Mon, Mar

What the Heck is Going On With the US and Israel?

THE EASTSIDER - Being a third generation Bohunk from somewhere in the old Hungarian empire, I don’t pay much attention to all the consternation about where people are from. As a genetic mutt, it’s kind of liberating. 

However, with all the ‘sturm und drang’ over the United States, Israel, and the rest of the middle east, I am puzzled. (for those wondering what ‘strum und drang’ means, its German for storm and stress, or turmoil). 

So, to me all the United States assurances that ‘we’ will back Israel no matter what, to the ends of the earth, makes me wonder.  Just who is we? And if true, why is it true? And forever?  Really?  Even as all our own politics are quite ephemeral, the best the pronouncement really means that such a pledge is BS. Forever?  Really?  

I get it that the US is Israel’s bestest buddy, and I’m fine with that as it has been true for as long as I can remember for cause. However, it seems to me that Netanyahu pushes the proposition beyond rationality.  If I remember my history right, he’s allegedly a serous crook, and being Prime Minister is the only thing between him and a very serious trial in Israel for malfeasance. 

So it’s not a reach to think that Netanyahu is going to keep this ‘war’ going as long as he can so he can keep his own butt out of the slammer.  Maybe grab some land. Too bad about collateral damage. 

 Seems to me that it is an empirical fact that whatever your position is regarding Israel, there are one whole heck of a lot of innocent middle eastern folks that are being blown to hell with munitions that all have the USA engraved all over them. Even as Israel refuses to end the conflict, divvy up Gaza, and move on.  Thanks, Benjamin. 

During the current campaigns it seems like both Trump and Kamala aren’t talking about the middle east, which means to me that both of them will probably continue the current hands off Israel as Netanyahu runs around with “strategic” bombing at will, with his endless supply of missiles stamped made in the USA. 

As near as I can figure it out, Netanyahu is getting ambitious off as he proudly reshapes the entire middle east, bombing anyone in the region he wants to.  Where is Biden, Trump, and Kamala?  All evidently in cahoots 100% behind Israel. I guess. Unreal. 

All this is going to leave a bad taste in all the other nations in the middle east for a long, long time, and I think it will be on account of the United States’ hubris in thinking that we still run the world and can do whatever we want wherever we want. Not smart, and likely not true, either. 

At the same time, I have noticed that the press is giving all their attention to the November 5 US election, with almost nothing about the plight of Palestinians who are starving to death and dying from lack of medical aid amidst a flood of USA built rockets. 

Amazing to me in all this chaos is that both political parties seem to have a secret pact not to talk about the middle east during our own election for President.  Seems to me like the Republicans and the Democrats get an ‘F’ for being complicit in a senseless war a zillion miles away, even as the casualties and deaths creep towards what? Hundreds of thousands?  More? 

What is the end game of this policy that other countries want absolutely nothing to do with?  What kind of trust can they have that the USA will fulfill it’s ostensible role as the 80 pound gorilla in global politics to ensure peace? 

This week I have filled out my ballot and handed it in. It’s just that this time I have serious reservations what voting really means on the national level. Trump could care less about the issue, and Harris doesn’t talk about Israel at all. 

Unreported by the press, I noticed this note from Israel’s Times of Israel as I write this column: 

“Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu will begin his testimony in his ongoing corruption trial on December 2, 2024, the Jerusalem District Court decided in a ruling on Tuesday. 

In their ruling, the judges overseeing the trial said they had weighed “the ability to prepare the prime minister to do so during a time of war; with the public interest in advancing the case.” 

That was on July 9th. We will see... 

Enter Donald Trump

Who says elections don’t have consequences?  Newly elected President Donald Trump wasted no time in calling his buddy Benjamin Netanyahu to tell him to do anything he wants to the Palestinians and the middle east, full stop. 

Maybe it’s a wannabe dictator to wannabe dictator kind of thing.  Whatever the reason, this does not bode well for the United States standing in the middle east for a long time to come. 



(Tony Butka is an Eastside community activist, who has served on a neighborhood council, has a background in government and is a contributor to CityWatch.)