Wed, Mar

When Life Gives You Lemons


WELLNESS--I can’t say for sure if the Law of Attraction works 100% of the time. I have certainly read a lot about Quantum Physics along with numerous books outlining the powerful art of allowing things into our life. Sometimes I believe in it more than others. 


One thing I know for sure is that when I feel good, all things in my life seem to improve. When I feel optimistic, positive, and awake, my business picks up almost immediately, I feel more joy, and I seem to attract more wonderful people into my daily experience. 

On the other hand, when I am tired, in a negative state, or just bored, clients drop off the face of the earth, my passion dissipates, and I become complacent. 

Is this the Law of Attraction at play? Maybe. Whatever we want to call it, if we pay close attention, our emotions seem to navigate us into either a better or worse feeling experience. 

That being said, does bad stuff happen to positive and happy people? Of course it does but it is my belief that we may be able to reduce much of this so-called negativity by first, changing our state of mind. 

Have you ever noticed that those who complain the most seem to have more challenges? It’s as if life shows them more reasons to back their deep belief that things are hard or that they somehow have bad luck. The same seems true for those with a positive attitude. Life often gives them joyful experiences and when bad things do happen, they seem to find a deeper meaning in it and they gently flow through it without feeling victimized. 

Life can be challenging that is certain. And sometimes we get what we don’t want. So isn’t it time that we learn to find true and lasting joy in ALL the moments of our journey and not just the good stuff? What if we could make a decision right now that we will begin seeing life as fair, loving, and protective and that when life gives us lemons, we WILL make lemonade? 

Our mindset is directly connected to our emotions and vice versa. Therefore having a fearful thought makes us feel bad. We certainly can’t feel on top of the world every moment of every day but we CAN make a conscious effort to choose our thoughts more carefully, believe that the Universe is a friendly place, and trust that our future will in fact, be bright.

At the end of the day, we really only have two choices. We can choose lemons or we can choose lemonade. We can choose love or we can choose fear. Why not choose love more often? Love for our self, for others, for life, and for the world around us. Use today as an experiment to shift your mindset and watch how quickly your days begin to improve. Summer is here so you may as well enjoy that lemonade.


(Jay Bradley is a Youthful Aging, Wellness & Lifestyle Expert Living in Los Angeles. http://www.JayBradleyLifestyle.com. He is the Best-Selling Author of LIVE LOOK FEEL, The 12-Week Guide to Live Longer, Look Younger & Feel Better!)



Tags: Jay Bradley, Wellness, lemons, life, when life gives you lemons, feel better, younger, live longer, positive, optimistic

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