Sun, Mar

Palestinians' Claim to Gaza, Judea, and Samaria: A Rejected Partition and the Consequences of Conflict


THE VIEW FROM HERE - Palestinians have forfeited all rights to Gaza, Judea and Samaria.

On November 29, 1947, the UN General Assembly Resolution 181 set forth the UN’s Partition Plan of the British Mandate West of the Jordan River with one country to be formed by the Arabs and another country by Jews.  The Arabs rejected the entire Partition and each and every clause in the Partition.  The Jews, however, accepted all the terms and conditions of the Partition plan, and in 1948, the Jews established State of Israel.  The Arabs, however, in rejecting an Arab state, attempted to kill all of the Jews from the River to the Sea.  After the Arabs lost the 1948 War, they were again and again offered a state with Israeli approval, but each and every time the Arabs rejected the offers so that no nation of Palestine came into existence. 

Because the Arabs not only failed to accept the Partition or any of its conditions, no Arab state came into existence in 1948 nor at any time thereafter. Under contract law, the rejection of an offer for a contract kills the offer.  The concept is simple.  If Grandpa Joe owns two horses and says to Bill and Murray, I will give you each one horse upon the following condition that Bill and Murray treat each other nicely.  Bill says, “No,” and attempts to murder Murray in order to take both horses.  Murray, however, defends himself and prevails in the battle and accepts his horse.  Bill’s rejection of Grandpa Joe’s offer as well as Bill’s attempt to murder Murray and take both horses are a total, complete, and unambiguous rejection of Grandpa Joe’s offer.  Since Murray pays Grandpa Joe for his horse, the Jews fully performed their portion of the contract. 

The successive attempts of the Arabs to murder all the Jews did not revive the Partition.  Finally, along comes Donald Trump, famous for the Art of the Deal, who recognizes that attempting to kill the other party terminates the offer and the Arabs have no legal rights to any land within the former British Mandate.

Thus, the question arises who owns the land of the former British Mandate outside the boundaries of the state of Israel?  It certainly is not the Arabs.  By the terms of the Partition, the UN’s control ended on August 1, 1948.  The fact that the Brits withdrew and did not attempt to exercise any control of any of the land verifies that the UN lost its rights and the Arabs gained no rights.  Under international law, the Israelis became owners of all the land which they seized during the Arab wars of aggression. Furthermore, the Arabs gained no ownership rights about twenty years later by adopting the name Palestinians.   

In the Truest Sense of the Word, Palestinians Are Outlaws  

They live outside the bounds of law.  They never had any ownership rights to any portion of the British Mandate since the Ottoman Empire owned the land for centuries before the British, and there has never in all of history been a sovereign Palestinian state. They simply exist there. Their goal has not been to form a Palestinian state, but rather to murder all the Jews from the River to the Sea.  By electing Hamas, the Gazan Palestinians gained no ownership rights, but they did re-affirm their goal to exterminate Jews. 

Donald Trump has a perchance of developing prime real estate, e.g., projects you won’t believe, beautiful, beautiful such as no one has ever seen.  Taking his cue from Albert Einstein that only a fool tries the same thing over and over again and expects different results, Trump recognizes that the Two State Solution is dead.  Instead, Trump says, “The United States will take an ownership position in Gaza.”  Why not?  No one actually owns it – certainly not the Arab-Palestinians who rejected the Partition in favor of murdering Jews. 

Expel the Palestinians 

Since the Palestinians have no ownership rights to Gaza and have lost every war they started against Israel. The Palestinians have made themselves stateless.  Most Israelis do not want Gaza, while the Israeli right wing does make historical and religious claims to Gaza, Judea and Samaria.  Trump is realistic. Because there can never be peace while Palestinians live in Gaza, the only remaining option is to move them elsewhere.  As the Woke world keeps screaming, “Gaza is destroyed, the people have no homes, and they are starving to death,” moving the Palestinian Gazans to other locations will give them places to live and they won’t starve.  BTW, it’s merely a Woke lie that the Gazans are starving, but that’s a side story. 

Because They Cannot Stay in Gaza, Where Will They Go? 

Because Palestinians have an unbroken history of murdering their hosts, other Arab countries know that allowing Palestinians into their countries is suicide.  Trump has selected Jordan and Egypt as hosts; after all, they complain the loudest about their Palestinian brothers’ wretched conditions.  Last time in 1970-1971, the King of Jordan killed about ten thousand of PLO Palestinians and shipped off the rest to Lebanon which the Palestinians promptly destroyed. Egypt has declared the Muslim Brotherhood (the father of Hamas) to be illegal.  Asking Jordan and Egypt to accept Gazans is like expecting Trump to voluntarily take in Venezuelan street gangs. 

Trump knows that the Arab countries will not assist with the relocation until they are forced.  Thus, Trump has thrown the ball to The Saudis, the Jordanians and Egyptians for them to toss around. The Arabs know that Trump will make their lives miserable unless the Gazans are moved.  Douglas Murray has suggested that Ireland host the Palestinians since they profess so much love for the Palestinians.  Perhaps, Spain will invite the Arabs back.  

Terra Del Fuego Is Nice 

Argentina and Chile, who jointly own Terra del Fuego, could use a huge chunk of Saudi cash to host the Gazans.  Terra del Fuego is 18,530 sq mi and has only 210,000 people, which is only 12 people per sq mi.  Gaza has 15,456 people per sq mi.  The 2 million Palestinian Gazans and 3.2 Million Arabs in Judea and Samaria should enjoy the extra lebensraum.  See Terra del Fuego  

(Richard Lee Abrams has been an attorney, a Realtor and community relations consultant as well as a CityWatch contributor.  You may email him at [email protected])

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