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Oil of Oregano - Nature’s Miracle Herb   


WELLNESS--I have been touting the power of Oregano for 20 years. A lovely woman who sat next to me at a seminar first introduced me to it. She could clearly see that I was suffering from a bad cold and suggested that I try Oil of Oregano. She went on to say that it had really changed her life. 

Being the curious and open-minded health seeker that I am, and certainly not one to pass up on a synchronistic meeting, I picked some up on my lunch break. As per the directions, I used 3-5 drops under my tongue followed by some water. At first, I was slightly stunned by the powerful and pungent burn that this product brought on but I also noticed an immediate opening of my lungs, and a clearing of my sinuses. 

I still look to that day and that woman as a true gift from the Universe. After all, I had suffered from allergies, earaches, asthma, and bronchitis frequently from childhood into my 30s and I figured that was just the “thing” that I would have to deal with for the rest of my life. 

Prior to learning about Oregano Oil, I would struggle at least once per year with a chronic chest infection that were often very difficult to rid my body of. After Oil of Oregano, I have experienced only 3-4 bouts of upper respiratory infections in 20 years! And they were nowhere near as severe as they were prior to using this miracle herb. Sure I have also had some minor colds along the way but they were short lived in duration and less intense then before. Have I changed other things in my diet and lifestyle? Absolutely. But I can honestly say that without a doubt, the number one factor to my improved immunity is the regular use of Oil of Oregano. 

Oregano Oil normally consists of pure, wild Oregano along with an oil carrier such as olive oil. Because of it’s high anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-microbial properties, this mixture can also be use topically to fight off skin rashes and cold sores, and helps to alleviate everything from toothaches to sore muscles. 

If you find yourself getting sick after taking a flight which many people do, bring a small bottle with you in your carry on bag on future trips. Airplanes are known to be full of airborne germs, and Oil of Oregano will help to boost your immunity, and ward off some of these bugs during a long flight. You may also mix 5-10 drops in your juice or water and drink it throughout the day. 

As a general guide, to combat illness, begin using your oil twice daily for a number of days at the first signs of a possible infection such as a scratchy throat, stuffy sinuses, or cough. If you’re already suffering from a cold, or flu, use 5-10 drops under your tongue followed by water 2-3 times per day until your symptoms dissipate. 

You may not always avoid illness completely nor would you want to, as it can be a way for our body to cleanse and detox naturally. But I am confident that you will reduce the intensity and duration of a future illness with nature’s miracle, Oil of Oregano! 

*Oil of Oregano shouldn’t be used by pregnant women and as always, consult your physician before taking any supplements or herbs.


(Jay Bradley is a Youthful Aging, Wellness & Lifestyle Expert Living in Los Angeles.  http://www.JayBradleyLifestyle.com. He is the Best-Selling Author of LIVE LOOK FEEL, The 12-Week Guide to Live Longer, Look Younger & Feel Better!)

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