Sun, Mar

Fan In Coma.  Something’s Amiss About Inglewood Mayor’s Account Of Sofi Stadium Altercation

SOUTH OF THE 10 - Remind me if I’m wrong or not but hasn’t the catch phrase over the past two years been trust the science, trust the professional?

Let’s just start from the beginning. 

I’m calling bullshit that the Inglewood Police Department nor the Mayor hadn’t determined until Thursday night that 49ers fan Daniel Luna wasn’t a victim of an assault and the general public, more importantly, Inglewood residents need to hear directly from the words of our overly compensated Police Chief Mark Fonterotta as the Mayor’s words are inconsistent with the Los Angeles Times version. 

Here’s where the accounts of this truly unfortunate event doesn’t add up, and is just another example of the Mayor Butts’ manipulation of the truth. It seriously compromises his and the City’s ability, as a whole, to manage the long awaited success that comes with the prosperity he routinely reminds us of.

Per the Los Angeles Times own account, and the words out of the Mayor’s own mouth, the Inglewood Police Department was summoned to Harbor UCLA General by medical professionals Sunday at 7:00 pm because the injured victim, based on the professional opinion of medical professionals [presumably experts in their fields], and based upon their experience, and examination of Daniel Luna, determined that he was more than likely the victim of a violent attack.

Where’s the confusion? 

Aren’t we supposed to trust the professionals or are we free to dismiss the experts finding when the findings has the potential to become a public relations nightmare to the Mayor, NFL, and potential investors to the City of Inglewood?

Need anymore proof let’s talk about this “blurry” video in question that assisted in the apprehension of the alleged perpetrator.

In the Mayor’s description of the events that occurred that evening , it appears the Mayor took the painstaking effort to protect the NFL brand. In describing the two individuals involved in the altercation, the Mayor indicates Daniel Luna was wearing a red Jersey that was unidentifiable due to the poor video quality, and the alleged perpetrator in the attack appeared to be wearing a yellow jersey.

Does the Mayor truly believe that the general public couldn’t come to a deductive reasoning that both parties that were involved in the altercation were wearing the respective jerseys of both the Los Angeles Rams and the San Francisco 49ers, the two teams that happened to be playing in the NFC championship game where this event occurred?

Does the Mayor want us to believe that So-Fi this $5 billion stadium, the most expensive stadium ever built, has subpar CCTV that can’t identify the make or model of a car, or whether the two gentlemen involved were in fact wearing NFL replica jerseys, but the quality of the video was just good enough to get the plate number of the vehicle of the party of interest?

Forgive me if I appear suspicious but what’s disturbing and everyone should take note, not in so much in assigning blame but as the Mayor routinely says, “Inglewood’s success will deal with the ability to handle prosperity”, and within a matter of a week, the City has dealt with a mass shooting, and a violent “beating” at SoFi stadium, with the Mayor’s general disposition that everything is okay and there’s nothing to see here.

Is the City of Inglewood safe for the Superbowl? According to the Mayor, the City is well prepared and no extra precautions will be taken.

I guess we should be comforted by the Mayor’s words, but based on the Mayor’s penchant for lying,  and omission of truth, Inglewood residents and the many visitors that will embark on Inglewood for Superbowl should be vigilant in protecting their own safety.


(Marvin is our opinion writer! He is a long-time Inglewood resident and he went to Inglewood Unified schools. You can catch him “live” during City meetings [in the comment section], in his Facebook Group “Inglewood Live” or via email at therealmccoymarketinggroup@gmail.com !) 

(2UrbanGirls has been cited in CityWatchLA, Compton Herald, Daily Breeze, Daily News, Inglewood Today, Intersections South LA, KCRW, KPCC, Los Angeles Times, LA Weekly, LA Watts Times, Mercury News, Orange County Register and The Atlantic.)  


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