Thu, Mar

Money & Wellness


WELLNESS--The very topic that causes so many of us stress and anxiety can on the flip side, also bring much joy and empowerment. So how do we find a balance between making sure that it doesn’t control us while still ensuringthat we have enough?

I haven’t always been the best money manager. In fact, it has been a pain in my ass for most of my life. I was the guy whowas always over-extended because I truly believed that more was coming. I was most often worried and tense, while dreaming up ways to earn more. Money took me out of the present moment into either the past or future. I would fear repeating old cycles or anxious that I would run out and go broke. 

When we come from lack in any situation in our life, we simply attract more lack. The key to achieving a healthy relationship with money I’ve learned, is the same as any other topic in our life. We must learn to love it, remove all blocks in the receiving of it, live in the present, and find a balance between responsibility while stillenvisioning and trusting that more is coming. 

We already understand the negative effects of stress on our health. Whether it be relationship woes, job challenges, or debt, stress is stress. It is so important that we learn to view money, income, finances, investments, spending, and every aspect of money in a new way, one that helps us to relax and see it for what it truly is. 

The topic of money is quite complex and too lengthy for one article, especially for those who might be embroiled in old ancestral and family beliefs on the topic. But here are some helpful tips to get you on track towards living a more abundant and prosperous life: 

  • Learn to Love it – if we detest anything, we only perpetuate that negative feeling. We need to fall in love with the topic of money and remove all resistance attached to it. We need to nurture it, respect it, and treat it with kindness. 
  • Get Serious– While dreaming of more affluence, setting positive intentions, and creating a vision board is great, in order for more to come in,we must also get serious about where we are currently at financially. Finding that balance between looking at the numbers while still opening up for more is key. Living in reality with what is while still opening the channels for more to come in is vital. 
  • Better Feeling Thoughts – Always reach for the better feeling thought about money. If you’re stressed or angry about your situation, find visuals, meditations, or what-if scenarios that bring you a sense of ease. Spend more time focusing on thoughts that bring you better feeling emotions. You may not be ready to feel joy on the topic of money, but you can at least reach for the feeling of relief. Eventually thoughts become things which is why it’s imperative to create better feeling thoughts along the way. 
  • Money is an Illusion – We place so much importance on our financial situation and it makes sense since living well costs money. But when we look at it from a spiritual sense, that money is simply energy and that we are spiritual beings having a physical experience, then we can learn to lower the resistancethat money creates. We must stop making it the most important aspect and instead learn to focus on the other areas of our life also. 
  • Gratitude – As tough as it can be when things are tight, we MUST find gratitude. Focus on all that you have to be grateful for even if it is the smallest of things like the hummingbird outside of your window, your strong body, or the awesome friends that surround you. When we give thanks for things other than money, we begin increasing our positive energy in all areas which tends to bring more magic in the financial areas as well. 
  • Hire an Expert – Find somebody who has mastered money. Not just an investment advisor, but one who has truly found what you are looking for. Look for a teacher who’s message resonates and who is living the life that you respect and look up to. Don’t be afraid to speak with investor advisors too as long as they aren’t fear based and so long as it doesn’t cause you to fall back into panic mode. Again, balance is the key. 
  • Spend Less Than you Earn – This may seem obvious but for those who live by the law of attraction and who believe that wealth is on its way, it can be easy to overspend or live beyond our current means. The dream of “one day I’ll have it all” is awesome but if we can’t learn to manage smaller amounts, then we probably won’t be able to handle a large sum when it does come. Do yourself a favor and find ways to either increase your income or to decrease your monthly expenses. It may only be temporary, but you’ll feel better in the process and it will reduce the resistance and increase your overall flow. 
  • Ho-Oponopono – This awesome Hawaiian healing technique works miraculously well. Simply think about all areas of your finances, your debt, income, credit cards, bank accounts, and also your lenders…and begin repeating out loud or to yourself “I Love You, I’m Sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank You.” These phrases help to clean the situation and allow us to take our part in all aspects of our money situation. The good, bad, and the ugly. You will notice energetic shifts under the surface and eventually positive physical changes will occur as well. 
  • Forgive Yourself – We are so hard on ourselves. Use Ho-Oponoponoand send yourself love and forgiveness too. You have done your best. Stop beating yourself up and make a commitment to being gentle on YOU! Know that we are never going to perfect life and that we are simply students here. Learn what you can and for goodness sake, love yourself fully and completely regardless of where you are at. 


(Jay Bradley is a Youthful Aging, Wellness & Lifestyle Coach Living in Los Angeles. http://www.JayBradleyLifestyle.com . He is the Best-Selling Author of LIVE LOOK FEEL, The 12-Week Guide to Live Longer, Look Younger & Feel Better!)


Sound Baths – An Ancient Tradition Finally Makes it into the Mainstream

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