Sun, Feb

Republicans, Conservatives, MAGATS are Less than Human


BUBBLES OF HATE-Yes, this is a horrible statement, but after witnessing the behavior horrors of the last 5 years that is continuing on a daily basis, this group has well-proven that they lack any relationship to human beings.

Instead, they are a group of knuckle-dragging, conspiracy theory believing morons that can’t seem to find enough people of color and religions other than their twisted version of Christianity to hate. 

We have watched as they “hate” -- Muslims, Mexicans, any Latina, and now anyone that even looks “Asian.” They scream the word “patriot” and yet support authoritarian regime control. They call liberals socialists and communists and have ZERO idea what any of those ideologies are. They mindlessly bleat whatever trendy term they are told to say: “woke” “cancel culture” and worship a guy that paints his face orange while thinking his idiot word salad is some kind of QAnon secret message. They have politicized the pandemic, yelling at people to “take off your face diaper” while rejecting science and anyone that is educated. Their pride in their stupidity seems to stem from the fact that they think “America” is the greatest country, when they are a daily reminder that it isn’t. 

This group buys into SO many lies and conspiracies that are being generated every day that the fact checkers can’t keep up. They have convinced themselves that these are “opinions” and when real truths are presented, they pull the victim card and attack the other person for not being accepting enough. They refuse accountability, and if they weren’t so damned evil about it, one could just shake their head. 

The problem is that they have devoted decades to believing the right-wing crap that is fed to them on a daily basis and to be honest, they aren’t smart enough to use critical thinking to question any of it.

I already know the response to these accusations: “saying these things isn’t making it better” or “you are just making things worse.” Well, here is a statement: Exactly WHEN is it mine/our responsibility to babysit these idiots? Why does anyone expect the rest of the intelligent and thoughtful society to accept their vitriol, which has now included attempting to overthrow the government and murdering people of Asian descent? The fact is that they EXPECT the rest of us to just sit back and try to play nice. That’s how they get away with it.

As Rep. John Lewis said, “No Justice, No Peace.” 

The type of behavior that this pathetic group exhibits is something that we would expect from less than human creatures from the past. Pride in ignorance and attacking anyone that looks or acts differently than they do is not a civilized trait. 

No, You’re Not a “Patriot” — You’re an A$$hole 

These fools seem to have a rather bizarre idea that prancing around waving flags and wearing them as clothes makes them a patriot. We have seen hyper-nationalism in the past and it’s almost always associated with fascism. Couch potatoes with loud mouths that think bullying people is ok are nothing more than a$$holes, and we are sick of it. 

Even their representatives are disgusting. From Ron Johnson’s pathetic racist commentary about not being afraid of the insurrectionists that beat and killed police officers to making excuses for the terrorist that killed eight Asian women in Georgia, the Republicans and their cult continue to use loaded rhetoric that deliberately places anyone that isn’t white and pseudo-Christian as the enemy. 

The Republicans currently have over 250 bills in 47 states that are based on voter suppression so that they can return the country to the Jim Crow days. The problem with these people (and I use that term loosely) is that they need to seek mental health counseling. They have surrounded themselves in a bubble of hate of everyone else, with the misguided idea that only “white people” are American and covered under the laws and amendments of the Constitution. 

When you say the country is divided, you are absolutely correct. None of us, who have common sense and decency will accept what Trump and his Orks have let loose. I will happily tell them what they always tell the rest of us: If you want to live in a country that only has white people that cherry pick their Christian religion, go buy an island. This is not what America is about nor will we-the-people sit back and let your big mouths rule squat. 

It’s obvious that trying to reason with the insane hasn’t worked so I guess it’s time for the rest of us to stand up to the bullies. After all, we know that all bullies are really just cowards. 

(S. Novi is a journalist that worked in the media and continues to seek out truth and integrity. A liberal and one that is suspicious of cults and empty promises. This piece appeared on Medium.com.) Image Sources: Pinterest. Prepped for CityWatch by Linda Abrams.