WELLNESS--Los Angeles is most likely the Botox capital of the world. Of course that is just my assumption based on the fact that there are so many leading men and women here making an effort to slow the clock for their film and television careers.
Whether you’re a celebrity or a not, millions of people around the world are benefiting from the cosmetic effects of Botox.
As a refresher, Botox is a drug made from a toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. It's the same toxin that causes a life-threatening type of food poisoning called botulism. Doctors have been using a low dose of it for many years to treat fine lines and wrinkles.
But beyond the quest for youth, Botox has also been researched to have other beneficial uses. Here is a short list of how it is now being used in the world of medicine:
Excessive Sweating – Sweat no more! Botox is a temporary treatment option for those who suffer from hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating. Botox is injected into the sweat glands just under the skin to temporarily block the chemical signals from the nerves that stimulate the sweat glands. Botox prevents unnecessary sweating for an average period of six to seven months.
Migraines – This has proven a Godsend for those who suffer from migraines. The FDA has approved the use of Botox in a variety of areas in the body including the temples, neck, forehead, and shoulders to prevent or significantly lower the onset of chronic migraines.
Eyelid Spasms – One of the first medical uses for Botox was for abnormal eye spasms. Botox is still used for severe and uncontrollable eye and muscle spasms.
Chronic Neck and Cervical Muscle Pain – For those living with chronic neck and back pain, Botox may help. In 2012, a study showed that Botox injections significantly improved pain levels for sufferers of chronic neck pain that happens with cervical dystonia.
Overactive Bladder – Botox is often used to treat several incontinence and overactive bladder symptoms in adults. It may help for those with a strong urge to urinate, those who have constant leaking and for those who urinate too frequently.
Muscle Stiffness – Botox is used to treat increased muscle stiffness in the elbow, wrist, arm, and finger muscles in adults with upper limb spasticity.
Jaw Reduction – Botox can be used to reduce the jaw size by injecting Botox into the masseter muscles. This is mainly done for cosmetic reasons for women who want to appear more round and feminine resulting in a less square appearance.
TMJ Disorder – Relatively new research has shown Botox to be effective in treating a variety of jaw disorders including severe tension, TMJ Disorder, and lockjaw. When injected into the jaw, Botox relaxes the facial muscles while reducing occurrences and symptoms.
Depression – A fascinating study in Germany linked the use of Botox on frown lines with a reduction of depression symptoms and an increase in overall wellbeing. They stated that facial movements often signal our emotions and the use of Botox can interrupt this cycle, which was shown to alleviate depressive thoughts and feelings.
(Jay Bradley is a Youthful Aging, Wellness & Lifestyle Expert Living in Los Angeles. http://www.JayBradleyLifestyle.com. He is the Best-Selling Author of LIVE LOOK FEEL, The 12-Week Guide to Live Longer, Look Younger & Feel Better!)
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