Sun, Feb

Bad Breath Solutions

WELLNESS--Okay we’ve all been there. We go on a date, lunch with a friend, or we meet somebody at an event and all we can notice is their bad breath! How do we react? Do we tell them or do we just pretend not to notice? 

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Is Anger Getting in the Way?

WELLNESS--Many years ago I decided to try therapy because I was dealing with depression due to the break-up of a long-term relationship. My therapist having known that I felt down for an extended period said “you may feel depressed, but chances are you’re just really angry.” She went on to explain that depression and anger are closely tied together. Although depression can be a clinical diagnosis that requires professional care, it may also be caused by unexpressed anger or resentment towards somebody or something. 

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What IF This is as Good as it Gets?

WELLNESS--I am ALL for being optimistic and thinking positive. I believe that we can to some degree, create our destiny using affirmations, a focused mindset, and the power of intention. But if you’ve tried to implement the law of attraction you may have found that things don’t always go as planned. 

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Not ALL Carbs are the Enemy

WELLNESS--It seems that carbs have been getting a very bad rap especially for those looking to lose weight and get fit. The ketogenic diet, which has gained immense popularity over the past few years, has emphasized the lowering of carbohydrates and the increasing of good fats and protein. 

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From Selfie to Selfless in 2018!

WELLNESS--We live in the age of selfies and narcissism. Of course, not everybody is self-involved but it seems that a perfect body and beautiful skin gets us attention, followers, and likes on social media and so why wouldn’t we have the wrong idea?  After all, being self-focused sells! 

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No More Resolution Let-Downs!

WELLNESS--Every one of us has made New Year’s resolutions at some point in our lives. Many of us have kept them but all too often, let’s face it, they’re left behind somewhere by February or March because we’re too busy and have lost the incentive to follow through. 

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What We Can Learn from Denmark, the Happiest Place On Earth

WELLNESS--My parents recently visited me in Los Angeles. They gave me a book called “The Little Book of Hygge” by Meik Wiking which goes into great detail about how the Danish people find happiness through simple life pleasures. Hygge, pronounced HOO-GUH can be translated in different ways but one that resonates most for me is “taking pleasure from the presence of soothing things.” Being Danish myself, I began to contemplate how all of us can bring in more simple pleasures and soothing things into our day to day life in order to get back to basics. 

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Breathe – Like Your Life Depends On It!

WELLNESS-We all have one thing in common. We breathe an average of 23,400 times per day. But when was the last time you really paid attention to your breath? Most of us take breathing for granted and underestimate its ability to heal us on numerous levels. 

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Fall Foods Promote Better Health

WELLNESS--Most of us enjoy the festivities of the autumn season. It’s a reminder of the upcoming holidays, family celebrations, and comfort foods. Even though Los Angeles remains warm, hints of crispness begin to fill the air. 

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Secret Killer! Reduce Inflammation – Increase Life, Energy & Well-Being

WELLNESS--By now, most of us know that inflammation within the body is one of the leading factors to increased disease and illness. In fact, heart disease, stroke, cancer, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, and numerous others are linked to chronic inflammation.  These health challenges are affecting more and more Americans each year and a large percentage of these cases could have been prevented. 

A diet high in trans and hydrogenated fats and sugar along with highly processed carbohydrates like chips, cakes, and fast-food are the leading culprits with a lack of exercise also playing a critical role in the development of these illnesses. 

Health educators have been getting the word out for years about ways to decrease harmful factors while increasing healthy lifestyle habits and there is hope that eventually this dangerous trend will dissipate. 

There are subtle signs of inflammation too including indigestion, sinusitis, aches and pains, hay fever, allergies, bleeding gums, asthma, stiff joints, puffy eyes, skin rash, and headaches. In a natural, healthy state, our body should feel good most of the time. Any of these symptoms may be a clue that something is causing inflammation within your body. Paying attention to the early signs may be the key in preventing a more serious long-term illness. 

Sometimes these early symptoms may be caused by environmental irritants such as air fresheners, candles, personal care products, or pollen while at other times it may be something internal such as a reaction to medications, foods, or even supplements. 

I suggest that people listen to their body and the messages it sends us. If you don’t feel well, something is going on. Our body speaks to us at all times, and sometimes we need to get quiet and pay very close attention to that intuitive voice. If you’re having chronic issues of any type, begin looking for the source and don’t stop until you find it. 

Here are some important ways to begin reducing inflammation today so that you can improve your overall health: 

