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5 Science-Backed Ways to Have a Happier Morning … Even if You are Not a Morning Person


WELLNESS--Before I became a mom, I woke up naturally, as bluebirds pulled back my covers with their little beaks and doe-eyed deers brought me my slippers. At least that’s my sleep deprived memory of it all.

One thing is for sure, with or without kids, getting up in the morning with a smile on your face can sometimes be hard.

For those of not predestined to be “morning people,” you can try to counter this grumpy mood by investing in a good, comfortable mattress, getting enough sleep (but not too much) and waking up slowly.

If you usually have a case of the grumps when you first open your eyes try these tips to turn that early morning frown upside down.

  1. Get things tidy the night before

A few simple steps taken before bed can make all the difference to our morning happiness. For me, that means placing a bottle of water on my nightstand (I always wake up thirsty,) and making sure the coffee pot is programmed to start brewing the minute my eyes are pried open by an enthusiastic toddler.

Try laying out your clothes for the day, prepare your lunch and if you are feeling really ambitious have your gym bag packed and ready at the door.

A study in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin found that that women who described their homes as “messy” or “cluttered” were more prone to depression, fatigue, and anxiety. Having a quick tidy before bed ensures you wake up without a list of chores to do. 

  1. Do some quick stretches

Most people get up too quickly in the mornings without giving their body time to wake up. Instead try lying in your bed for a while and stretching out all your muscles, then slowly rise and do more simple stretches

Scientific American reported on a study that shows even small amounts of physical activity can make you feel good.

  1. Indulge in the bathroom

Instead of just jumping in the shower and sudsing with a basic soap take the time to make this a mini spa experience. Use a luxe shower gel, body lotion and invest in fluffy towels. Add some whale song for the ultimate in gentle waking.

Innovative thought and creativity can strike you in the shower, bolstering happiness and self worth, according to Washington University psychologist R. Keith Sawyer.

  1. Eat, even if you don’t feel like it

Make something really tasty that gets you down the stairs and fuelled up for the day’s work. If you can’t bear to eat early in the morning try a liquid breakfast like a smoothie or veggie juice with mood boosting ingredients

A study in Psychological Science found that by being organized with a little pre-planning we naturally make better nutritional decisions.

  1. Plan something fun for later

If all else fails, having something to look forward to during the day really helps to chase away the early morning blues. Plan to make your favorite meal for supper, arrange to get coffee with a friend, or send a sexy text message to your honey.

After all anticipation, itself can make you happy

(Fiona Tapp posts at Huff Post … where this report originated.)


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