Fri, Oct

What’s Behind Joe Biden’s Anti-Semitism?


THE VIEW FROM HERE - While Bob Woodward’s new book provides substantiation of Joe Biden’s anti-Semitism, Woodward does not discuss the cause of Joe Biden’s and Kamala Harris’ anti-Semitism.

Stop, Look and Listen!

Before one observes that Kamala Harris was vice-president and did not make policy and her role was to support Biden and not publicly oppose the administration, recently she has fully aligned herself with Biden’s anti-Semitic foreign policy towards Israel. When asked on The View if there was anything which she would have done differently from Joe Biden, she replied that she cold not think of anything.  Since Harris and Biden both insist that she was present for all vital decisions, she not only was on board for Biden’s Blood Libels   against Jews but also agreed with Biden’s personalization of his hate of Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.  (“A fucking bad guy.” “Netanyahu was a "fucking liar," as are "18 out of 19 people who work for him". Per Bob Woodward’s new book)

In refusing to admit that Netanyahu is a close ally to the US, Harris responded to 60 Minutes’ Bill Whitaker, “I think, with all due respect, the better question is, do we have an important alliance between the American people and the Israeli people.”  Netanyahu’s objectives are to destroy both Hamas and Hezbollah are overwhelming supported by Israelis including those who are not his political allies.  Joe Biden, however, rejects Netanyahu’s goal to make Israel safe and secure from Islamists’ attempts to exterminate the nation.  While Harris was falsely implying that Israelis do not support Netanyahu, she overlooked the real situation that the majority of Americans reject Biden’s Woke policy that Israel should just surrender to Hamas and Hezbollah. In the triad of (1) the American public, (2) Israeli public and (3) the Woke Biden administration, Biden is odd man out.  Kamala Harris had plenty of chances to distance herself from Biden’s anti-Semitism.

By Word and Deed, Biden Has Revealed His Anti-Semitism

Biden’s year long parade of anti-Semitic tropes, especially his character assassination of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, is well documented, although many Americans are unaware of the outrageous falsehoods that Biden has been spewing.  The Administration consistently reports the number of dead Gazans without mentioning that at least one half of the dead are Hamas militants. Nor, does Biden admit that no other nation on earth has ever shown more care for the civilians or had a lower civilian to soldier ratio than Israel.  (Israel’s ratio is now less than 1 civilian for every militant. The world average is 9 civilians for every militant.)  Even the United Nations has admitted this fact, but Biden persistently paints the IDF as committing of wantonly killing innocent women and children. 

Biden strongly opposed the IDF operation in Rafah claiming that thousands would be killed.  When the IDF relocated Rafans to safe areas and almost none were killed, Biden was silent about that fact.  When debris from one bomb site flew a few blocks away and hit a Hamas munitions cache which exploded killing Gazans, the administration blamed Israel without mentioning that Hamas’ storage of munitions amidst civilians is a war crime.

Biden’s Deeds Are Worse than His Words

Biden has withheld vital equipment from Israel and lied about his reason.  When Biden justified not sending bunker buster bombs and heavy bulldozers to Israel as protecting Gazan civilians, he was telling a Trumpian size lie.  Biden’s obvious purpose was to protect Hamas and to increase the civilian death toll.  Because Hamas constructed no air raid shelters and does not allow civilians into the tunnels when there is a bombing raid, the civilians are left vulnerable.  Israel has used fliers, text messages, and phone calls to warn Gazans to move away from targets.  Once the civilians are moved, a bunker buster bomb can destroy tunnels where regular bombs cannot.  Thus, Biden’s refusal to send bunker buster bombs only protects Hamas militants in their tunnels.

The heavy bull dozers are designed to dig up tunnel entrances through the debris.  No civilian is injured by bull dozers, but they allow the IDF to enter or blow up Hamas’ tunnels. The slower and the harder the work to eradicate the tunnels, the more IDF troops are exposed, but Biden’s has never shown an iota of concern for dead Israeli troops.

Biden Leaks Israeli Plans

At times, Biden sabotages Israel by blabbing to the press.  More seriously, the IDF discovered that in the north, secret advance collaboration with the US was then given to Hezbollah.  The Israelis made a wise decision not to tell Biden in advance about the pagers, about the walkie-talkies or about the attack on Hassan Nasrallah.  Had Biden known, all three operations would have been shared with Hezbollah in time to nullify them.  Rather than Israel’s having a win, Hezbollah’s stature would have been greatly enhanced and Hassan Nasrallah and all his top leadership would still be control.  Nor, will the Biden Administration admit that the IDF attacks on Hezbollah stopped an Oct 7th style attack on the Israeli north. 

