Tue, Mar

It's The Democracy, Stupid


ABE WON’T BE SILENT - Since so many of our favorite Political TikTokers’ views are being restricted, it’s essential that we try to work together offline as we enter the November election. 

How sick and tired are you of this statement: “The Democrats are the worst at messaging.” How many years, how many talented Hollywood types, how many slick lobbyists, how many annoyingly inaccurate pollsters, how many billionaires carrying their publicists like Hermes bags, and while I’m at it, how many know-it-all, contributing bloviators on cable news does it take to NOT SCREW IN A LIGHTBULB! Or, in this case, effectively message on behalf of what we Democrats stand for, which is truth, justice, and the American way.

Instead, the toxic-plasmosa, newly-minted-yet-horribly tainted, MAGA Republican party is running the table with what we Dems are known for, which is caring for all Americans, no matter race, creed, gender, or color. Yet, their evil branding genius has brilliantly usurped the best of our Democratic achievements and has made us look like Devils Wearing Prada.

How sick are you of hearing: “This is the most consequential election of our lifetime”? It’s unconscionable and must end—today. Or, at a minimum, soon enough to impact and win this next CRITICAL election. It’s cringe watching a bunch of mealy-mouthed, politically correct Dems droning on, ultimately not providing the Democratic party the edge we need now, most specifically for Joe Biden. It’s called marketing. YES, I KNOW HE IS AS OLD AS THE HILLS. So we need to circumvent the focus of that reality, and we need to improve our messaging AND FAST!

Why do we let them own the border issue while not voting for funding?
Why do we let them get away with calling themselves the law-and-order queens?
Why don’t we attack them for saying they’re fiscally conservative while not at all?
Why is Trump’s age (78) any less out-to-lunch than Joe’s (80)?

If you agree with any or all of the above, then we must begin to strategize together for best talking points, best practices, and best-in-show fresh ideas, cutting-edge PSAs, three-word slogans, thought-provoking bumper stickers, impactful merch ideas, events, and—and—and whatever it takes to win this fucking election, up and down the ballot. Besides re-electing Joe, we need to get smart people on school boards, in state legislatures, sheriffs, police captains, and judges. While we’re at it, let’s rid Colorado of that coorva, Lauren “The Skank” Boobert.

Here’s what we can do: 

  1. Let’s start Zooming, the first one on Monday, Martin Luther King’s birthday, to meet symbolically on a day representing freedom. In this case, freedom from that Gross Baboon. Monday, January 15th at 6:00 PM PT, which is 9:00 PM ET
  2. We pull together a slew of smart-mouthed messaging and create a shared Google Drive with Docs and Sheets.
  3. We will need to disseminate and communicate our messages of brilliance to various groups and individuals on other platforms, family members, and neighbors to drive home the fact that “It’s The Democracy, Stupid.”
  4. Besides, by doing these offsite meet-ups, we won’t be held hostage by those idiotic, algorithmically-challenged fuckwads at TikTok.



(ABE GURKO is the executive producer of a documentary “Won’t Be Silent,” about the extraordinary Women of Protest Music. He's an Opinionator who hosts a podcast, "Conversations From the Edge of Democracy," that discusses the current state of our fragile political landscape. Abe is a contributor to CityWatchLA.com[email protected])


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