Prop 6: Can We Guarantee the Funds Will be Spent Well?
ALPERN AT LARGE--Come November, YOU decide. As for me, I'm just so very conflicted about Proposition 6 that I cannot recommend either a "pro" or "con" position.
Our mission is to promote and facilitate civic engagement and neighborhood empowerment, and to hold area government and its politicians accountable.
ALPERN AT LARGE--Come November, YOU decide. As for me, I'm just so very conflicted about Proposition 6 that I cannot recommend either a "pro" or "con" position.
URBAN FORREST POLITICS--Our trees are disappearing. For a number of reasons our urban forest is declining, at the time we need it most.
PRISON POLITICS--In a reversal of a controversial rule that disproportionately sentenced mentally ill and African-American inmates to life in prison for petty crimes, California will allow all non-violent prisoners under the Three Strikes Act to seek parole.
ELECTION WATCH-According to a WalletHub survey on 2018’s Most and Least Politically Engaged States, California ranked #50 in percentage of registered voters in the 2016 presidential election. Using ten key metrics, the state ranked #24 in political engagement.
PERSPECTIVE--The unfriendly skies over the Southeast Valley got a little unfriendlier on October 18th.
DEEGAN ON LA-Here’s an unfortunate example of “indirect democracy” coming up on California’s November 6 ballot: Proposition 7, which asks voters to approve permanent daylight saving time.
PLATKIN ON PLANNING-LA’s Council District 5 requested that a large group of its constituents – representing the neighborhood councils, resident associations, HPOZ boards, homeowner associations, and neighborhood associations impacted by and opposed to the proposed Purple Line Extension “transit neighborhood plan” -- write up their concerns and offer an alternative proposal. The following is this collective work in draft form. Comments are appreciated.
EASTSIDER-All the mainstream media seems to agree that President Trump tweets and talks to give us new bright and shiny objects to obsess about, mostly as a method of taking attention away from what he is really doing.
BELL VIEW--The other day, walking through my residential neighborhood with my wife and two kids on a sunny Sunday afternoon, I forced down a rage eruption at the driver of a car who mistook our quiet street for a stretch of the 101 Freeway.
CORRUPTION WATCH--Prop 10 represents that weird situation where “You cannot get there from here.”
EDUCATION POLITICS--Since my July 12 CityWatchLA article entitled LAUSD’s Malfunctioning Payroll Debacle: Still targeting Former Teachers with Bogus Lawsuits, yet more disturbing information has emerged. (Photo above: LAUSD headquarters.)
DISABILITY PERSPECTIVE-People with disabilities and their family members are often too busy managing their disability to give much thought to future care needs.
CAL MATTERS--What’s the sound of one man debating? California voters got an idea today at the first and only scheduled candidate forum in the 2018 U.S. Senate race.
DONE WATCH-The Department of Neighborhood Empowerment (DONE) administratively and illegally has removed a board member from the Van Nuys Neighborhood Council (VNNC).
MY TURN--This statement may sound like I am using a broad paintbrush, and indeed I am.
CAL MATTERS-The latest conventional wisdom among state political insiders: There’s a good chance a Californian will be on the presidential ticket in 2020, and that Californian is likely to be Democratic U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris.
BCK FILE--Since his election in 2016, Donald J. Trump has been alleging massive voter fraud by millions of votes in California and other blue states, baseless allegations meant to cause mistrust in our electoral process.
CORRUPTION WATCH-“Build-out” is the term that means any increase in population density will exceed the infrastructure to support it.
INSIDE INGLEWOOD--Is Inglewood Mayor James Butts continuing to intimidate city employees to suit his own needs?
ALPERN AT LARGE--One of my life's greatest adventures was the fight to create an Expo Line, which is now one of the most ridden light rail lines in the LA Metro Rail Network
@THE GUSS REPORT-Just when you think a story has reached its conclusion, something remarkable happens.
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