Fri, Feb

To Mask or Un-Mask? Division = Death


VIEW FROM HERE-Both the White Supremacists and the Woker racists have reversed E Pluribus Unum and want to slice and dice the nation into warring factions for their own hatreds and financial profit. 

The nation was founded on the value of “one for all and all for one.“ In other words, each individual had inalienable rights, and everyone supported each other person’s rights. From that premise, we derived the Melting Pot Theory where each person could retain his/her distinctive culture but would also join together to fashion a cohesive nation. The Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution set forth this philosophy in opposition to the prevailing systems which were based on Group Rights. The great divide was slavery vs. freedom, but among the free, there were strict class divisions where some people were born into royalty. India still has the caste system.  

In 1776, we based the nation on a new philosophy that each individual had inalienable rights and the purpose of government was not to serve a king or God, but to guarantee those rights for each person.  Today’s anti-White Woker racists will never mention that Thomas Jefferson changed John Locke’s “Life, Liberty and Property” to “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” in order to make certain no one could seize upon the word “property” to deny inalienable rights to slaves. The slave owners who signed the Declaration and later the U.S. Constitution, whose purpose was to “Secure the Blessings of Liberty,” knew they were signing the death warrant for the institution of slavery. For the Wokers, all Whites must forever wear the mark of Cain. 

Division Makes Money 

As is often the rule, follow the Benjamins to find the motive. Hate sells! Both the Dems and the GOP know that group hatred sells far better than cooperation. Nancy Pelosi has staked her career on dividing Americans against each other with her Identity Politics. 

When Americans have been united, it was usually against an external threat, such as Nazism. Our domestic Bund Movement waned after December 7, 1941. After World War II, we turned to Communism as the uniting force and the vicious Sen. Joe McCarthy turned that fear against Americans at home, especially Jews in Hollywood. Since the demise of the Soviet Union, both the GOP and the Dems have sought out new groups to use for dividing the nation and raising money. In the early 1990s, the GOP turned to vile homophobia to endear the party to the Moral Majority. That strategy flopped. The prime promoter of racist Group Rights turned out to be the Dems

How Dem Group Rights Revived the Covid Pandemic 

For a brief time, Joe Biden drove a stake through the heart of Group Rights, when he said that the 2020 election was not about Trump’s family or about Biden’s family but about “your family.” When Biden said, “your family,” he did not distinguish between Black and White, Gay or Straight, Christian or Jew. Although Biden was debating Trump, his statement was a repudiation of Pelosi’s Identity Politics. Biden’s use of “your family” to unite the nation was in contrast to Hillary’s calling Whites the N-word: “Deplorables.”  

Like a Hollywood Horror Movie, the Monster Refuses to Die  

During the campaign, Biden made what seemed to be a rash promise: “My administration will get at least 100 million COVID vaccine shots into the arms of the American people in the first 100 days. 100 million shots in the first 100 days." Biden delivered more than he promised. He reached his goal within 58 days. More importantly, Biden spoke of the American people, not a segmented warring nation. Meanwhile the GOP continued with their deadly anti-Bidenism by fighting all sane public health measures, but Biden refused to take the bait. 

Biden then recapitulated his 100 shots within a 100-days promise by targeting July 4th when 70% of Americans would be vaxed. The forces of division on both the Right and the Left saw the threat to their power. If enough of the nation heeded Biden’s universal call for 70% to be vaxed, it could lead to a centrist government. Symbolically, the nation reaching a huge step toward herd immunity by July 4th would be devastating -- for the Dem Wokers, the Whites are the enemy and for the GOP, the minorities are the enemy. If Biden united the nation by making the virus the enemy, the power of the Left and the Right would wane. 

Masks Are Seen as More Harmful than the Virus 

What should go down as an example of mass insanity is that the nation has come to see masks to be a greater risk to life than the virus. Some red states have gone so far as to pass statutes which prevent cities and counties from requiring masks. These states often lag far behind in their population getting vaccinated. 

By May 2021, we knew the route to safety: “Everyone mask up until we reach herd immunity.”  Today’s mask saves your life today. Today’s vax saves your life in six weeks. Nothing was more guaranteed to prevent Biden from reaching his 70% vaxed by July 4th than the CDC’s removing the mask mandate. Yet, this is exactly what CDC Director Rochelle Walensky did on May 13, 2021, she said at a White House briefing that fully vaxed people need not wear masks while inside. 

This gave a green light for the anti-maskers and the anti-vaxers, two groups with a huge overlap, to spread the virus throughout the entire nation. Walensky also pulled the rug out from under states which knew they had to mask up until herd immunity. As predicted, the entire nation is experiencing a surge in COVID-19 and the world runs a risk of an Omega Variant. Biden’s July 4th celebration of national unity was destroyed, and the Left has revved up its divisive anti- GOP rhetoric. 

The newest lie is that the false information on Facebook caused the surge. No. That nonsense has been there all along. Walensky’s statement that masks are not needed for the vaxed caused the national surge. Nor do vaccinations take the place of masks. Anything which reduces mask wearing increases the virus.   

Biden should fire Walensky and promote the unity theme: The virus is the common danger. Let’s all mask up until we reach herd immunity. Together we can do this.


(Richard Lee Abrams is a Los Angeles attorney and a CityWatch contributor. He can be reached at: [email protected]. Abrams’ views are his own and do not necessarily reflect the views of CityWatch.)


Tags: Richard Lee Abrams, View from Here, COVID-19, Joe Biden, anti-vaxers, U.S. vaccination rate, Identity Politics, CDC