Thu, Mar

Its time. End the Draft, Once and for All

GUEST COMMENTARY--We may be months away from ending the U.S. military draft, once and for all. After a court ruled that the male-only draft was unconstitutional, a Congress-appointed Commission has been studying whether or not to draft women into the U.S. military.

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China’s Renewed Coal Boom

CLIMATE POLITICS--China’s failure to kick a long-standing addiction to coal has thrown a knockout punch to the Paris Agreement of 2015, including its 195 signatories. Suddenly, out of the blue, the world has turned upside down! 

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What Has Become of the Republican Party?

GUEST WORDS-Do you remember when the Republican Party was led by staunchly anti-communist Cold Warriors such as Ronald Reagan, issuing dark warnings that the Soviet Union was an “Evil Empire” posing an existential threat to America’s freedoms and way of life?

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On the Knife Edge of Homelessness

DEEGAN ON LA-Often, the very thin membrane between going to bed in your own home at night, or waking up homeless on the streets the next morning, is a single piece of paper called an unlawful detainer, which is part of the legal process, using a court, to evict someone from their home when the tenant has not paid their rent to the landlord. 

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