Mon, Oct


LA Councilwoman Traci Park Endorses Hochman for District Attorney!

WESTSIDE - Frustrated by an increase in crime here in the 11th District that includes Venice, Los Angeles Councilwoman Traci Park(CD-11), has endorsed former federal prosecutor and U.S. Assistant Attorney General Nathan Hochman for Los Angeles County District Attorney. 

Hochman is challenging incumbent George Gascon, who’s term of office has been ravaged by several recall attempts and being perceived as soft on crime. 

Nathan Hochman

“Here on the Westside, we are sick and tired of the home burglaries, the smash-and-grabs, the car smash-ins, drug dealers slinging meth and fentanyl in our local parks without fear of consequence. We are ready for a District attorney who is serious about cleaning up the streets and holding criminals accountable,” offered Park, who represents CD-11, in an endorsement video posted on Instagram. 

Citing his depth of experience as a crime fighter, Park said, “Nathan, you are overqualified for the job, and Los Angeles is going to be lucky to have you.” 

According to Hochman’s campaign, the Park endorsement joins more than 600 elected leaders, labor groups, law enforcement agencies, business organizations and local prosecutors who are supporting Hochman’s coalition of support  to defeat incumbent George Gascon in the November 5th general  election. 

Violent crime and property crime have increased every year since Gascon has been in office, according to statistics compiled by the California Department of Justice

Hochman said: “We are very fortunate to have Traci Park representing us on the City Council and advocating for public safety. I truly appreciate her support and look forward to working together to make Los Angeles safer by implementing sensible prosecution policies and restoring balance in the criminal justice system.”

Park, a first-term member of the LA City Council was elected in 2022 in a crowded primary field and emerged the winner in the runoff with a 52-48% victory against fellow Venetian and attorney, Erin Darling. 

Park, a political outsider gained early support from the public safety community and made homelessness a key part of her platform and campaign. Since assuming office, she has worked closely with LA Mayor Karen Bass to cleanup multiple encampments here in Venice, with an emphasis on Third, Hampton and Flower. Park’s constituent service outreach has been consistent and effective working with the Venice Neighborhood Council and other community groups in containing and reducing the number of encampments here in the neighborhood. The councilwoman has built a reliable reputation in addressing homeless concerns and getting back to residents, a clear contrast from her predecessor, Mike Bonin who left office with a severe adversarial relationship with the Venice community. 

A ferocious campaigner, Park’s endorsement will no doubt play a key influence in the Hochman campaign to unseat the incumbent. 

Recent polling suggests that voters are fed up with Gascon’s pro-criminal policies, and the challenger is holding a 30-point lead over the flawed incumbent. 

Ballots began arriving by mail last week. They must be mailed or deposited at a ballot drop box by November 5th. 

Hochman, a former federal prosecutor, Assistant U.S. Attorney General, President of the Los Angeles City Ethics Commission and defense attorney, is running to defeat Gascon and become the next District Attorney of Los Angeles County. An Independent (No Party Preference), Hochman believes politics has no place in the D.A.’s Office, has secured bipartisan support and has been endorsed by the Los Angeles County Police Chiefs’ Association, the Association of Deputy District Attorneys, former LA District Attorney Jackie Lacey, and a coalition of first responders, and dozens of civic and business leaders. 

For more information about the campaign, visit www.NathanHochman.com

(Nick Antonicello is a thirty-one year resident of the neighborhood who covers the culture and politics of Venice. Have a take or a tip? Contact him via e-mail at [email protected])

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