Wed, Mar

The George Floyd Sin Didn’t Start with Officer Chauvin


ONE MAN’S OPINION--The sadistic murder of George Floyd outrages the world. Let me re-phrase that, “The world, other than Donald Trump, Attorney William P. Barr and their coterie of predatory racists, is outraged.”  

If Black Lives truly Matter, the nation will not deceive itself into believing that Derek Chauvin is the origin of this evil.  Chauvin like all other police officers are mere instrumentalities of a predatory racist ruling class which also rejects the Declaration of Independence that all men have inalienable rights. 

While no one forced Derek Chauvin to be a hideous predatory who used color of authority to murder, neither Chauvin nor the Minnesota Police Department created the horrible system which permeates the United States of 2020. 

Let’s Be Clear about the Status of Police Officers 

They are low level expendables like grocery store clerks.  Their function is to do the bidding of the rich and powerful for whom Truth, Justice and the American way mean how much money they can make with no regard for anyone except themselves.  The officers do not set policy; they do not decide what practices should be used.  Derek Chauvin’s murder of George Floyd is a microcosm how predatory racism is imposed from the top down.  The only officers who questioned Chauvin while he was murdering George Floyd were two trainees.  Nonetheless, the newbees tried to do something.  The other long term officer held back the bystanders so that the murder could be completed using the court approved protocol. 

We must emphasize that bystanders without police training tried to save a life. Next, the trainees with the least experience made efforts, but the more experienced officer helped the Chauvin, lead officer, perpetrate the murder. The more one is subjected to the system, the more predatory one becomes.

The Police Departments Are the Fall Guy 

The police are at the bottom of the social pile.  Above them are district attorneys and state attorney generals.  In California, Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca was finally convicted of his felonious behavior.  He ran a  corrupt department, but his actual career ending error was interfering with an FBI probe.  While ex-Sheriff Baca goes to prison, no one talks about the person who allowed his predatory ways to continue, California State Attorney General Kamala Harris (AG term 2011-2017).  Sheriff Baca had reigned for 15 years, but Harris did nothing.  

Lying jailhouse informants have been a persistent problem for decades, and in January 2015, Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Alex Kozinski called AG Kamala Harris on the carpet for her role in California’s epidemic of prosecutorial misconduct.  Attorney General Harris is now Senator Harris and is being considered as Joe Biden’s running mate.  Meanwhile every one overlooks that when she was in law enforcement as San Francisco District Attorney and then as State AG, she had the heel of her boot in the necks of Blacks and Browns.  Meanwhile, Judge Kozinski is off the bench and complaints about predatory racism in the judiciary system seems to have been effectively stomped out. 

The Line of Predatory Abuse Runs from the Top of the Corrupt Judicial System to the Bottom 

As the news stories tell us about the ultra secret methods of the judicial system, the word came down from US Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts that Judge Kozinski had to go.  America’s judicial system is the home of systemic predatory racism from the very top to the very bottom.  Right now with Defund the Police, we are focusing on the foot soldiers who execute the policy, while ignoring the generals.  After the January 2015 hearing where Judge Kozinski called out AG Kamala Harris for her role in protecting lying jail house informants and prosecutors who take the stand to commit perjury, a decent system would have been revolted by the prosecutor, by the state trial court judge who knew the defendant was being railroad, by the state appellate court that condoned lying informants and perjuring prosecutors, and by the State Attorney General Kamala Harris. Instead, the federal judge was removed from the bench and Harris may become President.  The message is clear. 

Corrupt Judges Lead to Dirty Prosecutors 

The California State Bar has its own prosecutors, but the state bar prosecutors and judges are especially dirty.  The State Bar is the enforcement arm of the corrupt judges.  As seen with Attorney Richard I Levine, Judge David Yaffe (ret) basically framed Levine and then had the State Bar disbar him.  Richard Levine’s “crime” was to prevail in case which showed that LA County judges were getting millions of dollars in illegal “pay” from Los Angeles County. 

The State Bar prosecutors knew Attorney Levine had done nothing wrong, but in a predatory system facts and law do not matter. The State Bar’s purpose to disbar Richard Levine was to deter other attorneys from exposing judicial wrong doing.  The State Bar prosecutors are still doing the judges’ dirty work to protect judges’ constitutional rights under article VI section 10 to discriminate against Jews.  Since the State Bar prosecutors can read, they know that yours truly, Richard Abrams, did nothing wrong. In fact, they know Judge Torribio changed his ruling after learning that Yours Truly was a troublemaker Jew who would refuse Jesus Christ. After that, Judge Torribio altered the evidence to support his new decision. The definition of a dirty prosecutor is one who knows that the cops have falsified the evidence and are committing perjury and yet they press ahead with the persecution in order to “get” the defendant.  While Yours Truly is a troublemaker Jew who refuses Jesus Christ, only California makes that a offense. 

It would be naivete to think that art VI sec 10 allows predatory bigotry only against Jews. Art VI sec 10 reveals how judges think and behave – they may do whatever they wish. If they dislike Blacks, they will fill the jails with Blacks.   

Right now the nation has to focus on Americas’ hideously murderous racism against Blacks, but at the same time, we need to remember that at its core the judicial system is predatory against everyone.  All that matters to the judges is their power.


(Richard Lee Abrams is a Los Angeles attorney and a CityWatch contributor. He can be reached at: [email protected]. Abrams views are his own and do not necessarily reflect the views of CityWatch.)
