Thu, Mar

Oil Pulling Can Improve Your Health … Here’s How


WELLNESS--Dating back as far as 3000 years Oil Pulling has been used in Ayurvedic Medicine as a means to detoxify the blood, improve oral health, heal sinus issues and help heal wounds or illness. Practitioners of Ayurvedic medicine have a morning health ritual referred to as dinacharya and part of that ritual includes oil pulling. It is usually done using coconut, olive, or sesame oil by taking approximately 1 tablespoon of oil into ones mouth and swishing it around for 10 to 20 minutes then spitting it out. 

In Ayurvedic Medicine as well as Chinese Medicine the mouth and tongue are used as both a way to diagnose illness and tell us what’s happening digestively. In Chinese medicine we use the tongue specifically, but the mouth in its entirety is used as an indication of overall health and wellness. 

Like so many other effective natural remedies, oil pulling is worth trying. Corporations have little interest in investing in things like oil pulling because there is no profit to be found if the research comes back proving its efficacy. 

Besides the above-mentioned indications, oil pulling can also help with sensitive or painful teeth, bad breath, and yellow or stained teeth. A study published by Clinical and Diagnostic Research done in 2014 proved that oil pulling was as effective in killing unfriendly mouth bacteria as chlorhexidine, the active ingredient in mouthwash.  

There have been other studies showing that oil pulling is as effective as mouthwash when it comes to fighting plaque. A 2009 study published in The Indian Journal of Dental Research found that decreased gingivitis and lowered bacteria levels in the mouth and gums. Oil Pulling is an effective alternative to mouthwash since mouthwash tends to have harsh chemicals that can leave the skin inside the mouth weakened and possibly more susceptible to bacteria.  

Oil pulling can be helpful for everyone especially those who have problems with teeth, gums or bad breath. Making oil pulling a part of a healthy morning ritual is a great way to naturally boost oral hygiene.


(Christian Cristiano is an acupuncturist in LA, TV host of Wellness for Realists and writes on wellness regularly for CityWatch. Christian can be reached at 323.935.3420. twitter: @CristianoWFR)


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