We Fear the Evil of Leaders Who Would Lead Us into the Valley of the Shadow of Death
GUEST COMMENTARY-There are times to be measured and reasonable, but this is not one of them:
GUEST COMMENTARY-There are times to be measured and reasonable, but this is not one of them:
VOICES-The following letter was sent on Monday, May 18, to Mayor Eric Garcetti, Councilmember Mitch O'Farrell and Director of Planning Vince Bertoni.
GUEST COMMENTARY--Just how dirty is Los Angeles City Hall?
AT LENGTH-I’ve been thinking lately that perhaps America should build a wall like Donald J. Trump suggests, just not where he envisions it or for the reason he proposes.
ALPERN AT LARGE--Some of us want to find solutions, and some of us want to exploit this crisis.
PUBLIC HEALTH POLITICS--On Friday May 8, 2020, the West San Fernando Valley was experiencing excessive heat.
ONE MAN’S OPINION-If you think things are bad now, just wait. Americans are moving towards a second civil war.
GELFAND’S WORLD--I’ve been ruminating over the following question: Since so few people in this giant county have actually come down with the Covid-19 illness, are most of us at least modestly immune to it?
PERSPECTIVE--Every morning for the last two months, I’ve checked the news in my home state of Florida with growing concern.
AFFORDABLE HOUSING CRISIS-Current measures prohibiting eviction of tenants and helping them through the financial crisis won't last forever.
RENTERS’ RIGHTS-Despite a global pandemic that’s fueling mass unemployment in California, Big Real Estate has been contributing millions to stop the expansion of rent control through the Rental Affordability Act.
PLANNING WATCH-Despite the White House’s pre-pandemic boasts about a booming American economy, its bungled response to the Covid-19 crisis was the straw that quickly broke the back of the American financial system.
EASTSIDER--There are three basic facts about the much maligned public sector in the United States. There are over 90,000 distinct units nationwide, representing about 10% of the Annual US GDP.
PERSPECTIVE--The “final” Burbank Airport Noise Task Force hearing was held over two nights, May 6th and 7th, via Zoom.
ALPERN AT LARGE--While it's entirely understandable to acknowledge that people act--and react-- in fear, as time goes by the need to "keep it together" and "think clearly and calmly" is greater than ever.
VOTING POLITICS-Americans hoping for a clean, fair, and reliable vote count this fall must pay attention to how their state and local officials intend to handle this election.
@THE GUSS REPORT-How’s that for a provocative question? Ventura Boulevard is the world's longest avenue of contiguous businesses, stretching from Universal City to the front stoop of Calabasas.
A POST-PANDEMIC PROPOSAL-What makes great lives for Americans? Great jobs. A livelihood that they are passionate about.
GELFAND’S WORLD--Is it possible to impeach a president twice? We all know that the guy, currently holding the job in this country, doesn’t like to accept blame for anything.
DEEGAN ON LA-City Hall has been locked down to the public for the past several “at home” weeks,
FIRST PERSON--The cabin was restless. It was a weekday afternoon in late April, and I was among dozens of people boarding an airplane that most of us had assumed would be empty.
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