10C Above Baseline
CLIMATE POLITICS-Earth at 10°C above pre-industrial is unimaginable. It’s a deadly horrifying thought, but as shall be explained here, it should not be dismissed out of hand.
CLIMATE POLITICS-Earth at 10°C above pre-industrial is unimaginable. It’s a deadly horrifying thought, but as shall be explained here, it should not be dismissed out of hand.
REPORT FROM THE INTERCEPT--As the coronavirus pandemic devastates the economy and tax revenues drop massively across the U.S., cities have begun to prepare for the hard times ahead by proposing slashed budgets and reduced public services at a time when so many of their residents need them more than ever.
GUEST COMMENTARY-Almost a million and a half Americans have been infected so far in the pandemic.
DEEGAN ON LA---“As with many issues involving individuals experiencing homelessness, no party appears to be addressing this problem with any urgency”.
SALON REPORT--Rectangles are painted on the ground to encourage homeless people to keep social distancing at a city-sanctioned homeless encampment across from City Hall in San Francisco, California, on May 22, amid the novel coronavirus pandemic.
ALPERN AT LARGE--Normally, I would be devoting this article to the dedicated youth in our nation who got up early Saturday morning to dedicate the fallen at the West Los Angeles Memorial Cemetery.
PLANNING WATCH-The FBI’s investigation of corruption at LA’s City Hall, now in its third year, has, so far, focused on five individuals and lead to several arrests.
GELFAND’S WORLD--When I started doing an internet column in the early years of the new century, I was asked to think critically about the failures of the media.
CORONA WATCH--The United States has long established itself as the neoliberal superstar, the modern nation with the most wealth inequality, threadbare social safety net, and thoroughly corporatized political leaders from both major parties.
EASTSIDER-With all the big ticket things going on, like dealing with corrupt politicians, imploding municipal budgets, and Federal follies, it’s easy to ignore the little stuff, like a sudden offer of $5000 to each Neighborhood Council to pay for good deeds.
JIM CROW 2020--How deep does American racism go?
PERSPECTIVE-“We have met the moment and we have prevailed,” Donald Trump said at a news briefing May 11.
@THE GUSS REPORT-Thank god someone in the national media finally pointed out what many in LA, outside of most people in the local media, have long whispered: LA Mayor Eric Garcetti is a kooky guy hell-bent on obtaining power and attention to satisfy his peculiar cravings rather than doing what he was hired to do: govern fairly, transparently, and honestly.
RANTZ & RAVEZ-I was invited to join the parade celebrating the 100th Birthday of Encino resident and military veteran Ernest “Ernie” R. Dutcher, Jr. Senior citizen members and friends from the Wings over Wendy’s military group gathered in cars, many decorated with festive Happy Birthday signs and colorful balloons.
VOICES-When I heard that my wife’s book club was meeting in the home that the architect, S. Charles Lee designed for himself (photo above), I decided to read a book I didn’t want to read.
ONE MAN’S OPINION-It took a long time for our country to devolve to such a low level that we have become one of the world’s most corrupt and poorly run nations.
CLIMATE POLITICS--The human body has limits. If “temperature plus humidity” is high enough, even a healthy person seated in the shade with plentiful water to drink will suffer severely or likely die.
DEEGAN ON LA-Being a landlord of a rent stabilized (RSO) property these days is more challenging than ever.
POLITICS--From the beginning of this pandemic, the response of our elected officials has prioritized private profits over saving lives.
@THE GUSS REPORT-The best way to read the LA Times for the past few decades is to do so with an open and fair mind, and then read between the lines to figure out its lies by omission.
PANDEMIC IN LOS ANGELES: DAY 60--Following George Chiang’s guilty plea in the FBI’s case against Council Member Jose Huizar, I am firmly of the belief that all fifteen members of the LA City Council should now resign, pack up their bags, and try their luck elsewhere.
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