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I’m Registering As An Independent


ABE WON’T BE SILENT - Months ago, before Kamala Harris entered the race, I told my sister Vivian, “If the Democrats can’t pull out a win, I’m done with the Democratic Party. I’ll register as an Independent.” And that’s exactly what I’ll do. Social media this election season highlighted how exhausting it is to watch the far-left’s antics, particularly the vile, antisemitic rhetoric and identity-driven politics that turned voters away. Our national discourse has devolved into a cesspool of name-calling, hypocrisy, and political correctness. Sanctimonious voices dominate, and they’re quick to label any dissent as “inappropriate,” even when it’s simply a call for balanced conversation.

Independents represented 34% of the vote in this election. That’s a huge bloc that should send a message to both of the corporate owned political parties. Many Independents are forced to choose the lesser of two evils every election cycle, a sentiment I’ve heard time and again. This year, the “greater evil” won in a landslide, partly because nearly fifteen million Democrats stayed home. Apathy is more dangerous than any single political opponent, in my view—it’s a silent killer of democratic engagement, kinda like the Fentanyl of politics.

So why don’t we have a more robust independent movement? Why aren’t there more candidates who truly bridge the divide between the polar extremes within the Democratic and Republican parties? Forget the Green Party; it’s been clear for years that it’s not a viable option and has been headed by a living, breathing Russian bot named Dr. Jill Stein. May her political career RIP or something.

What we need is a solid, practical party built by a coalition of disillusioned Democrats and fed-up Republicans, people who are annoyed, yet care more about policies than party loyalty. The “No Labels” group attempted this, but they didn’t exactly set the stage for success. Besides, the name reminds me of Ross Dress for Less AND they threw the seventy millions dollars behind candidates like Joe Manchin and Joe Lieberman. Guess they though Old Joe’s had a chance. Talk about dead man walking.

I’m seeing a lame attempt at a third party called “The Good Party”, which by the name alone, would attract the wannabe alpha straight white males that can’t get dates who still live at home. Both of these efforts invoke the notion of “WTF!” It’s like they are smoking the grass that’s needed to start a viable grassroots movement.

If the ego bruised Never Trumpers that emerged from the 2016 Trump debacle had started building an independent coalition back then, we might already have a credible alternative today. Instead, many of them turned into bloviators on cable news, podcasters, Substackers, soothsayers, and Twitter whores shouting from the sidelines rather than building something real. Many have recently become TikTok Live addicts, which proves that ‘better late than never’, might NOT be better after all. These Johnny Come Latelys come off as desperate for attention at a time when social media—especially TikTok—is at its most toxic. 

Let’s bring people together for a new vision—one that isn’t burdened by the horrendous DNC and RNC. We need an INC, an Independent National Committee. As much as we don’t like him, RFK Jr was on the right track. Yes, I said that.

The new INC needs to operate from a higher ground that invites people to work together and find the best platform that meets the future of American political discourse. Kind of like a safe haven for the moderates of each party. The INC prioritizing practical solutions, supports common-sense policies, and appeals to those frustrated by both extremes without the religious dogma that is cursing both parties.

If you’re interested in being part of this effort, let’s connect. We need to start talking, organizing, and planning for a new political conversation that gives Independents a voice and a choice. Direct message me, email me—let’s do something meaningful for our country. Let’s build a future where voters aren’t trapped between two unappealing options every four years, and where our leaders are accountable not to partisan donors but to the American people.


(ABE GURKO is the executive producer of a documentary “Won’t Be Silent,” about the extraordinary Women of Protest Music. He's an Opinionator who hosts a podcast, "Won't Be Silent," engaging in conversations from the edge of democracy. Abe is a contributor to CityWatchLA.comabegurko@gmail.com)

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