Sun, Feb

Democrat Math: 31 is Greater than 45, 30 is Greater than 63 – Huh?


CORRUPTION WATCH-Nancy Pelosi’s favorable ratings are 31%, while Donald Trump’s favorable ratings are 45%.

Yet, Dems are convinced that the nation overwhelmingly favors Pelosism over Trumpism. Hence, they plan to make Nancy Pelosi Speaker of the House.  

In Nov 2018, the Dems gained about 30 seats in the House. The Dems pretend that their 30-seat gain is a great victory by refusing to mention the fact that the GOP gained 63 seats in the House in Nov 2010. Instead, the Dems, in their classic Fake News pattern of misdirection, claim the recent “victory” was their greatest gain since 1974. Who suffers from greater delusions? Trump-a-Doodle or the Democrat establishment? If a 30-seat gain is the best your party has done since 1974, then your party has been doing something horribly wrong for the last 44 years. The relevant comparison is the GOP win of 63 seats in Nov 2010 vs Dem win of 30 seats in Nov 2018. 

The Relevant Comparison is Nov 2010 

Who was the Speaker of the House in Nov 2010 when the Dems lost 63 seats and ushered in the tea bagger era? Nancy Pelosi. The operative comparison year for Dems is not 1974, but Nov 2010 when Pelosi was instrumental in one of the worse disasters in modern political history. (Of course, we cannot overlook the egregiously atrocious economic policies of the Obama Administration which gave us the longest recession since WW II as a major factor in the Nov 2010 loss. Unfortunate for sound political analysis, criticism of Saint Obama is still taboo among the Dems.) 

Numbers Can be Quirky 

It is interesting that Trump’s rating is about 150% better than Nancy Pelosi’s, and the tea baggers win in Nov 2010 was a little more than 150% greater than the modest Dem win in Nov 2018. Spanning eight years, Nancy Pelosi has been remarkably consistent in being disliked and in losing. In a democratic republic, political hacks with extremely unfavorable ratings should not habitually become leaders.  

Grumpy Trumpy is a National Disgrace 

The Dems are suffering from an inability to draw logical conclusions. The fact that Trump is the worse president in U.S. history, having trashed American values to an extent that defies imagination, should not be taken by the Dems as an excuse for their abysmally poor showing in gaining only about 30 House seats and making no gains in the Senate. Right before the election, Trump was issuing the anti-Semitic meme that “the Media (aka Jews) is the enemy of the people” on the same day as the massacre of eleven Jews in Pittsburgh. Trump has continually ginned up fear and hatred of basically anyone who does not agree with him, and the most Dems could eke out was about 50% of what the GOP got in Nov 2010. 

Considering the type person Trump has proven himself to be, the fact that Americans are so reluctant to turn to the Dems means that Americans reject Pelosism. 

Listen to Einstein 

Although Einstein probably never said it, the saying, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results,” does show wisdom. Its insight does not rest in what should be obvious but rather in its recognition that people are sufficiently insane to habitually make the same mistake virtually ad infinitum. What America needs right now is a Democratic Party that is not so insane as to re-elect a Speaker who is more hated than Trump.


(Richard Lee Abrams is a Los Angeles attorney and a CityWatch contributor. He can be reached at: [email protected]. Abrams’ views are his own and do not necessarily reflect the views of CityWatch.) Edited for CityWatch by Linda Abrams.