Tue, Oct

James O’Keefe’s “Line In The Sand” Movie Premieres To Fanfare in SoCal, Conveys Humanitarian Angle To Border Crisis


BORDER WATCH - James O’Keefe has been doing the work other journalists *should* be doing, but are not. In the past, we had a media eager to hold any politician accountable with tough questions, regardless of party. These days, a simple painting of the other side as “evil” allows a free pass for the accusing side to be dismissive of every serious issue out there.  

These past few years, things have gotten so bad at the Mexican border under the Biden administration that citizen journalist O’Keefe decided to make a trip across Mexico to follow the exact journey of these migrants, coming from all over Latin America and even Europe.  

O’Keefe started in shanty towns in Mexico, then went aboard “Beast” trains run by corrupt locals who have made this an industry on the backs of the poor giving up their life savings for a shot at America.  On the way, they risked their lives, as many are murdered, raped and separated from families. The lucky few finally arrive at the border where it’s not a sure thing they will even make it across.

More importantly, O’Keefe highlighted the inaction of Border Patrol, whose hands were tied by orders from higher up and sadly had to watch a lot of illegal and dangerous activity as cartels brought children across the border without being able to do anything about it. 

The movie tracked the NGOs (non-governmental organizations) supposedly helping the negative effects of this crisis but instead were making it their own cottage industry this side of the border. O’Keete even researched the massive amounts of money the NGOs are taking in, to the tune of tens of millions. Specifically, he showed the story of an Episcopalian church in New York, not only taking taxpayer money but also defrauding the immigrants they claim to help by charging them thousands of dollars for basic paperwork processing. Double dipping indeed.  

The movie hit a broad range of issues without ever bordering on salacious territory. This is a must watch for the election. James O’Keefe said, in a private interview to me, “It's about people. It's going to tug at your heartstrings. It's going to move you. It's not about politics. I think [viewers will] be moved by some of the brave people in the government that are stepping forward, and it's going to make them question expectations for themselves. [It will] make them rethink the purpose of life and doing the right thing versus self-preservation.”


 Marc Ang, James O'Keefe

Here are some quotes from the attendees, exploring not only the issue but the movie’s release and its cultural significance.  

Xaviaer DuRousseau, PragerU: “it's really frustrating that we live in the age of information, but it's harder to find the truth more than ever before. We constantly have to go through all these hoops and battles just to get the truth out there.” 

Taylor Armstrong, Real Housewives of Orange County: “I am just super excited to support Tucker Carlson's new project. But also James O’Keefe, who is an incredible investigative journalist. There's so much misinformation back and forth in the media, and I don't really know what to believe.” 

Elizabeth Vargas, Real Housewives of Orange County “This movie is out here to show different sides of what's happening. And it may be one side or maybe not, but you take what you need from the movie, you leave the rest.” 

Milo Yiannopoulos, Commentator “For a premiere like this to occur at all in California is a mark of progress. So, you I think the crust [of censorship] is cracking. It's very important that somebody like Tucker Carlson has given his imprimatur to James, somebody who gets lied and smeared about, when he does really beautiful, excellent journalism.” 

(Marc Ang ([email protected]) is a community organizer in Southern California and the founder of Asian Industry B2B. He has written many pieces analyzing pop culture and it’s context in the world and politics. Marc’s book “Minority Retort” was released on November 9, 2022 through Trinity Broadcasting Network available on Amazon, Target, Barnes & Noble and many more outlets.)