Sun, Feb

Happy New Year 2025: A Turning Point for America and the World


RANTZ & RAVEZ - The year 2025 is expected to be a Historic Time for The United States of America and the World in General.  From places of peace and tranquility to places with conflict and war and corruption and a myriad of other problems dealing with the economy, natural resources and a long list of social issues involving youth, seniors, disabled, visitors from across the globe and on and on with little compromise or resolution by world leaders and those pushing for a wide variety of changes.  Some ideas and concepts worthy of review while others ready to be pushed aside or disposed.  The concerns and issues run long and deep with many opposing forces pushing hard to get their goals and missions achieved in spite of the positive or negative impact on the world’s populations.     

We begin the year with a newly elected American President and other newly elected representatives in various political offices on the National, State and Local levels.  We have a New L. A. County District Attorney, a New LAPD Police Chief and a host of other newly elected and appointed representatives as we roll out of 2024 and into 2025.   Will the New Year bring us a safer and more productive America and California?  Will home prices line up with family income so people raising families can find a nice residence in a safe community with good schools, paved streets, community parks and a nice place to raise a family?  That is the Big Question that only time will tell, and statistics will reveal. We can only push for the positive and hold elected officials responsible to deliver the quality of life we all expect in our country, state and community.  

In Los Angeles, Mayor Bass is preparing the vast region of our city and county for international events scheduled in the next few years.  Events that will require all elements of local, state and federal government to participate.  It is a massive task that will require thousands of people working together side by side.  Having worked the 1984 Olympics as an LAPD member, I know the demands placed on everyone working 12 hour shifts 7 days a week.  The events were exciting and remained safe for all with the excellent coordination of multiple governmental agencies working together.  A reflection of the professionalism and cooperation of all involved.           

With a new president for the next 4 years, we can expect to see major changes in the way our National Government operates from the power base of Washington D.C. to all corners across America.  What has been happening since the election victory of Donald Trump, Washington is alive with huge changes.  Changes in the way the Federal Government operates in all Domestic and International levels.  A large number of entrenched Federal political officials will soon be replaced with business minded people carrying out the aggressive plans of the new Administration.  Billionaires and Millionaires will soon be running a host of Federal Departments and Agencies.  Will this prove to be an Improvement in the way Washington, D.C. runs America?  Since many are not happy with the current operations in America with outgoing President Biden and Vice President Harris, this just might be what America needs for a Wakeup call as we enter 2025.  The Presidential election results across America demonstrated that people want change, and change is what they are going to receive.  Will they be pleased with the anticipated changes; we will find out shortly as programs develop and are either accepted or rejected by the supporting and opposing populations in our society. 

The Year in Review:  LAPD Citywide Personnel and Crime Stats as of 12-28-24

The LAPD total number of Sworn Personnel is at 8,774.  This number reflects everyone from the Chief of Police to the recruit in the academy.  All Patrol, Detectives, Training Staff and specialized divisions.  Think about the city population at 3,908,705 with 472.93 square miles to cover.  8,774 Sworn LAPD to patrol and investigate all REPORTED crimes.  Is it a difficult or impossible task?  That is the question.  If you are looking for a challenging profession and have a clean record and in good physical shape, consider law enforcement. The LAPD, Los Angeles County Sheriff, California Highway Patrol (one in six CHP positions remain vacant) and most Southern California Law Enforcement agencies are actively recruiting both sworn and civilian personnel.  Are you ready for a challenging career?  The New Year may be the time for you to move forward with a new career.  You only live once, why not move forward and enjoy it while you can.   

Reviewing reported crime numbers from 2023 vs 2024 it appears LAPD Personnel did an OUTSTANDING job addressing crimes in the City of Los Angeles despite some ANTI-LAPD elected members of the Los Angeles City Council who have done nothing to support the personnel who serve ALL the people of Los Angeles with Pride and Determination and who will continue “To Protect and Serve” into the future…

What kind of Los Angeles City Council member would publicly state F—K The Police at a meeting?  Ysabel J. Jurado the newly elected representative of the 14th Council District did just that.  What an unusual way to start serving your community that is concerned about public safety and quality of life.  Jurado is the newest member of the Council to join the Los Angeles City Council’s “Crazy Train” of elected officials.  Good luck if you reside in District #14.  The other “Crazy Train” Councilmembers are Eunisses Hernandez from District 1, Nithya Raman from District 4 and Hugo Soto Martinez from District 13.  This list will be expanded or reduced when those elected to serve our communities fail to support Public Safety for all the residential and business communities.

I look forward to next year with more RantZ and RaveZ for your review.  May your 2025 be filled with Good Health, Happiness and Prosperity. 


(Dennis P. Zine is the author of RantZ and RaveZ.  He is retired from law enforcement and the L.A. City Council.  Dennis is a Law Enforcement Specialist and can be seen and heard on local TV and Radio Stations.)      


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