Thu, Oct

Hey LA Electeds!  How About Fixing Stuff?


RANTZ & RAVEZ - How many times do local elected officials need to push the alarm and declare a “State of Emergency” before they get serious about resolving the situation that caused the “State of Emergency” in the first place? 

Dateline September 22, 2015:  LA to declare ‘State of Emergency’ on homelessness, commit $100 Million.  Note the year is 2015.  That is 9 years ago! 

During my research for this edition of RantZ and RaveZ, I came across a news article with the Bold Headline regarding the ‘State of Emergency’ for the exploding homeless population in Los Angeles.  What happened with the Decree and the $100 Million Dollars moved by Mayor Eric Garcetti and members of the City Council in September of 2015 to address the expanding homeless population in Los Angeles?  $100 Million in addition to $13 million to be used to help house people living on the streets of Los Angeles.  Apparently it shows that large sums of tax dollars were set aside to solve a problem that just got worse as time passed.  So, what is next from our elected officials to show they are doing something to address the increasing homeless population?   How about another ‘State of Emergency’ to show that something is being done to address the situation that has caused many residents and business owners to complain about the proliferation of the homeless population throughout Los Angeles City and County.  From San Pedro to West Los Angeles and from East Los Angeles to the San Fernando Valley the sprawling homeless population continues to grow and expand into more community neighborhoods bringing with them their assortment of possessions that are frequently strewn around like trash at the dump. 

On occasion, following multiple resident and business owner complaints to the 15 Council Offices, the city will send crews to remove the assortment of possessions and clean the area.  In a few days, the Homeless and their possessions all return and the situations continues to grow as the days pass.  This merry go round has been repeated more times than I can count throughout an assortment of Los Angeles neighborhoods.  

While I support Mayor Karen Bass and her many attempts to address the expanding homeless population and invasion into neighborhoods throughout our city, the current programs are not working and the millions upon millions of dollars spent along with the alarming “State of Emergency” declarations need to be modified to once and for all effectively return neighborhoods to community residents and business owners who pay heavy taxes and deserve a much cleaner and better environment then they are currently receiving from each and every Los Angeles City Elected and Appointed Official.  

One thing to remember is that Los Angeles was once a Safe, Clean, and prosperous city with great pride and international recognition.  With the 2028 Olympics coming to our city in a short time, there is no time to waste to clean up Los Angeles so we can once again be the shining light to the world. 

As a native of Los Angeles and member of the Law Enforcement and former L.A. City Charter Commissioner and Councilmember, I know we can do better in returning Los Angeles to a Safe, Clean, and prosperous City of the Angels for all to enjoy. 

With Violent Crime continuing on the Metro and throughout Los Angeles, many residents are in fear and inquiring about purchasing a gun and obtaining a CCW. 

For those who have contacted me about obtaining protection for themselves and their families, I have cautioned them about rushing to the gun store and purchasing a weapon and not knowing how to use it to protect themselves and their families.  A gun is a deadly weapon and anyone who has one must know how to use it and how to keep it in a safe location.  Always away from children.  If you decide to purchase a gun and want to obtain a CCW (Carry Concealed Weapon), you must obtain a permit from a law enforcement agency.  It is a time-consuming task and not like obtaining a credit card.  You must apply to the law enforcement agency in your community and comply with all the requirements.  

If you reside in Los Angeles, the following info is for you… 

LAPD CCW Application.  LAPD Website www.lapdonline.org   Enter CCW in the search field. 

You can also contact the LAPD Gun Unit at 213 486 5360.  100 West First Street.  Los Angeles, California 90012. 

The November National Election……

I am in the process of preparing my Endorsements for the November 5th  Election.  Note that I am registered as a No Party Preference and support candidates and Propositions as long as I believe they will serve all of us.  Look for my RantZ and RaveZ Election Edition prior to the November 5th Election. 

(Dennis P.  Zine is the author of RantZ and RaveZ.  Dennis is retired from Law Enforcement and local politics.  Dennis continues to serves as a Reserve Police Officer.  Dennis is the Law Enforcement Specialist for local media and can be heard on KABC Radio 790 AM and on Local TV Newscasts and Spectrum Cable.) 

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