Tue, Mar

How to Clean Your Home, Smell Good and … Not Die


WELLNESS--It has long been suspected that cleaning chemicals have long been to blame for reduced lung function and potential long-term damage. Finally, a study published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine that followed 6000 people over a 20 year period has linked the use of cleaning chemicals with reduced lung function and damaged lungs. The study compared the effects on these people lungs to smoking 20 cigarettes a day for a 10 to 20 year period.

It has long been suspected by us in the “alternate health” world that these products are dangerous and unnecessary, but the big corporate and big pharma companies are masters of marketing and have people convinced that they need to purchase chemical laden products in order to get their homes cleaned.  

There are other ways to clean our home and our laundry for that matter. Companies like Melaleuca have been making clean and green products since long before it was sheik, and then of course there is always old-fashioned water soap. For those tougher stains adding baking soda as a cleaning solution is an effective way to life stains both in the laundry and while scrubbing the bathroom.  

Vinegar is another magical cleaning product. While the smell may be strong, it’s a much better choice than dangerous chemicals that literally “restructure” the lungs and cause permanent damage. Vinegar is acidic which helps it naturally reduce soap scum and break through grime and grease. 

For mildew and mold specifically, adding some lemon juice will do the trick. Acidic by nature, good old fashioned lemons are both effective in cleaning your insides, and the environment around you.  

Finally, essential oils are another great way to get things clean. Tea tree oil is a great addition to any cleaning solution and adding other oils like lavender and frankincense is a great way to cut down on grime and get your home smelling fresh and clean.  

It’s time to ditch the chemical laden cleaning supplies in your home. This is especially true if anyone in the home has asthma or decreased lung function in any way. 


(Christian Cristiano is an acupuncturist in LA, TV host of Wellness for Realists and writes on wellness regularly for CityWatch. Christian can be reached at 310.909.6956 twitter: @CristianoWFR 


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