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Health Insurance Plans: Here's 6 Benefits You Need to Know


YOUR HEALTH - The Covid-19 pandemic brought the pressing need for health insurance coverage into sharp focus.

Yet today, over 40 core Indians, or 30% of the Indian population, do not have any health insurance plan. 

Having said that, health insurance is an important financial and health security tool that you must invest in as it acts as a safety cushion, buffering you against medical debt, and offers access to treatments that might otherwise be unaffordable. Therefore, if you are among the 30% uninsured Indians or looking for more comprehensive coverage, the time is right for purchasing health insurance. 

However, before moving ahead, first, you should know what to look for when choosing a policy. Here is an explication of what the health insurance plans can offer.

Affordable and convenient premium payments 

Due to the concern over paying exorbitant insurance premiums, many people put off the idea of getting health insurance.   After the pandemic, insurance providers now offer plans at affordable premium with more features and benefits. The simple monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, and annual installment payment system provides you with the advantage of affordable coverage while protecting you from financial worries.  You can get extensive health insurance without paying the whole premium amount all at once. 

Comprehensive coverage 

The health insurance plans provide comprehensive coverage with cashless hospitalization, pre-and post-hospitalization coverage, health check-ups, dental and eye check-ups, day-care procedures, and much more. It is crucial to understand that while comprehensive plans have a higher sum insured, they also offer more benefits than other plans. It is better to invest in a comprehensive plan as the premium for these plans are affordable.    

Added benefits 

To encourage good health and wellness, the health insurance plans offer a range of added benefits such as wellness benefits, No Claim Bonus, etc. Insurers like Care Health Insurance offers benefits like ambulance cover, organ donor cover, alternative treatment coverage, and automatic  recharge of Sum Insured that reinstates the sum insured amount if you exhaust your health coverage during the year. 

Pre-existing diseases coverage 

Pre-existing diseases are often covered after a waiting period of certain years. But why should you spend your hard-earned money when you have health insurance? Generally, the health insurance plans will offer quicker coverage without a long waiting period for pre-existing diseases to benefit the policyholder.  

Co-payments and sub-limits 

You must read the terms and conditions of any health policy before purchasing, or you may miss important details such as co-payments and sub-limits. You have to pay a certain percentage of the hospital bill out of pocket with co-payments. While on the other hand, sub-limits are caps on the reimbursement of room rent and other procedures. These are ways to lower the premium. When researching the health insurance plans, check these details as you don't want to get surprised later on.  

Claim settlement ratio 

This ratio is used to gauge the percentage of claims settled by an insurer during the financial year against the number of claims made by their customers plus any pending claims from the previous year.   A health claim settlement ratio of more than 80% is typically seen as favorable. 

Summing up 

Many Indians purchase insufficient health insurance solely for its tax-saving benefits. However, comprehensive health insurance offers financial security when healthcare costs and the incidence of lifestyle diseases are multiplying.  There is no better time than the present to purchase complete health coverage, so you should exercise wisdom and make an informed decision among the health insurance options. So, now that you are already on the lookout for a plan, a good start would be to visit Care Health Insurance's official website and get more details.





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