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Anti-Aging at ANY age!


We all want to look great! We all want to feel amazing! The great news is that no matter what your chronological age, you CAN make a difference. For those in their 20s, making positive changes early on, can positively affect the way you look and feel throughout your life. For those over 50, accessing anti-aging regimens WILL turn back the clock! 

Everybody ages differently based upon numerous factors including genetics and lifestyle choices such as diet, exercise, and smoking habits, but EVERYBODY can look and feel better by making some positive choices along the way. 

Here is a general guide for people of every age. You may decide to adopt more aggressive anti-aging regimens earlier on and the choice is always yours. The best decision when it comes to staying youthful is consistent effort over an extended period of time. 


1)   Good Skincare - Start with a simple, yet effective skincare regimen in your 20s. Find products that fit your skin type. If you’re oily or have acne, make sure to properly cleanse the skin twice per day and consider salicylic acid pads to thoroughly clean your pores.  Be gentle with your skin and do your best not to pick as this can cause damage.

2)   Sunscreen - By committing to protecting your skin at a young age, the benefits will show for the rest of your life. Find a face and body SPF of 30-50 without retinyl palmitate and oxybenzone and one that is preservative free. Apply it everyday to any exposed areas even during the winter months and on cloudy days.

3)   Drink water - By getting into the habit of drinking 8-10 glasses of quality, filtered water every single day your skin will THANK YOU plus your body will get to work rinsing out toxins from your system.

4)   Exercise - The earlier that one starts an exercise regimen, the better their chances of continuing throughout life. Make strength training, and cardiovascular exercise a habit and commit to 4-5 days per week.

5)   Soul Search - By beginning to take time every day to reflect, meditate, go inward, and even talking with a good therapist, this will help you to eliminate toxic emotions from a young age allowing you more freedom to enjoy your life fully as the years go on. You will learn the art of self-love and self-acceptance.


1)   Supplements - This is the time of your life when you want to begin taking supplements such as an extensive multivitamin plus minerals, krill oil, and a quality probiotic.

2)   Botox- In your 30s you may begin noticing fine lines, and furrows starting between your eyebrows. Consider starting a regimen of Botox Cosmetic or Dysport to gently reduce the muscle movement thus softening or eliminating future wrinkles.

3)   Lasers - To improve your skin tone and texture, the IPL laser or Photofacial is a wonderful, relatively non-invasive way of giving your skin a renewed and fresh look.

4)   Interval Cardio - Consider pumping up your cardio training now by shifting into interval cardio sessions which push your body harder for shorter periods of time. This will assist the release of HGH (the anti-aging hormone) and help to improve your overall body and skin.

5)   Self Help - This is a time in your life to take your personal growth, and spirituality more seriously. Really commit to finding a spiritual practice for yourself and explore healing modalities such as acupuncture, massage, or hypnosis. Dig deep and release any further blocks that you may be carrying.


1)   Serious Skincare - Your 40s is the time to explore serious skincare that truly packs a punch! My favorite and one that is getting rave reviews by doctors all around the world. It is called TNS Essential Serum by SkinMedica. Human Fibroblasts help to renew your skin cells and work hard to reduce the signs of aging, revealing youthful skin that will make people take notice.

2)   Additional Herbs - Along with a regular vitamin regimen, introducing herbs that assist with inflammation, adrenal support, and stress reduction will be beneficial. Research herbs such as Ashwaganda, Rhodiola, and Turmeric, and make sure to take psyllium husk daily to support proper digestive and colon health.

3)   Fillers - Hyaluronic fillers such as Juvederm and Restylane work to temporarily plump the skin. They are amazing as reducing deep smile lines and other areas of your face that are beginning to show signs of aging.

4)   Hormones - In your 30s and 40s, your hormones levels may begin to fluctuate which can accelerate the aging process. Find a qualified anti-aging specialist to discuss Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)

5)   Deep Cleaning - At this stage in your life, make regular body cleanses a seasonal practice. Try a juice cleanse or get regular colonics to assist your body in reducing toxins and chemicals. 


1)   Sculptra - Often people in their late 40s or 50s begin to show signs of sagging or facial drooping due to fat loss. Sculptra is a wonderful cosmetic injectable that helps to stimulate your own collagen to bring back the fullness you had in your 20s and 30s. It is done over a series of sessions in order to achieve a natural effect. You may also consider natural fat injections as an alternative.

2)   Ultherapy - This is a great time to consider Ultherapy which uses ultra sound technology to stimulate collagen. It works deeply to lift, and tone your skin. It is a great alternative to the more invasive facelift and full results will be seen over a period of 3-6 months.

3)   Cosmetic Surgery - Some people may have surgery earlier in their life but the 50s is a great time to consider a lift. Having a neck, face, or eyelift can completely change how you feel about yourself and take years off of your appearance. Always choose a doctor who has the most natural looking clients.

4)   Eyes - The eyes say it all! Pay extra attention to the eye area using quality skincare and also consider hyaluronic fillers to assist with smoothing puffiness and under eye bags.

5)   Make Peace - This is a wonderful time to make peace with your past and fully forgive others and yourself. You’re perfect the way you are, and now is the time to FULLY enjoy life and find a wonderful balance between work and recreation. 

60s and Beyond

1)   Makeover - People at this age may consider more extensive cosmetic surgery and more aggressive lasers to fully rejuvenate their appearance. Men who haven’t already, may choose to have hair transplants to regain the full head of hair they had earlier in life.

2)   Give Back - There is nothing more cathartic than giving back to others. At this stage in your life, think about what gifts you have to share with the world and really focus on getting them out there in order to change the lives of others. This helps you to reduce your own stress by putting your focus on other people.

3)   Retreats - Take time to attend spas and retreats regularly to rejuvenate your body, mind, and soul. Treat yourself. This is the time!

4)   Experiment - Research the latest anti-aging, and health trends and experiment on yourself. This is an exciting time and you don’t need to age the way your parents and grandparents did. This is your prime! Set a new example of how HOT your 60s and beyond can be.

5)   Get Creative - Tune into your inner artist and truly explore all of those creative endeavors that may not have been fully realized. What did you love to do when you were a child? What is your inner voice telling you would be fun? By getting creative, you stay young!


*Always consult your doctor before beginning any nutrition or exercise regimen. Do your research to ensure that you are working with professionals who have a proven track record. 

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