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Who Hates the Constitution More: MAGA or Wokers?


THE VIEW FROM HERE - Neither the MAGA crowd nor the Wokers have any use for the US Constitution. It is invoked only to support what they want to do in the same way people quote the Bible to do things which are abominations – to use a word which the Bible seems to like.

Although MAGA and Wokers are extremists who only want what they want and everyone else be damned, there are some important differences between MAGA and Wokers.  MAGA is constructed on the base of real grievances, but led by a madman cultist who is psychologically incapable of caring about anyone except himself.  For this reason, when elected Trump plans to use the full power of the government to pursue personal vendettas without regard to the imperil he causes for the USA.  We see this aspect of Trump in his refusal to allow any more aid to Ukraine because of his never-ending hizzy fit against Ukraine’s President Zelenskyy for his not interfering in the US elections in 2016 to help Trump.

We see this in Trump’s calling the criminals who engaged in the insurrection on Jan 6th “hostages.”  There is only one hostage crisis in the world -- it is not people who stormed The Capitol in an attempt to murder Vice President Pence because Pence did his constitutional duty to certify the election results. Trump’s use of “hostages” shows that his Narcissistic Personality Disorder has overtaken his Histrionic Disorder, where he intuitively knows what the crowd wants.  Trump’s comparing his supporters to the Hamas’ taking hostages on Oct 7th indicates a disconnect from reality.  Because a major factor in the timing of the Oct 7th Hamas’ pogrom was to wreck the Abraham Accords’ extension to Saudi Arabia and other Arab nations to take another step to Mid-East peace, Trump’s ignoring Hamas’ attack on his successful policy highlights the extent to which Trump is only focused on himself. 

The Abrahams Accords Were Not Trump’s Idea

The Trump Administration’s only foreign relations success was the Abraham Accords’s greatly advancing peace in the Mid-East.  Trump ignores Hamas and its implications for his Abraham Accords, because the Accords were not his ideas, and hence, he feels no personal attack when they are sabotaged.  Why?  Jared Kushner and Ambassador David Friedman were the architects of the Accords and the moving on the US embassy to Jerusalem. It was perhaps the greatest diplomatic success in the Middle East since Egypt, Jordan and Israel signed peace treaties.  Yet, the most Trump can take away from Hamas’s on-going atrocities is to compare his criminal insurrections to Hamas innocent hostages!

Of course, MAGAites cannot see the danger in Trump’s use of the word “hostages,” just as the many of the Rev. Jim Jones’ followers failed to see the danger in drinking the Kool Aide.  From society’s perspective, the good part of a cult is that when the madman dies, the cult usually vanishes.  If Saul had tripped and fallen and smashed his skull on a rock after his vision on the road to Damascus, there would be no Christianity.

The Anti-constitutionalists Wokers Are a Far Deeper Threat

Workers have embedded themselves into our institutions; have not a single leader.  Claudine Gay is gone as Harvard’s President, but do not expect any change at Harvard. It will be full steam ahead with the racist Woke DEI agenda.  Woke DEI has worked its way into corporations, labor unions, school districts, local governments, the courts, – and the Wokers have no interest in giving up power.  The Golden Globe Awards are oh so proud that Joy Koy is the MC.  His actual name is Joseph Glenn Herbert.  While Koy is one-half White and one-half Filipino, Koy is a nickname which he invented.  One may wonder if Koy would be MC’ing if he used his real name, Joe Herbert?   Ironically, Koy, who looks Black, is not politically correct  . But, I digress.

Woker DEI is 100% incompatible with the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution which are based on individual inalienable rights, especially Liberty.  Because the Founding Fathers knew that Group Rights, where one group is favored and another group is disfavored, will led to violence, they placed our founding value on the individual inalienable rights of each person where no person had better or more rights than another person. Governments are instituted among men in order to secure these rights.  Woker DEI reject this proposition and instead people are treated according to the ascriptive group to which they are assigned.  Wokers have two groups: The Oppressors (Whites and Jews)and the Oppressed (all minorities).  Everyone who is labeled Oppressor is evil and should be excluded, and if need be, exterminated, while everyone who is Oppressed is to be lauded and any criminal behavior is excused as the result of White-Jewish Oppression.  Hence, the US Wokers are still supporting Hamas and its widely known goal to exterminate all Jews.  Even after Oct 7th, and the Israel counter attack when thousands have been killed, Hamas denies it has any duty to protect Gazans  – Hamas’s goal is the genocide of Jews.  Nonetheless, US Wokers still march in the streets chanting, “Palestine will be free from the river to the sea,” a slogan which means the eradication of all Jews from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. Hamas threats to send it terrorist to the United States,  but that does not bother US Wokers.  It seems that just as Hamas, Gaza’s elected government, sees no duty to protect Gazans, the US Wokers see no reason to object to Hamas’ threats to murder Americans on American soil.

Both Extremes Are an Existential Threat to America

After Biden’s horridly polarizing Woker speech in Pennsylvania on January 6, 2024, it’s clear he is in full Woker mode.  The center of American electorate realizes Trump’s shortcomings and need not be reminded.  What middle America wants Biden to do is repudiate the Woker DEI movement, which poses the greater threat to our Way of Life.  Biden’s screaming about the boogeyman Trump only advances polarization. 

Both parties reject Declaration and the Constitution core value as summed up by Martin Luther King - "Free at last! free at last! ¶ thank God Almighty, we are free at last!" Both parties want to be our overlords.

(Richard Lee Abrams has been an attorney, a Realtor and community relations consultant as well as a CityWatch contributor.  You may email him at [email protected].)


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