Wed, Mar

New Year - New You!


WELLNESS--Almost everybody gets excited about a New Year! That’s just the way it goes. Most of us feel optimistic and a renewed sense of faith that a brand New Year will be our best ever. That’s a fantastic outlook to have. The problem however, comes when we get 2, 3 or 6 months into the year and we haven’t followed through with all of our goals and resolutions. At that point, we begin to feel stuck and victimized by our old habits and negative cycles. 

If this is you, you’re certainly not alone since it is estimated that almost 80% of Americans fail at achieving their resolutions. So why then is it that many of us can’t keep our resolutions? 

Here are some helpful tips and solutions to keep you on track this coming year: 

  • Keep Your Goals Believable: We all want dramatic changes in one area or another. Whether we need to lose 100 pounds or we want to make that first million. And while I am all for having BIG dreams, keeping things believable is the key to achieving our vision. If you absolutely believe that you can lose 100 pounds then by all means make that your goal. But if you struggle with seeing and feeling what it’s like to be so thin, start with 25 pounds and then work your way up once you get there. Goals that are too large to handle will most likely be sabotaged. 
  • Write Them Down: If we have grand dreams and goals but we never write them down, they are simply floating around in our minds. When we not only write things down but also keep track of the steps we need to get us there, we create a precise statement of where we want to go and we can see concrete proof that we are moving towards those very dreams. Keeping a day-to-day journal and calendar helps us to break things down into manageable steps. 
  • Visualize: Many people have magical results when they keep a vision board or a vision book which features photos, images, cut-outs, and physical data that shows them what their dreams will look like. It may sound silly but if your goal is to get lean and toned, put a picture of your head onto a body that is athletic and fit. Stick an image of yourself into that sports car you’ve always wanted. If you’d like to manifest $5,000 then cut out copies of 50-$100 bills so that you can see exactly how that will look. The more specific you are, the better your results will be. I have seen unbelievable things happen for people who have taken these steps. 
  • It’s Okay to Change Your Mind: We’re human and we are entitled to change our minds. If you find yourself in March no longer desiring the things you wanted in January, then take them off your list or re-work them. Don’t let things you don’t want clutter your mind. Get clear on your intentions and be open to change along the way. Sometimes what we think we want isn’t really what we deeply desire on an emotional or spiritual level. 

There is no doubt that with a new year comes a lot of change. Change is always inevitable. Sometimes they’re small, almost unnoticeable shifts while at other times they may take our breath away. 

If you haven’t gotten specific with what you’d truly like in your life then chances are you’ll continue attracting what you’ve been getting. If you love all aspects of your life then keep doing what you’ve been doing. If on the other hand, you really desire transformation and newness, then get serious about allowing the life of your dreams in. Believe that your desires can come, keep track of your day-to-day goals that will get you to the outcome you’d like, visualize your dream life often, and know that’s it okay to change your mind along the way. 

Happy 2017! 


(Jay Bradley is a Youthful Aging, Wellness & Lifestyle Expert Living in Los Angeles.  http://www.JayBradleyLifestyle.com. He is the Best-Selling Author of LIVE LOOK FEEL, The 12-Week Guide to Live Longer, Look Younger & Feel Better!)


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