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The Time Has Arrived to Admit Reality: Donald Trump is Seriously Mentally Ill


THE VIEW FROM HERE - Our Republic is dying a horrible death because Americans preferred to support extremist power mongers, Wokers and MAGA.  For years Americans were warned that a democracy is the quick road to tyranny because it has no checks and balances on power.  The hallmark of a republic, on the other hand, is checking and balancing run-away power through the rule of law. The Constitution’s main purpose is to protect individual inalienable rights by creating a Republic.  As the framers knew, the ignorant masses clamor for a democracy which shuns rule of law in favor of the Will of the Masses as expressed from election to election.  

As the Federalist Papers showed, very few men grasp the concept of the rule of law.  All societies have laws, but to have a free society the basic human rights, i.e., individual inalienable rights, must endure no matter how contrary the voters’ desire.  The fact that the Republic and all of our inalienable rights are essentially dead is that Trump can claim that he has a mandate to do whatever he wants.   After he won the popular vote by 1.6%, Trump’s mental illness resulted in his delusion that he is King and anything that he wants to do is beyond reproach.  In case the reader has missed the point here and in my endless articles since December 2016, Trump suffers from two serious DSM personality disorders, Histrionic and Narcissism, with associated paranoia.  People with paranoia have systematic delusions of persecution and/or grandeur. 

“Long Live the King.”  Trump Feb 19, 2025 

When Trump NYC’s congestion pricing for Manhattan, he wrote on Truth Social, “"CONGESTION PRICING IS DEAD. Manhattan and all of New York, is SAVED," he wrote, adding, "LONG LIVE THE KING."  Notice that Trump used all CAPS!. See Savior Delusion  https://tinyurl.com/555king111  

It is absurd for the President of the Free World to think that he is King of NYC and can revoke its traffic laws. 

Trump’s Mental Illness Affects His Smallest and Largest Decisions 

Another example of Trump’s mental illness and complete disregard for our society’s norms is his deciding that he gets to decide which news organizations can be in the press pool.  The reason that the Press itself decides who is in the press pool is the 1st Amendment’s Freedom of the Press.  If the Trump decides who is in the press pool, he will allow only rear-end kissers.  Prior to Trump, everyone in government agreed that Freedom of Speech required the press corp itself to decide.  We all need to admit how truly petty Trump behaves.  The Associated Press continues to call the Gulf of Mexico the Gulf of Mexico and not Trump’s name of Gulf of America.  For that, he bars them out. We need not imagine how unhinged Trump becomes when some challenges any of his delusions.  The world saw Trump’s Narcissistic rage when Zelenskyy disagreed about Putin’s good intentions 

Trump Is a Very Disturbed Person Who Cannot Tolerate Any Criticism 

For Trump anyone’s expressing a different point of view is intolerable criticism for which the offender must be attacked.  Whoever spoke the offending words must be banished.  Because Trump is a megalomaniac who suffers from delusions of persecution and grandeur, he insists that everyone have personal loyalty to him and not to the US Constitution and the rule of law.  Unless a cabinet nominees swore a private oath of personal loyalty to Trump, he would not be nominated.  When prior cabinet members and high level advisors in his first terms provided Trump accurate factual advice, he would fly into Narcissistic Rages throwing his Big Macs against the dining room walls. Trump has called for criminal prosecutions of people who disagreed with him. He believes that the rioters who sought to hang Vice President Pence are patriots! Trump has declared that his own Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley deserves the death penalty.  This is the same mentality the world saw with Saddam Hussein and which Vladimir Putin displays today. 

Why Trump had his Zelenskyy Narcissistic Hissy Fit 

Zelenskyy was repeating that Putin always breaks his deals so that Ukraine needed a security guarantee for any deal.  This logical point poses a deep psychological threat to Trump, who as a Histrionic, craves Putin’s acceptance. Histrionics develop delusions that they have much closer relationship to other people than exists.  Stalkers of celebrities often believe that the celebrity wants the attention. Similarly, Trump truly believes that women like it for him to grab their pussy.  Trump also has a delusion that he has a close personal relationship with Putin. 

Putin Loathes and Detests Donald Trump 

Vladimir Putin is a rugged, former KGB foreign intelligence officer. Putin has only contempt for draft dodgers who claim bone spurs.  While Putin is a criminal, he is not a fat tub of lard. Putin displays famous shirtless photo of him on a horse, while Trump’s most famous golf photo highlights his fat ass.

Back in the 1990's The Russian intelligence agencies targeted Trump as a pompous blowhard who was so incompetent that he even bankrupted a casino. He might be a useful fool.  At Putin’s direction, enough Russian money was directed to Trump to seriously compromise him.  Putin knows that due to Trump’s mental disorders, flattery gets whatever Putin wants.  Trump knows the existential danger Donald Trump and his MAGA supporters pose for the West.  After years of grooming, Trump yearns for his close relationship with Putin. If NATO or the Ukraine interfere with his desire, Trump is ready to dump NATO and betray Ukraine. 

Trump idolizes Putin, who is reportedly the world’s wealthiest person.  While Trump fantasizes about Putin, Putin Trump’s role is that of prison bitch.  Trump is so in awe of Putin that Trump’s personality structure is imperiled when anyone threatens Trump’s delusion. 

Thus, when Zelenskyy made the accurate point that Putin always breaks treaties, Trump flew into a uncontrolled Narcissistic Rage.  The inescapable premise of Zelenskyy’s statement is that Putin will violate any deal which Trump makes unless it has security guarantees for Ukraine. In Trump’s mind, “security guarantees” mean that Putin does not respect Trump.  Zelenskyy had a choice: Does he sell out his people and the rest of Europe by caving into Trump’s delusion or does he state the obvious: Putin with honor on deal with Trump unless is has security guarantees of Russia’s performance.

Trump’s incompetence is shown by the fact that prior meetings with Europeans leaders and the behind the scene negotiations with Ukraine all required security guarantees.  It was folly for Trump to have the public meeting when he knew Ukraine and Europe wanted the guarantees.  Trump, however, is impulsive, myopic, and has a grandiose sense of entitlement.  Thus, he thought that in a public meeting, Zelenskyy would cave. Trump was wrong.  People like Sen. Majority Leader John Thune have conditioned Trump to believe that everyone will always submit to Trump’s abuse.  Zelenskyy did not. 

The time has arrived for Americans to admit that Trump poses a grave and serious danger to not only the United States but to the entire Free World.  Yet, our leaders are too cowardly to admit the obvious.

(Bob Gelfand writes on science, culture, and politics for CityWatch in GELFAND'S WORLD. He can be reached at [email protected].)