. 

Take control of your life and finally get that deep, restful, and restorative sleep that you deserve.


(Jay Bradley is an anti-aging, wellness, and lifestyle coach in Los Angeles. He is the best-selling author of LIVE LOOK FEEL, the 12-Week Guide to Live Longer, Look Younger, and Feel Better! More about Jay at jaybradleylifestyle.com)



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