Sun, Feb

How the Moral Depravity of the Courts Affects Us All


ONE MAN’S OPINION-America’s most predatory, racist institution is its judiciary.

Before the courts can be racist, they must first be predatory because a non-predatory system would never think of being racist. America’s archetype racist institution was slavery. While the courts from the U.S. Supreme Court’s Chief Justice and state supreme courts’ chief justices down to the bottom of the judicial hierarchy including prosecutors and law enforcement prey upon all Americans, they treat Black Americans like runaway slaves. 

The Entire Judiciary Is Morally Corrupt 

The moral depravity of the courts not only affects police departments, perverting the criminal justice system, but it also has destroyed Truth, Justice and the American Way. In other words, the predatory nature of the system is ubiquitous. Let’s remember, the existence of Oskar and Emilie Schindler did not cleanse the Third Reich of its crimes against humanity.  

The Perversion of the Courts Is Not New 

In the 1980s, federal district court judge Pamela Ann Rymer had a practice of calling up senior attorneys at major Los Angeles insurance defense firms like Jones, Day Pogue and Gibson Dunn Crutcher to decide how to sabotage ERISA lawsuits of poor people against insurance companies.  (ERISA is Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 to protect average Americans from dishonest insurance companies.) 

In one case, the two junior attorneys from a major insurance defense firm rejected Judge Rymer’s and their boss’s collusion and stated in open court that Judge Rymer was wrong that the insurance policy was not the Summary Plan Document. For 99.999% of Americans, this distinction is meaningless but within the context of ERISA, conflating the two documents killed plaintiffs’ case. The two junior attorneys were soon out of jobs. One returned to her home back East and the other took an extended leave from practicing law to live in Europe. Judge Rymer was promoted to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. Attorney opposition to judicial corruption has been a career-ender for a long time. 

But Wait it Gets Worse 

In its unanimous 1987 decision in Pilot Life Ins. Co. vs. Dedeaux, 481 U.S. 41, the U.S. Supreme Court eviscerated the protections of ERISA, thereby condemning an incalculable number of Americans to sickness, bankruptcy, and death. To a considerable extent, the Pilot Insurance case laid the foundation for all our subsequent health care problems. Not only did the Supreme Court make federal claims against dishonest insurance companies virtually dead in the water, but it also preempted into federal court similar state court claims. Thereafter, health insurance companies were free to deny health insurance without regard to whether the claims were legitimate. When one understands that more Black families were dependent upon healthcare through their employers, one realizes that the Pilot Case disproportionally harmed Blacks who needlessly died in far greater number than Whites. 

The impact of Pilot Life is seen in today’s Covid-19 Pandemic were statistics show that more Blacks are stricken and die of the virus due to their poor underlying health. But for the predatory Supreme Court, Blacks today would not be in such poor health. Johns Hopkins Medicine reports “. . .in Chicago, where African Americans comprise a third of the city’s population, they [Blacks] account for half of those who have tested positive for the coronavirus, and almost three-quarters of COVID-19 deaths,” but Blacks are only 33% of the population. 

The CDC’s current data is similar. “Thirty-three percent of hospitalized [Covid-19] patients were black compared to 18% in the community. In New York City, identified death rates among Black/African American persons (92.3 deaths per 100,000 population) and Hispanic/Latino persons (74.3) that were substantially higher than that of white (45.2).” 

The predatory Pilot Insurance decision attacked Blacks and other minorities more than whites. With increased ill health and death comes increased poverty. Judicial racism acts as a one-two knockout punch for much of Black America. The reality, which America must acknowledge, is that the U.S. Supreme Court knew it was also condemning tens of millions of white Americans to sickness, bankruptcy, and premature deaths. 

Examples of Judicial Predatory Racism Are Endless 

This article could exhaust its word limit if it simply listed the names of the various state and federal court predatory decisions. Remember the 2013 U.S. Supreme Court’s case of Shelby County Alabama vs Holder (570 U.S. 529) that declared voter discrimination was no longer a problem? The purpose of this decision was the suppression of Black voters. What many whites fail to realize is that suppression of Black voters generally means life gets harder for poor whites as well. Whites forget that just because a predatory court may be more anti-Black, that does not mean whites are not also harmed. 

Judicial Bigotry Murdered George Floyd 

In a sociological sense, police officer Derek Chauvin was merely the instrumentality of a predatory, racist judiciary. A fish rots from the head down, and in the criminal justice system, the head is not the prosecutor, nor is it the governor, but the state’s supreme court. Everyone in the system knows his or her role. That’s why it took four days to arrest and then under-charge Derek Chauvin. Does any sane person believe that if Officer Chauvin had thrown U.S. Chief Justice John Roberts into the gutter and kneeled on John Roberts’ neck until he was dead, it would have taken four days to arrest Chauvin and that his accomplices would still be free? 

As the matter now stands, despite international outrage, Minnesota has only charged Chauvin with third degree murder and manslaughter. Would John Roberts’ murder have resulted in an autopsy which pretended that his pre-existing medical condition was a cause of his death? The lock-step way the Minnesota authorities moved to protect Officer Chauvin reveals that its judicial system is a predatory, racist institution like the U.S. Supreme Court and like the judiciary of other states like California. 

Judicial Immunity is a Key Element of the Predatory Courts 

To guarantee that the courts consistently behave in such a despicable manner, judges are given immunity. Lack of accountability is every predator’s dream. In California, the judges have the extra protection of the corrupt Commission of Judicial Performance, whose motto seems to be “see no evil,” and the State Bar whose function is to persecute attorneys who complain about judicial abuse. 

As previously explained, California Supreme Court supports the interpretation that Article VI section 10 of its constitution grants judges the right to use their personal bigotry to run their courtrooms. The judges’ power extends to barring Jews and other minorities and altering evidence offered by Jews as Judge John Torribio did. If Judge Torribio and Justice Paul Turner made an error, it was in divulging the true racist nature of the California judiciary. 

Normally, when an official is caught, they issue a non-apology apology, e.g. “I am sorry if anyone was offended.” But Judge Torribio never denied his conduct but instead along with appellate justice Paul Turner asserted Cal Const. Art. VI sec 10. The state bar then instituted disciplinary proceedings against the Jewish attorney – me. This is SOP which we see when cops beat someone senseless and then charge their victim with assault on the police. Like the two attorneys who sacrificed their legal careers to oppose Judge Rymer, State Bar Judge Donald Miles abated the State Bar proceedings so that I could obtain a regular court ruling. (Then Judge Miles promptly retired.) 

District Court Judge Gutierrez denied me any hearing and when appealed to the appellate court, we got a lesson in judicial lying. Knowing that I was being brought up on charges by the state bar in order to enforce Judge Torribio’s anti-Jewish bigotry, Circuit Court Tashima, Bybee, and Watford wrote “prospective declaratory and injunctive relief claims were lacking “requisite enforcement connection” to state officers barred by Eleventh Amendment.” What do these judges think the State Bar of California is? California thinks it is a state agency, and they all know it is enforcing the state’s policy to use anti-Jewish bias against a troublemaker Jew who “would refuse Jesus Christ.”  

What Will Stop Systemic Predatory Racism 

If Chief Justice John Roberts, California Chief Justice Tani Gorre Cantil-Sakauye, and the Minnesota Chief Justice all resigned to apologize for their predatory racism, that might gain the attention and prestige required to restore truth and justice to the American way.


(Richard Lee Abrams is a Los Angeles attorney and a CityWatch contributor. He can be reached at: [email protected]. Abrams’ views are his own and do not necessarily reflect the views of CityWatch.) Edited for CityWatch by Linda Abrams.