Sun, Feb

Donald Trump and the Real State of Things in the United States


VOICES--I first heard about Donald Trump like most of us from our generation…I read his book “The Art of the Deal”. 

As it turns out, it was written mostly by a ghostwriter and not Trump himself.  He is portrayed as a real estate genius and a strong and honest businessman, when in fact he’s a narcissist, and egomaniac and a petty white-skinned ignoramus, who thinks only strength works and anything else is weakness.

He has resorted to name-calling and an attitude of omnipotence and moral superiority over everyone else not of his ilk or belief.  He’s been quick to turn his back on “friends” once they are no longer useful to him and has lied repeatedly over things personal, professionally, and politically.  He is his own swamp.  

He has stiffed more vendors and contractors over the years doing business with them by not paying for services rendered.  One of my friends once investigated his company when they applied for a loan with his lending institution.  They declined to lend money to him as they looked through his history and didn’t like what they found.  Trump’s people were “shocked” that the bank didn’t want to do business with Donald Trump.

I was initially upset at the relentlessness of the daily attacks on him and his character, but gradually came to the conclusion through much reading and research that he asks for it and in some cases demands that type of criticism.

Only you cannot criticize him…He is perfect and any challenge or “attack” as he calls it requires him to retaliate in kind and stronger.  He is in fact a bully along with the narcissism and grandiosity of his presumed and manufactured public image.

Has anyone noticed all the handclapping that Trump and his people continue to do?  Take a moment and look at North Korea…Kim Jong-un does the exact same thing…coincidence?

I have been around many wealthy people in my career and I have seen positive thinking when things are not well.  There is a power to positive thinking, but many times it’s used strictly as a motivational tool and nothing more.

Trump was never a Republican.  In fact, he was a big Democratic donor for most of his business life.  He saw opportunity and became a Republican.  So now he’s the leader of the GOP.  The truth is that he and his gang have hijacked the Republican Party.  Because of stupid party politics, the rest of the party (except Mitt Romney, Jeff Flake and John McCain while he was alive) are blindly following him as to do otherwise would be political suicide.  Sometimes suicide may be the better alternative.

My point is that this all started when George Bush, the younger was elected.  The hate began and only grew through the Obama Administration.  Because of Obama, the country over-reacted and we got Trump.  Now each party has descended into an “us against them” mentality.

With that these so-called “leaders” have just lined up willy-nilly behind their partisan leaders.  This is true on both sides.  That is why I left Democratic Party AND also why I left the Republicans as well.  I am now an independent voter with no affiliation.  It’s all about money and who contributes to your campaign and then they own you…So much for shaking up the system.  We have the best government money can buy.

Laws are now written by special interest and lobbyists. Our elected officials rarely if ever generate complex legislation…It comes from the think tanks.  In the end, it’s corporations that are writing our laws, not the people we elect.


The system requires you to join the system and this starts at the local level…Look at the School Board Elections?  That’s where they start and grow into bought and paid for servants of their donors.

Socialism is being taught to our young people and is being practiced by our elected officials.  We have created a welfare state. Now our schools are indoctrinating our children with socialist ideals without the balance of civics, history and other things that show how society has worked and “how we got here”.

The America as we know it is in danger of disappearing.  The freedoms we have gained through the past 240+ years are being eroded and our politicians are leading the charge.  Politics and government are the best things money can buy…and they have bought everyone.

Julian Mayer