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2025's Greatest Threat Is the Media


THE VIEW FROM HERE - Freedom of the Press does not guarantee an honest press.  It simply means that the government cannot censor the media.  The government’s inability to censor ABC, NBC, ABC, Fox News, etc. is constitutional. “Congress shall make no law . . . prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press.”  US Const. First Amendment. 

Just as the public believes that the law of supply and demand sets prices, they believe that a dishonest press cannot long last.  The reality is the opposite – there is no market for an honest media.  Why not?  The answer is simple: people prefer the excitement of the false news.  The advantage of alternative facts is that they can be tailored to the readership - listener to get the most clicks and sell the most advertising.  

The days when Walter Cronkite was called the most trusted man in America are long gone – trustworthiness is not valued in a polarized society.  Anything which does not fit the political narrative of a news outlet does not see the light of day.  It would be easy, using the speed of AI, to write a 100,000 word article on false stories in the Alt Left and Alt Right press. By now, however, everyone should not know that MAGA and WOKERS will tolerate no deviation from the party line. 

Rather than invoke AI, let’s look at just two outrageous, current anti-Semitic stories circulating in the Woke Left press like ABC, NBC and CBS. (1) This Christmas season 2024, Jews are causing babies to freeze to death in Rafah, Gaza (2) The IDF attacked a hospital in northern Gaza forcing deathly ill patients to flee. 

Media Lie # 1:  Babies Freeze to Death in 70 Degree Weather 

On December 1, 2024, the temperature in Rafah Gaza was a high of 83 F and a low of 46 F.  On December 25, 2024, the high was 71 F and a low of 51 F.

Compare with Santa Monica, CA: December 1, 2024, a high of 64 F and a low of 57 F, December 25, 2024, a high of 59 F and low of 52 F. Yes, Santa Monica is colder than Rafah. Since all the national news networks are obviously staffed by total imbeciles, let’s repeat the numbers. 

Rafah Dec 1 high of 83 F vs Santa Monica 64 F. 

Xmas Rafah high, 71 vs Santa Monica 59 F.

Rafah High in Dec 2024 – 83 F vs Santa Monica monthly high of 66 F

Rafah Low in Dec 2024 – 43 F vs Santa Monica low 48 F 

Temps for Rafah  vs   Santa Monica Temps     

The five or six the network reports which I saw used the word  “freezing.”  The news reports even showed an alleged Gazan doctor saying that a baby had frozen to death.   How dumb or how corrupt is a reporter who is physically present in Rafah when it over 70 F and report that babies are freezing to death?  One might forgive a Woke DEI hire in CNN’s NYC office looking out the window and seeing NYC blanked in snow and thinking, “Gee, Gaza must likewise be freezing since it is Xmas time.”  “According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, it is OK to take a newborn outside when the temperatures are between −15 F and 90 F. Anything beyond this range can be harmful to newborns.” 

The reason all the Woke news networks report such asininely absurd stories is that high on the Alt Media hit list are us Jews.  Rather than alleged that Jews are freezing to death babies in Santa Monica, they make the claim for Gaza realizing that the American public is too ignorant to know that Rafah, Gaza, is warmer than Santa Monica, CA.  Thus, the media loves to blame Israel for actions which it has never taken, and then the media will blame US Jews for supporting the genocide of Gazans.  Soon the frozen babies story will show up in publications as another nature of the perfidy of Jews in general.  Kamala Harris made this genocide claim against Jews during her campaign.   

Media Lie #2:  Jews Attack Another Gazan Hospital 

In October 2023, The New York Times falsely reported that the IDF had fired a rocket a Al-Ahli Arab hospital in northern Gaza killing 500. Since 2023, that false story has become a prototype of the defamation of Israel and by extension of American Jews who support Israel.  Similar false hospital stories have been repeated over and over, with each one as false as the prior one.  

The Left Media’s persistent false narrative of Jews’ attacking hospitals has a pattern:  When the IDF finds that Hamas is again using a hospital for war purposes and Hamas is not only hiding inside the hospital but also is directing military operations from the hospital and the tunnels beneath, the IDF gives the hospital days warning.  The Left omits these facts so that the story’s theme becomes: “IDF wantonly attacks Gazan hospital.” There may be a brief statement, “IDF claims Hamas was using hospital for military purposes,” but the Left media does not show the facts that the IDF was correct.  Almost universally, the Left media conceals the extensive efforts which the IDF takes to protect civilians. The ring leader of these atrociously false anti-Semitic articles is Joe Biden himself.  See Biden Blood Libels  

The latest example of network’s “Jews attack hospital lie” involves Kamal Adwan hospital in Northern Gaza.  In addition to days advance warning that the IDF would be arresting Hamas soldiers at Kamal Adwan, the IDF evacuated 350 patients and staff to other hospitals, to which the IDF delivered thousands of litres of fuel, food, and medical supplies.  Once the IDF began its operations, 95 patients, caregivers, and medical personnel were safely moved to Gaza’s Indonesian Hospital, along with 5,000 litres of fuel, two generators and medical equipment. Hundreds of civilians safely moved away from Kamal Adwan using IDF evacuation routes.  The media falsely blamed Israel for burning down the hospital, which strangely still stands. There was a fire in a part of the hospital complex where there were no IDF forces. 

At Kamal Adwan, the IDF arrested 240 Hamas terrorists, 15 of whom participated in the Oct 7th pogrom, and 19 Hamas militants were killed. Hamas commits a war crime each time it uses a hospital for military purposes, but the media omits this fact as it makes Hamas look bad. Almost invariably, the Left media like CNN will report dead Hamas members as civilian dead or doctors – any false designation to support the false Woke narrative the Jews are murdering innocent people is A-OK with CNN. 

While some Dems realize that Americans hate Wokeism and its anti-white and anti-Jewish bigotry, the Left Media sides with the most lethal aspect of the far left Wokers.  The reason is clear: hate and fear against Jews and Trump makes tons of money.  See Hate Money Stalks. 

No, I have not forgotten similar excesses on the Alt Right.

(Richard Lee Abrams has been an attorney, a Realtor and community relations consultant as well as a CityWatch contributor.  You may email him at [email protected])

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