Mon, Mar

Merry Christmas Wishes, Kudos for Bob Blumenfield – And Don’t Forget to ‘Recall Gavin 2020’


RANTZ & RAVEZ- I am ending the year 2020 with a big and well-deserved “Rave” for LA City Councilmember Bob Blumenfield (photo above) from the 3rd Council District in the West San Fernando Valley. 

It all began in 2005 when D.S. Ventures, LLC purchased vacant land along the north side of Mulholland Drive near Topanga Canyon Blvd to build a number of custom homes. Local residents immediately became involved and formed a group to block this from changing the pristine land and open space. 

The neighbors organized, raised funds, and retained an attorney to fight the development. The matter languished for more than 15 years while the developer, homeowners, a private school, LA Department of Building and Safety, the local Neighborhood Council, the Mulholland Drive Review Board, the City Council Office along with various departments at City Hall, as well as other organizations negotiated and fought over about the matter. 

At times it appeared that no solution would be possible, considering all the disparate parties engaging with lawyers and city officials at various levels of government. But during his time in office, the local Councilman Bob Blumenfield continued to try and find a solution; he never ran out of patience or understanding for all involved. 

I am happy to finally “Rave” that, after all the meetings and mounds of reports and the lack of patience shown by many of the involved parties, Councilmember Bob Blumenfield successfully negotiated a solution agreed to by all parties. All appeals filed by the numerous community groups and individuals were dismissed after some reasonable modifications were agreed to by the developer. 

The matter ultimately was heard at a recent LA City Council meeting, with the council voting unanimously to approve the development. Nineteen homes will be built for residential use and open space will be preserved along with a number of other enhancements for the benefit of the community. 

Congratulations to LA City Councilman Bob Blumenfield for his patience, understanding and ability to bring opposing views together for a successful conclusion after years of negotiations. 

I want to acknowledge Bob Blumenfield and present him with a “Rave” for a job well done! 

As 2020 comes to an end, we are all impacted by the effects of COVID-19. 

No matter what one’s position or status in the United States or anywhere else in the world, we are all vulnerable to the COVID-19 virus. It is critical that we follow the CDC rules and those set out by other medical professionals. I have friends who have been stricken with the disease. One nearly died but, fortunately, all have recovered. Those who survive this virus are fortunate. Others less fortunate have died. May they rest in peace. 

It is nice when our national elected officials finally remember those of you who are struggling for survival. 

Our elected officials in Washington, D.C. finally approved a $900 billion package on Sunday December 20 to help Americans in distress. Many people are not able to pay their rent, mortgage, property taxes, purchase food or buy Christmas gifts for their loved ones. While it will take some time for the funds to reach you, the elected members of Congress and the Senate have not missed a check or any of the other benefits they receive at our expense. Is it fair or proper for you to be treated like this by those elected to represent you in Washington, DC ? Something to think about before the next election. 

Annual Homeless Count scraped this year. 

We all know that the number of homeless people in our city is growing and getting worse every day. It’s obvious that politicians and various government organizations are not doing enough to reduce the number of homeless individuals living on the streets throughout Los Angeles. The Channel 4 News has done a number of reports on the exploding homeless population in various LA neighborhoods.  Rats that roam many areas of the city are adding to the problem.  

Voters passed tax increases to address the situation. But even though the money is there, we see little to show for it.   

Now word has come that the annual homeless count is not going to happen this year. The reason is obvious. If there is no count, we won’t know how many homeless people we have in Los Angeles. An interesting way to hide the truth -- and keep squandering bond funds. 

Governor Gavin Newsom. 

If you are fed up with party boy Governor Gavin Newsom and his activities which are negatively impacting Los Angeles and all of California -- closing businesses and putting thousands of people out of work -- please sign the Recall Petition. All you need to do is go to RecallGavin2020.com, copy the petition, and circulate it among your friends. 

It’s time to let the Governor know that we’re unhappy with his lack of leadership and hypocrisy!   


(Dennis P. Zine is a former and retired LAPD Supervisor, former and retired 12-year Los Angeles City Councilman and current General Manager at Bell Canyon in Ventura County.) Edited for CityWatch by Linda Abrams.