Tue, Oct

Indigenous Peoples' Day Is A Solemn Day Of Remembrance


ABE WON’T BE SILENT - Gentle reminder kids, today you can NOT say “Happy Indigenous Peoples’ Day.” Now that Columbus Day is officially toast, especially since the word on the street is, “Christopher Columbus was Jewish”. This ditty plays—conveniently—into the hands of the idiotic misguided protestors who are littering the streets chanting, “Death to Israel” and “From the river to the sea” and other assorted propagandized, hateful rhetoric. 

[SIDEBAR] Columbus being Jewish is not news. In 1971, my Young Judea counselor shared his theory that Queen Isabella was having an affair with Christopher Columbus because she had to get back at King Ferdinand who had a royal mistress. Isabella didn’t know Chris was Jewish until he fessed up after they ordered the Spanish Inquisition. You know, when all the Jews were slaughtered or chased off the land FOR BEING JEWISH. The Christians wanted Jews to “go back to where they came from”. Sound familiar? Naturally, Isabella didn’t want her lover, Christopher to die, so they concocted the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria scam to get him out of Dodge. Hence America and dare I say, “You can thank the Jews for that, too.” But I digress.

Must people be reminded that Indigenous Peoples’ Day is a solemn day of remembrance for Indigenous Americans as they mourn for the countless, innocents who were chased away, beaten, and slaughtered for simply living their best lives in the land of their ancestry? Peaceful, colorful, creative diverse Indigenous people enjoying their natural habitat when from out of the blue, gross, white, Christian Puritans came and ruined everything for them.

Indigenous Peoples’ Day is a solemn day of reflection similar to Yom HaShoah, really. If you don't know what that is, it's Day of Remembrance when Jews remember what happened during the Holocaust. Let's face it, there’s an eerie similarity. Might I suggest going to the Indigenous Coalition for Israel website. We can all learn something new every day!

[SIDEBAR] Meet Ryan Bellerose, a native Canadian of the Metis mixed-race community, who says that “the false narrative concerning the Israel-Palestinian conflict has easily taken hold amongst many Indigenous peoples.”

Ryan feels that many have misunderstood what the term “indigeneity” means. He talks about how the Jewish people’s ethnogenesis took place in the Levant, just like the Native Americans took root in the Americas. He noted that even if Jews lived in the Diaspora at times, their cultural identity “evolved” in the Middle East.

Some on the Palestinian side claim that they have Canaanite roots. Bellerose argues that the Palestinians are “not doing much” to actively preserve or upkeep this Canaanite culture despite the claim.

Bellerose feels that Indigenous Americans are still feeling the “residual effects” of a genocide and can therefore learn a lot from the Israeli example, where Jewish society was “rebuilt” after the Holocaust.

If only these fake wannabe peaceniks marching around with covered faces, like Johnny Come Lately KKK members would do something productive like educating themselves. They need to learn what the Indigenous people from around the world who comprise this organization (ICFI) know to be true. After all, who are you going to believe, Indigenous people or a bunch of 4th century cave-dweller-minded Islamists?

The Coalition agrees that the Jews are from Judea and belong in their ancestral homeland. The global Indigenous groups support Jews right to—not only—exist but to live exactly where Israel is. And to those who don't like that, can lump it. Am Yisrael Chai.

(ABE GURKO is the executive producer of a documentary called "LOUDER: The Soundtrack of Change", Premieres Thursday on MAX. Abe is a contributor to CityWatchLA.com[email protected])