  • Rid your Home of Toxins – Chemical cleaners, air fresheners, and personal care products are the main cause of breathing issues and long-term damage especially to our lungs. Do yourself and your family a favor and throw out all chemical cleaners and personal care products and replace them with organic, healthy alternatives. For a list of which chemicals are the most harmful, visit: ewg.org  
  • Elimination Diet – One of the easiest ways to figure out which foods are triggering you is to do a short elimination diet. Eliminate the main culprits including dairy, wheat, sugar, gluten, eggs, corn, and soy for 7 days. Gradually begin re-introducing them one at a time. Keep track in a food journal how you feel before, during, and after you eat them. Look for signs of inflammation including mucus, fatigue, headache, indigestion, scratchy throat, and watery eyes or nose. Sometimes these can occur the next day so pay special attention and trust your intuition. 
  • Eat Alkaline – Too much acidity in our body can cause inflammation. Acidic foods include animal proteins, dairy products, sugar, processed foods, and alcohol. Try offsetting your acidity by bringing in more alkaline foods and beverages. Dark leafy green vegetables, pink Himalayan sea salt, and fresh lemons and limes are especially alkaline for the body. 
  • Superfoods – Some of the best ways to reduce inflammation are to consume concentrated forms of superfoods. Look for organic, raw, and non-GMO products such as: chlorella, spirulina, wheatgrass, sprouted kamut, turmeric, green tea, aloe vera, and tart cherry juice. 
  • Gut Health – By building our healthy gut flora, we strengthen our overall system and help to reduce inflammation. Take a potent probiotic supplement daily, eat fermented foods such as sauerkraut, and kombucha tea. Bone broth has also been shown to reduce inflammation in the digestive track and colon. Focus on consuming more organic product to eliminate the consumption of Glyphosate which is a harmful chemical in herbicide sprays used on non-organic produce. 
  • Omega 3 Oils - Adding more omega 3 rich foods to your diet in the form of hemp, flax and chia seeds, avocados, olives, salmon, sardines, and walnuts along with krill oil supplements, will help will help to off-set chronic inflammation and assist in creating healthy cholesterol levels. 
  • Quality Sleep – Sleep is absolutely essential in reducing inflammation. Ensure that you get quality rest at night and consider taking a regular, short nap during the day when possible. Sleep is restorative and assists our immunity, hormones, and other bodily systems to work at their optimal. Getting less than 6 hours of sleep per night has been linked to increased inflammation. 
  • Exercise – Doing some type of moderate exercise daily that keeps your heart rate at approximately 60-85% of its maximum (220-age x .85) helps to lower all inflammation markers within the body and assists in decreasing overall stress. 
  • Chill – These days it is imperative to incorporate a de-stress practice. It will be different for each person but some of the proven methods of lowering C Reactive Protein which is one important inflammation marker in the body are deep breath work such as breath of fire, yoga, meditation, and chanting. The key is keeping it regular and making it a daily practice for best results. 

While some inflammatory disease can be genetic, approximately 75% is related to our environment and our day to day lifestyle choices. Be wise, make good decisions and start today. Even the smallest of shifts can positively affect your life, energy, and well-being. 

  • Always consult with your physician before making changes in your diet, exercise, or supplement regimen.


(Jay Bradley is a Youthful Aging, Wellness & Lifestyle Expert Living in Los Angeles. http://www.JayBradleyLifestyle.com. He is the Best-Selling Author of LIVE LOOK FEEL, The 12-Week Guide to Live Longer, Look Younger & Feel Better!)



Tags: Jay Bradley, wellness, inflammation, secret killer, reduce inflammation, increase life

Feel It Today, Live It Tomorrow

WELLNESS--While I’m no fortune teller and can’t guarantee what the future holds, one thing is pretty clear; how we feel today is a good indication of what is to come in the future. Our emotions act as our internal GPS or guidance system as to our final destination. 

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Is It Time To Take a Break From Your Life?

WELLNESS--While I am a big advocate of people keeping structure and routine in their life so that we can stick to important tasks such as exercise, meditation, and family time because regularity breeds healthy habits, I am also a believer that sometimes we just need to take a break from our day to day life. 

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Sound Baths – An Ancient Tradition Finally Makes it into the Mainstream

WELLNESS--You may be familiar with the term “Sound Bath” as it has become more and more popular, especially within the spiritual, yoga, and meditation communities. Although it has nothing to do with getting wet, many would liken it to being cleansed from the inside out. 

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Great News! An Affordable Human Growth Hormone Product!

WELLNESS--Over the past few months I have been using an FDA approved, homeopathic, transdermal, Human Growth Hormone (HGH) gel. Like many people, I am always on the lookout for the next breakthrough product that will help me  remain healthy, young, and vital. 

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Anti-Social Media  

WELLNESS--I’ve been taking a social media vacation. I needed a break. The more people I speak with, it seems that I am not alone.

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Life’s Lessons Make Us Stronger

WELLNESS--Have you ever noticed that even when you’re doing well, life seems to test you?

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Six Ways to Stay Cool … and Alive

WELLNESS--We have been having record breaking heat in Southern California and with the planet continuing to warm up, there’s a good chance we have not seen the end of it.

This past week Los Angeles and San Diego have felt more like Arizona with temperatures reaching 117 in some places. Heat records all over southern California were toppled and at one point in Los Angeles alone there were over 32,000 residents without power. 

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5 Secrets to Making Exercise Easy!

WELLNESS--For starters, the all or nothing attitude towards exercise is not the mindset we want to hold.

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What YOU Can Do to Reduce the 50,000 Deaths by Suicide

WELLNESS--Last week two high profile celebrities Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain took their own lives.

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Ketamine Has Taken the Psychiatric World by Storm. That’s Good … and Bad … News!

WELLNESS--There is a drug that has taken the psychiatric world by storm and it’s called Ketamine.

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