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Exposed! The Key to Self-Respect, and Joy!


WELLNESS--People often ask me how I stay so fit on an ongoing basis and my answer is always the same; consistency.

I started working out at the age of 13 and have missed no more than two weeks in a row for the past 35 years. I don’t say this to brag or boast but instead to emphasize the importance of being consistent. I for one, would probably have quit my fitness routine years ago if I took long breaks in between or let it slip for too long. 

Anything in our life is easier to maintain if we keep it as a regular practice. Literally scheduling time for everything that is important to you is not only necessary, it is the only way to accomplish what you set out to complete. 

Regardless of what it is, from keeping your house clean and tidy, to meditating, or fine-tuning a hobby, to staying healthy, everything must be carried out with consistency in order to be your best. 

When we put ourselves first along with all that we deem important, we not only keep momentum, but we also gain a sense of pride, self-love, and confidence that we have what it takes to get things done. 

Those who self-sabotage tend to habitually let their good habits slide only to beat themselves up afterwards in a repetitive, downward cycle. While nobody is perfect, and I for one, have definitely struggled with consistency in areas other than my health, here are some steps to consider which may help to keep you on track: 

  • Do A Little Bit Each Day– When it comes to staying organized and on top of things, do little things each day rather than waiting for it to pile up. Staying organized means putting receipts and clutter away on a daily basis instead of once per month for example.
  • Schedule It In– Literally, schedule it all in. Get an old-fashioned day-planner if necessary and write things down. Book specific times during your day with to-do lists but ensure that you also keep space open for fun, leisure, and spontaneity too.
  • Find Your Why– This is especially important when it comes to fitness. Your why is your burning desire. Why is it important to stay fit? Why do you want to lose weight, gain muscle, or stay active? Dig deep and find the underlying meaning behind everything that you do. Sometimes looking good in the mirror or getting a hot date is enough motivation to make it stick.
  • Put Yourself First– Things won’t get done in your life if you always place others needs before your own. Are you constantly going out of your way to help people while letting your own values fall to the wayside? It’s okay to be selfish! It’s okay to love yourself enough and to place importance on all the things that you value, ensuring that you make consistent space for it.
  • Healthy Boundaries– Sometimes we overdo things. Know when it's time to say enough to work, family, friends, and obligations so that you have more than ample energy to give back to yourself. Balance is key here and only you will know where to draw the line and set healthy boundaries.
  • Give Something Up – Sometimes you’ll need to watch less TV or reduce your time on Instagram if you really want to achieve more in your life. Make a list of all the things that are important to you and those which you intend to focus on. Then, set out to get them done daily or weekly depending on what it is. If this means giving some things up that have less importance, do it! You may even find that this is the kick you’ve been looking for to finally create a change that you so desperately desire. 

Each of us has some areas where it’s easier to remain consistent than others, we are human after all. With a little attention, conscious effort, and practice, you will begin to find more balance, joy, self-respect, and pride in how you live your life and the direction that you are headed.



(Jay Bradley is a Youthful Aging, Wellness & Lifestyle Coach Living in Los Angeles. http://www.JayBradleyLIfestyle.com. He is the Author of LIVE LOOK FEEL, The 12-Week Guide to Live Longer, Look Younger & Feel Better!)


Sound Baths – An Ancient Tradition Finally Makes it into the Mainstream

WELLNESS--You may be familiar with the term “Sound Bath” as it has become more and more popular, especially within the spiritual, yoga, and meditation communities. Although it has nothing to do with getting wet, many would liken it to being cleansed from the inside out. 

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Great News! An Affordable Human Growth Hormone Product!

WELLNESS--Over the past few months I have been using an FDA approved, homeopathic, transdermal, Human Growth Hormone (HGH) gel. Like many people, I am always on the lookout for the next breakthrough product that will help me  remain healthy, young, and vital. 

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Anti-Social Media  

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Life’s Lessons Make Us Stronger

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Six Ways to Stay Cool … and Alive

WELLNESS--We have been having record breaking heat in Southern California and with the planet continuing to warm up, there’s a good chance we have not seen the end of it.

This past week Los Angeles and San Diego have felt more like Arizona with temperatures reaching 117 in some places. Heat records all over southern California were toppled and at one point in Los Angeles alone there were over 32,000 residents without power. 

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5 Secrets to Making Exercise Easy!

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What YOU Can Do to Reduce the 50,000 Deaths by Suicide

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Ketamine Has Taken the Psychiatric World by Storm. That’s Good … and Bad … News!

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