Wed, Mar

How I Spent My Summer and a Few Thoughts for the Fall


RANTZ & RAVEZ-This summer some of my motorcycle friends and I rode our Harleys and BMWs nearly 5,000 miles during the months of July and August to destination points starting in the west in California and traveling east to Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Wyoming and finally, the Grand Daddy of them all, Sturgis, South Dakota.

What a thrill it was to take to the open road where the speed limit is 80 mph for all vehicles including those huge 18 plus wheeler commercial tractors that pull or carry up to three trailers. 

It was amazing how cooperative and courteous drivers were along the thousands of miles we rode from town to town and state to state exploring and learning about the Wild West. There was the stretch along Route 66 where we stopped to check out many exciting sights from days long gone. And we captured many special moments with lots of photos of the most interesting sites. (See above) 

If you have an interest in historical sights (and sites!) taking photos is a great way to remember the special times as you travel along the open interstate highways of America. 

Do you remember when the housing market in America collapsed, loans folded, and many people lost their homes? Just wait and see what can happen if the voters of California vote for Rent Control throughout the State. 

You will soon see the Costa-Hawkins repeal measure on the ballot (Prop 10 - The Affordable Housing Act.) It calls for stricter statewide Rent Control. While it may sound reasonable to reduce and control the high rents covered by the measure, many apartments are owned by people who use the rent they charge tenants to pay their mortgage and the many bills associated with the building such as property taxes and maintenance. If the margin of the rent money collected is reduced, there could be many units put up for sale when owners are unable to keep up with expenses. Will we end up with more homeless due to the lack of housing? Just something to think about when you vote on the Costa-Hawkins measure. 

As the politicians and so-called experts consider options to address the growing homeless population, we see that population continue to expand throughout our communities. From the commercial and business areas to the residential communities, homeless individuals and families are everywhere -- in cars and motorhomes, on bus benches and in tents.  

Like many of you, I remain concerned about the homeless population in our city. Taxes have already been increased to address the matter with little if any improvement so far -- even though many ideas have been floated by our so-called experts. Since not much has happened yet to really address the matter I have a word of caution. Before you vote for additional taxes to solve this problem, think about the promises that have been made and the sad results we still see all around us.  

Invasion of electric people movers 

Like items dropped from the sky overnight, electric people movers in the form of electric skateboards (e-scooters) have invaded the westside of town. They are everywhere, forcing pedestrians to watch where they are walking. There is an uproar coming from many residents and business owners. While the fad has not invaded the San Fernando Valley at this time, I am sure it will happen soon unless rules and protections for the public are established by City Hall officials. A word of warning: I tried to ride one when I was in West Los Angeles. It can be dangerous without a helmet or other device to protect your brain. Most people who ride a bicycle wear a helmet, yet people operating these devices do so without any form of head protection. In due time, someone will fall, hit the sidewalk and the consequences will surely be an eye opener for all of us. 

City Hall needs to wake up and address this matter before someone is injured.    

That’s it for this edition of RantZ and RaveZ. 

(Dennis P. Zine is a former and retired LAPD Supervisor, former and retired 12-year Los Angeles City Councilman and current General Manager at Bell Canyon in Ventura County.) Edited for CityWatch by Linda Abrams.