Thu, Feb

Apple Makes Easter Disappear


#1. A biomedical scientist at Northumbria University in Newcastle Upon Tyne ( love that name)  says her research has proven that anti bacterial wipes only eradicate bacteria from kitchen surfaces for 20 minutes. Then they come back. She says bar soap works better. Back in early 50's there was a product called Nuclear Foam-O. It worked great killing bacteria. In fact it worked too great. It was subsequently banned. Where it was used 60+ years ago, bacteria still hasn't come back and not much of anything else, either.

#2.  For those who enjoy a bit of irony, how about this one?
It seems that France, Germany, Italy and even China all chastised President Trump for pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord. These same countries are now importing US coal in record amounts. I didn't read the Paris Climate Accord, I don't think much of anybody really did, but I would assume burning coal must have been verboten. Hello China ... Just a thought. Your smog is so thick you need a chain saw to cut through it.

#3. Apple has removed Easter from the I Phone calendar. According to a news source, when contacted regarding the issue, the reply received was "the calendar is as it should be." They better hope it is. Steve Jobs birthday is still in the I Phone, but Steve "The Woz" Wozniak's birthday was removed long ago.

#4.  Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Inc. reported a record quarterly annual profit of 32.5 billion, 29.11 billion of which was due to the cut in the corporate income tax rate in the new Tax Law. It is not known how much Warren himself pocketed but it must have been "pretty good." 

Since Warren has continually whined about how he doesn't pay enough taxes, may I suggest he just forward his little "windfall" to the Treasury Department.

#5.  It seems there is a commercial for a diet plan every couple of minutes on television. Nutrisystem and Jenny Craig are the most prominent. The Jenny Craig commercial where the guy says, "I lost 25 pounds on Jenny Craig" seems a bit awkward. I kind of like the Snavely Shoving Diet. It says
stop shoving food down your throat and start shoving away from the table sooner. While there are many different diets everyone starts them the same way. Tomorrow .

(Tom Murphy is a writer, humorist, actor, disc jockey and an occasional contributor to CityWatch. He lives in Los Angeles.)


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