Thu, Mar

The Murder of Jews in Pittsburgh: Will it Change State-Sponsored Anti-Semitism in California’s Courts?


CORRUPTION WATCH-The mass murder of Jews in Pittsburgh did not spring from the mind of one mentally ill person but arose from millennia of anti-Semitic behavior of both individuals and governments.

Americans delude themselves if they think state-sponsored anti-Semitism does not exist right here in California. 

California has a policy that judges have a state constitutional right to bar Jews from hearings and alter evidence offered by Jews. According to the CA Supreme Court, the state constitution’s article VI § 10 gives judges and justices the right to rule against Jews and others who “refuse Jesus Christ.” Initially, it appeared that this anti-Semitism was the product of one bigoted attorney who interjected anti-Semitism into a court hearing, but as matters progressed, it seems that the State of California now has a policy allowing judges to use their own personal prejudices to determine the outcome of cases. 

No Reprimand for Anti-Semitism 

When the matter came before the California Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye, she endorsed the bigotry and affirmed that Article VI § 10 gives judges the right to use their religious intolerance to exclude Jews from hearings and to alter evidence offered by Jews. (Calif. Supreme Ct #S227630, 8-12-2016.) The California Chief Justice had not a single word about an attorney who brought ethnic bigotry into a hearing or about a judge who then excluded that Jewish attorney and altered the evidence offered by the Jewish attorney. (Nor did she comment on the fact that Justice Turner then threatened another Jewish attorney into resigning from representing his client so that Justice Turner’s friend could be imposed upon the client against its wishes.) The Chief Justice simply gave her stamp of approval, as did The California Commission on Judicial Performance and the California State Bar.  This bigoted policy is not limited to one court decision but has become the policy of more than one state agency. 

Group Rights Are the Cause of Our Present National Ills 

The fact that the State of California has an official anti-Semitic policy which the Chief Justice supports is not lost on the Right-Wing elements in our society. The fact that even liberal politicians kowtow to such bigotry highlights the depth of the racism. The term “racism” should be used because the policies are not limited to Jews.  Looking at the number of Blacks and Hispanics railroaded into prison, the relatively few number of Jews like Richard I. Fine and Richard Lee Abrams who are penalized seems almost trivial. (Yes, yours truly is the Jewish attorney who “refuses Jesus Christ.”) 

Let’s Look at the Stretch the Court Made to Be Bigoted 

The last sentence of California Constitution Article VI, Section 10 states: 

“The court may make any comment on the evidence and the testimony and credibility of any witness as in its opinion is necessary for the proper determination of the cause.”  

Of course, the courts had to take the sentence out of context to justify its policy to allow judges to use their ethnic, religious, and racial bigotry to alter evidence and to exclude parties and attorneys from hearings. Apparently, for the Chief Justice “comment on evidence” includes altering evidence and secret ex parte communications from which Jews and other undesirables may be excluded. Let’s be clear, Judge Torribio had ample opportunity to reject religious and ethnic bigotry or at least to make some lame excuse, but he has affirmed all the events and defended them as his prerogative. 

The Evil of Group Rights 

Group Rights is a pernicious evil denies the Declaration of Independence’s founding principle affirming the individual’s inalienable right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. We find Group Rights everywhere. The GOP and the Dems support it. Our entire society is beginning to endorse the concept that the rights of their group supersedes everything else. 

We hear the claim that all Whites are bad because of White Entitlement (Privilege). This theory holds that no matter what a White person may have or have not done, he or she is responsible for the adverse position of Blacks in American society by virtue of the fact of being given privileges denied to Blacks based on their skin color. While White racism dates to the origins of Western civilization, Europeans were the ones who wrote the Declaration of Independence which intentionally laid out the notion of ending racism by basing government on the inalienable rights of individuals. White racism was a diminishing influence in our political life until the Left Wing started ginning up its Identity Politics encouraging subgroups to clump themselves together to demand their rights as an aggrieved group, not as individual human beings with inalienable rights. The Left did not care that in Lawrence v Texas (2003) Justice Anthony Kennedy firmly rejected Group Rights, e.g. Equality, as the basis for Gay Rights, but instead based Gay Rights on the inalienable individual right of Liberty. 

Group Rights marching under the Equality banner revived and gave legitimacy to White racism. The reasoning was simple, “If Blacks can be anti-White, why can’t Whites be anti-Black?”   

Group Rights’ evil is that it legitimizes bigotry and discrimination. While the California policy enabling judges to discriminate against Jews and others who “refuse Jesus Christ” may be more blatant than one would anticipate, the reality is that politicians are people – often people with fewer scruples than the average citizen. If they can use Group Rights to enhance their power, they will do it. 

No sooner had Trump condemned the mass murder of Jews than he was attacking Jews, using the anti-Jewish code expression, “the media.” Then he echoed the anti-Semitic meme that what happened in Pittsburgh was the Jews’ own fault. Apparently, Trump believes that all Jewish facilities should have armed guards 24/7/365. If we don’t, well, whatever happens is our own fault. That’s a meme I have not heard since I was a child: 6 million Jews died because we didn’t fight hard enough against the genocidal Nazis. 

Let’s be clear about one thing. The mass murder of Jews will not deter a single bigot -- in Pittsburgh, in Washington D.C. or in Sacramento. 

(Richard Lee Abrams is a Los Angeles attorney and a CityWatch contributor. He can be reached at: [email protected]. Abrams’ views are his own and do not necessarily reflect the views of CityWatch.) Edited for CityWatch by Linda Abrams.