Having become a sieve for Israeli plans, Joe Biden increases his anti-Semitic attacks on Netanyahu. Biden attempts to turn other Israeli politicians against Netanyahu are anti-Semitic as such tactics would be universally condemned if done against another ally such as Great Britain.

Biden’s Grand Hypocrisy 

While Biden gives speeches condemning anti-Semitism, his administration has been the most anti-Semitic in American history.  While he was vice-president under Obama (2009-2016), Nancy Pelosi’s Woke Anti-Semitic DEI programs on American colleges lay the foundation for the pro-Hamas anti-Semitism among our young.  The support of Hamas, Hezbollah and other terrorist groups has become so commonplace we hardly notice it.  Vice Presidential candidate Tim Walz, who everyone thought was a decent person, said the protestors calling for Death to America and Death to Israel were motivated by “all the right reasons,” but Walz was silent about pro-Israel demonstrators’ having a legitimate cause.  Only the anti-Semites were motivated by “the right reasons,” which boiled down to the extermination of the Jews and America.

The Chicken or the Egg

Does it matter whether the effete, cowardly and defeatist Obama Doctrine   or the anti-Semitism came first?  Yes! Because Obama and Biden apply this Woke foreign policy to Ukraine, the Philippines, and Israel, combating its nefarious impact on the US means that we need to admit our need to understand danger which we all face. It is not only a problem for the Jews.  Without the Obama Doctrine, there would be no vehicle to sell out Israel, Ukraine, the Philippines or any other US ally.  On the good side, this time we Jews need not feel singled out. The Obama Doctrine screws all American allies.

The Obama Doctrine is a Woke foreign policy which parallels domestic Wokeism such as the polarizing, racist DEI Ideology infecting American colleges and universities, teaching that America has a fundamentally sinful nature. Hence, America cannot allow any of its allies to  force their goals on others.  We first noticed this with Ukraine when Joe Biden was slow walking aid to Zelenskyy at a time when Ukraine could have repelled the Russian invasion and had saved the nation.  It seemed that the better the Ukraine did, the slower the US aid.  Biden followed the same approach with Israel.

The essence the Obama Doctrine is that all predators will be reasonable and negotiate a settlement rather than attack their neighbors. Has there ever been a more stupid negotiating position than to start with “We surrender”?  That is what Biden demands of both Ukraine and Israel.  Key to the surrender first policy, America’s allies may not use any offensive tactics aa part of its self-defense. The Ukraine and Israel may only swat down the Russian and Iranian missiles, etc.  Since both Zelenskyy and Netanyahu reject such an assassin policy, Biden feels thwarted in imposing the Obama Doctrine. 

From reading tea leaves, it’s pretty clear that Obama and Biden have made a deal with Iran’s ayatollahs to protect them from Israel.  This protectionism extends Iran’s proxies – Hamas, Hezbollah, The Houthis and various Islamic terrorists – from defeat.  The US could wipe of the Houthis in Yemen and restore safety to international shipping thru the Suez Canal.   

This observation leads us to the dire danger which Obama Doctrine poses for the world.  Once Iran gets the bomb (weeks? months?), it can close the Strait of Hormuz stopping all shipping out of the Persian Gulf, except its own.  It can continue to stop shipping through the Suez Canal. The Houthis will be to The Saudi’s south and Iran’s nukes will b a few miles to The Saudi’s east.  Iran’s forces will stretch westward to the Mediterranean Sea.  Its close ally Turkey will give Iran land access to Europe and that will imperil the NATO alliance.  Anyone who objects to Iran will face nuclear attack.  It can be as simple as floating a barge into New York harbor.

Of course, effete Joe Biden and clueless Kamala Harris are certain that the sole problem is Netanyahu, and once Israel is gone, Iran and America will walk hand in hand in the land of kumbaya.  On the other hand, Israel can use its nukes to wipe out the ayatollahs.

(Richard Lee Abrams has been an attorney, a Realtor and community relations consultant as well as a CityWatch contributor.  You may email him at [email protected].  The opinions expressed are those solely of Mr. Abrams.)